
World 9.4

"Mimi! Good morning!"

Ling Ling ran towards her mother the moment Yuxian reached the end of the stairs. She held the omega's hand towards the living table, "Mimi, let's eat breakfast together!" she exclaimed happily.

Yuxian saw Rui Jun sitting there smiling at him, the male was wearing his white button-down shirt with a dark gray suit on top and a plain blue necktie, a simple one not with bright colors or busy patterns. He must be on his way to the office but chose to wait for his wife to wake up before leaving. "Good morning honey," he greeted the male who took the seat across from him. 

Yuxian smiled at him "G-Good morning" he replied, trying to hide the morning blush on his face. "Why is he so handsome in a suit?" he mumbled inside his mind turning his gaze down, he took the glass of milk beside his plate and gulped it. As he put it back on the table, he saw Ling Ling crossed arms with a pouting face, "Why?" Yuxian asked in astonishment.
