

The next days I spent in the capital of Wessex were very boring. Ecbert took more time to decide on our alliance ... he acted like a woman trying to get ready for a party, I spent hours trying to convince him, but eventually stopped after a while. I didn't want to be desperate in his eyes.

Less than a week later, Ecbert invited me to hunt, it was the first time since my arrival that I had seen his son Aethelwulf and Princess Judith... as soon as she saw me, she got scared, but she also kept calm. She didn't make a scene, she didn't cry, she didn't scream ... Apart from her initial fear, she didn't show any emotions ... just like her mother when I slept with her.

After a few kilometers of horseback riding, we reached the forest north of the city. I approached Ecbert.

- What do you think we're going to hunt today? (King Ecbert)

I looked at him ... we're in England at the end of the 8th century ... What can we hunt here? Probably a Lion or a Tiger.

- You don't have a lot of game to choose from in these forests ... another option is you want to hunt me, but you don't have enough people. Another possibility is hunting the Princess ... unlucky family the father was killed, the brother died hunting, only the mother died in bed. (Ulf)

- You have a very strange mind, do you think I would kill a child? (King Ecbert)

- As long as it is necessary to achieve your goals. You're not going to spare your life for King Offa's child and family, are you? He spared your life and now you plan to kill him ... (Ulf)

- How do you know that he spared my life? (King Ecbert)

- I asked people questions and they told me about your father's story. (Ulf)

- So you think he will kill the princess today? (King Ecbert)

- No, sister and brother die hunting ... no one will believe it. I said you could do it, but not that you were a fool. No matter what we hunt ... I'm leaving for Jorvik the day after tomorrow, I can't waste any more time in Wessex. (Ulf)

- I have not yet decided if I agree to these terms ... (King Ecbert)

- I made my point ... alliance or not I'm going back to Jorvik. (Ulf)

The rest of the hunt was passed in silence, no one liked being put against the wall, but I couldn't wait any longer... In the evening I was invited to the bathhouse located in the castle, it was probably a relic from Roman times ...

- I know you are leaving Wessex, but I need a guarantee that you will not form an alliance with King Offa. (King Ecbert)

- You have my word, and it is worth more than gold. (Ulf)

- The same word you gave King Offa that you will not attack his lands again? (King Ecbert)

- What do you expect? You don't believe my word, and that's the only guarantee I can give you. (Ulf)

- Not the only one. You know the history of Rome as I do. You know there was a custom to take sons hostage ... (King Ecbert)

- You want me to leave my son here ... as a hostage ?! You must have drunk too much wine. (Ulf)

- If you were going to be keeping your word, you don't have to worry about anything. Unless you didn't intend to keep our agreement from the beginning? (King Ecbert)

- You do not know what you are saying and how did you come up with such an idea? (Ulf)

- From you ... When we talked about great leaders from the past ... Julius Caesar or Alexander the Great. Julius Caesar was a hostage, as was Philip, Alexander's father. (King Ecbert)

- You understand that if something happens to my son ... do you know what fate awaits Wessex and you? History will remember you not as a great King, but as a fool who destroyed his country. (Ulf)

- Nothing will happen to him, after defeating King Offa, he will be sent back to Jorvik. You have my word. (King Ecbert)

Our discussion continued for a few more hours, but in the end I agreed to leave my son hostage ... very reluctantly, of course. Ecbert agreed to the concession that one of my men would stay to protect my heir.

- Lord, did you summon me? (Tostig)

- Yes, you've been with me since Jarl Haraldson's death ... You know I brought my fake son to Wessex ... and now I have an important task for you. To keep up appearances, you'll stay with Sten to protect him. (Ulf)

- I understand, I will do what I can. (Tostig)

- That's not all, next year Wessex and we will attack the Kingdom of Mercia, you will certainly hear about it ... When Ecbert's troops go to war, you will kill Sten. He must be poisoned. (Ulf)

- Lord? (Tostig)

- Someone will have to be held responsible for his death ... he died in Wessex, he was in the care of King Ecbert. As a father, I must seek justice for my son. If I declare war on an ally, someone may doubt my word in the future, but if I declare war on those guilty of my son's death, everyone will understand. (Ulf)

The next day, after saying goodbye to my son and another warning to King Ecbert, we set off for Jorvik.

- How did you like Winchester? (Ulf)

- The food wasn't bad, but the women ... I had to drink a lot of wine and beer. They valued themselves dearly ... they wanted to pay them with silver. (One-eyed)

- Well, no matter if the wife or the harlot ... you always pay. (Ulf)

- What are you gonna do now? Are we going back to Kattegat? (One-eyed)

- No, now we will save and help a Christian. (Ulf)
