
Zachary's Stand

"Did you make it all the way here running?" Emily asked as soon as Zachary settled in a seat opposite hers at a corner table within Café le Frère. "Why do you look so out of breath?"

Zachary just smiled at her without bothering to reply. He'd run from the Trondheim Torg parking lot to avoid being late for the appointment with Emily, but he was sure as hell not going to mention that to her. He didn't want to go into further explanations of what exactly had delayed his arrival.

On seeing him remain silent, Emily just shook her head. "In any case, that doesn't matter," she said, smiling. "I've already ordered the food. But for now, we can go ahead and discuss the business at hand as we wait. Is that okay with you? Or should we wait for the food and first eat?"

"Let's get straight to business," Zachary was quick to reply. "I'm eager to hear what the Red Bull representatives had to say."
