
-Valentines Day Art Special-

Happy Valentines, Guildmates! Got a special something prepared for you all to thank you for all of the support. A big batch of holiday themed pictures! None of them are too lewd, since I wanted them to be able to be posted here. I was not the main artist on these, my assistant, @AljuneArt was. However these were collabs and I picked out the poses, clothes, did the backgrounds, effects and dialogue myself. And I spent a LOT of time critiquing each piece and helping him learn haha. In a way I did draw a lot of these since I sometimes had to redraw the entire body for him and be like 'no do this', so yeah. Go follow him, and me if you haven't!

Valentines Day is my favorite holiday when it comes to lewd art, so I definitely wanted to do something this year. If you want more art, you should definitely support me on P*treon! More funds = more funds more new art. It would also allow me to have more time to do my own art of the characters, give them proper ref sheets and design more of the characters who need art. Plus it would just really help me continue to grow my career. Been at a standstill lately.




Peri and Cherry







Not Valentines related at all, but I finally got around to designing Fleetfoot. Thought I'd slide that in here.

Support RotGM on P*treon to read 10 chapters in advance and get special bonus lewd chapters! https://bit.ly/37E3qT7

PunishedKomcreators' thoughts