

Not only Ruthren but his imperial army was confused as well, seeing only ethereal beasts charging out of the formation. The strength of the ethereal beasts was as low as Spirit Ethereal Realm, but the highest was at the Middle Level of the Heaven Ethereal Realm.

They weren't intimidated seeing dozens of them charging out since it would be quite easy to take them all down without much effort. It was just that they didn't understand why somebody would send ethereal beasts out like this.

In fact, they had already started channeling their ethereal energy to kill them all.

But Ruthren, even though he was first confused, noticed the strange appearances of all these ethereal beasts. Their eyes were jet black, and they had a strange symbol on their foreheads.

It didn't take much to make him realize that something was off, and then he suddenly put two and two together as he shouted out an order, "DON'T ATTACK THEM!"
