

I explained to him that I am a free man, I pay tax and that according to the law and custom, to whom swearing allegiance depends only on me.

Jarl, to my surprise, turned out to be a reasoned and understanding man, or he knew perfectly well that trying to force someone against his will could turn against him. Unfortunately, his son, did not have the sharpness of his father, when I was leaving he stopped me. I thought he would want to thank me for saving his wife and daughter. Instead, he accused me that his sons died because I found them too late ... where's the logic.

- Your sons have perished at the hand of your enemies. If you want to blame someone, you can blame them, the Gods or yourself ... I at least tried to save them and what did you do?

Without looking back, I left Jarl's house and went to the market to see if someone was selling dogs.

After recent events where Lagerth's life was in danger, buying dogs seemed like a good idea, but first I focused on securing the house in case of another attack. I made a peephole in the door, installed additional locks and made an exit through the floor in case someone set fire to the house, only Lagertha and Mira knew about this last improvement.

The swords, axes, helmets and chain mail that I took from the dead attackers, melted them down and made completely new sets of weapons and armor for my wife and myself.

Having more time now I finally decided to buy dogs, I knew from history that the norsmen used several breeds, but my knowledge of cynology was as great as about Chinese ballet... I had to rely on the first impression the dogs made on me.

Eventually I bought three puppies, the ones that looked the biggest. When I got home the reaction was obvious, women are women no matter what age they live in. Lagertha melted like wax as soon as she saw them ...

The following weeks passed, Jarl's ships set off for another raid. Ragnar, Rollo and the rest, hungry for adventure and wealth, were also part of the crews of these ships, and I stayed at home again doing my own thing.

That evening, when they arrived, Helga told them what had happened in Kattegat, and in the following days everyone visited me one by one, trying to find out more. Probably my adventures aroused their jealousy or ambition, although they returned from the raid, they could not boast of achievements similar to mine. Therefore, almost immediately they agreed to another raiding expedition.

Lagertha lay naked on top of me, I stroked her back, buttocks and kissed her head.

- My dear wife, if you distract me in such a way, I will never finish this order.

- I was just cleaning the floor, it's not my fault you couldn't take your eyes ... and hands away from me.

- And the dress pulled itself up?

- I didn't want to get her dirty...

Lagertha grabbed my dick and smiled flirtatiously.

- ... Ulf, I want a baby with you.

I was hoping to hear something more romantic, let's do it again or I'll suck you. When women understand that men need the right approach ... naked is best.

- We're going to have kids, we just have to try more my dear wife.

Autumn came and the ships returned to Kattegat, but the spoils they had captured and the number of slaves were smaller than in the spring raid. Jarl Harald also died during the fighting and Arne lost his right eye.

(Ragnar/Floki POV)

- Floki think about it, Ulf is wealthy, if we talk to him maybe we will succeed.

- Ragnar, you can't sail the ocean, we'll lose our way, the sea serpents ... Nobody has done it yet. I am a fool, but I am not crazy.

- It does not hurt to ask, even if he refuses, we will not lose anything, and if he agrees and pay for the ship, we can build it in the winter and go raid in the spring on our own ship.

- Ulf's ship.

- We'll pay off Ulf from the loot we get.

- Ragnar, you don't have a ship yet, you don't have loot, and you are already saying what to do with it.

- Floki, everyone must have dreams ... To friends and freedom.

- (giggles) To friends and freedom.

(End POV)

I was sitting outside carving statues of the Gods in wood when Ragnar and Floki arrived. I called Mira to hand us a beer, they both looked like they needed it very much.

- What brings you to me?

- Ulf, we have a business for you. Me and Floki ...

- We? It was your idea ...

- We have a proposal for you. We would like you to build a ship, and we will sail on it for a raid, we will pay off the ship with the spoils.

Floki just sat silent, drank beer, and sometimes glanced at Ragnar.

- I guess your yesterday's beer was too strong ... seriously what do you want?

- Ulf, To build a ship ...

- Ragnar, do you have a crew? The last loot from the east was not big, do you want to pay me back without knowing what you will get on the expedition? You've only been to two raids, someone with so little experience is supposed to command a ship and people?

- We will find the crew, and there will also be experienced Vikings among them, and we want to sail west.

This made me curious, it is hardly possible for Ragnar to meet Sinric already, in the series Ragnar was 31 when it happened, on the other hand he was also Lagerth's husband, so I could change the course of events.

- Then start from the beginning, one by one what you want and what are your plans. If we get a deal, a third of all the spoils will be mine. This is not negotiable.

- A third is a lot.

- It all depends on luck or its lack.
