
World 4.18

The system continued to play Ishii Homura's past inside Yang's mind.

He saw two bodies sleeping together on one bed, as the sun hit their eyes; they both woke up. Young Homura hopped out of bed to prepare breakfast, while Young Luca went to the bathroom to wash his face.

The two share their breakfast on the round small table, the smile on their faces was pure and full of love, like a couple living together.

After eating together, they helped each other to clean the small hut they own. Young Homura washed the dishes while Young Luca wiped the table.

"What's with this sudden cleaning mission.." 

Yuna entered the door with bags of fruits and other things on her hands, Homura greeted her the moment she laid the things she was carrying on the table "Yuna, you're late.." Homura said

Young Luca just smiled back at the lady. 

Young Yuna pouted "How dare you scold me, it's so hard to escape from the mansion this early in the morning " she crossed her arms "I ditched my morning lesson just to come here, you shameless.." she snorted out

Young Homura picked up one apple from the basket as he took a bite "You are strong, you don't need to train.." he said with his cheeks bulging

Yang smiled the moment he saw Yuna's teenage appearance, she was still holding that intimidating aura for a lady, her hair is shorter in this time; shoulder length.

"Luca.." Young Yuna called out that Young Luca jolted in surprise "Y-Yes?" he uttered

Young Yuna's eyes became sharp "Stop playing around with Homura.." she said bluntly

The atmosphere between the three tightened. Young Homura clenched his fist "Yuna!!" he exclaimed 

Young Yuna didn't hesitate to grab Homura "Let's go, we're going back.." she said, dragging the male to the entrance

Young Homura yanked from her while Young Luca followed them with a worried face "Yuna, I said STOP!!" Homura exclaimed with his impatient eyes

A slap landed on his face that made him stunned and quiet for a second "Stop putting your lives in danger!!" she screamed, closed fist

Young Luca tried to calm down the situation. Yuna wasn't angry at them at all, in fact she was worried for them. Homura pushed her away and told her to stop visiting them, but Young Luca managed to fix the bond between their friendship. As they head inside, Young Yuna explains everything. 

"Your father, the Vampire King, wants to cut off the ties between our kingdoms..." she said, eyes on Luca

Then she glanced at Homura "While your father said that he will state a war, hunt Luca down and kill him.." Young Yuna added

While Young Luca sprang up from his seat "It's not true! Father can't do that!" he said with heavy breathing.

"We need to calm down first.." Homura suggested 

Luca and Homura had been running away for almost a month. No wonder that both of the kingdoms are panicking about their disappearance. The day of the judgement is getting nearer and nearer, and if they don't resolve the curse of destruction; a catastrophe will emerge. 

"Let's confront them!" Young Homura suggested slamming his palm on the table.

The three thought of a plan, Yuna will guide them back. They prepared everything for their plan. Young Luca was quite happy because they are now going to announce their genuine emotions towards the whole kingdom and their people.

It was a happy thought not until an explosion near them happened. The trees flew away in their pathway. It stunned the three and frightened at the same time. They were about to hide when they heard a familiar voice.

"So this is where you're hiding from me!" his raging voice struck their souls out 

The soldiers from the Ishii Mansion gathered around them by Ishii Dosei's orders. They all pointed their swords at Young Luca. Young Homura's face turned pale one, worried for his lover.

"Father!!" he opposed, but his father already ordered the guards to pull him away. 

"No!" He yelled when one of the soldiers grabbed his arms, Young Luca pulled him back but the soldiers were too strong, it ended up throwing Homura on the ground.

Young Luca was about to approach to help him stand up, but was stopped by another soldier. He froze to his stance, trying to hold himself back from the swords pointing at him.

"Father! Please stop!! Luca did nothing!" Homura pleaded, but it seems like Dosei has a stone heart. 

Three guards haul along young Homura in front of his father, then Ishii Dosei throws his sword "Kill that demon in front of me!" he ordered Homura

Dosei's orders stunned both young Yuna and Luca, they were all speechless. 

Young Homura gritted his teeth "Father!!! You know I will never do that!!" he yelled.

Ishii Dosei didn't hesitate to give his son a slap on the face, "How impertinent!! Your reasons are not acceptable by the law of Ishii Cla---"

"I LOVE HIM!!!!" 

Ishii Dosei was shocked from what his son answered. His anger boiled even more. His eyes almost bawled out from so much tension. "Homura!!!" he yelled 

"I, As the First progenitor of the Ishii Clan..ordering you to kill Luca Shirohana with all your power!" Dosei ordered

"No, the royal command, no one can't contend it..whom will defy it will receive punishment" Yuna whispered under her breath

Homura was frozen, not even moving a muscle. His father really used the royal command just to kill Luca. His heart pondered in anger while wrath ate his emotions, he stood up.

"Punish me as long as you want!!! I will never kill him!!" Homura wanted to just run away with Luca but the heavy emotion inside him were taking all of his strength.

Ishii Dosei furrowed his eyebrows after clicking his tongue, "Bring me my whip!" he ordered and then one of his servants brought him the finest and thick whip made of straw. 

"I, Ishii Dosei.." he paused "Will punish you with 500 hits.." Dosei needed to do it, it was a royal command and he couldn't believe that his son would choose Luca than him as his father.

100 hits landed on Homura's back in a minute. He can describe it as painful and continuously. He was biting his lower lip to resist the pain and soreness.

Yuna tried to stop Ishii Dosei, but he just ordered his guards to shut the woman up.

"Arghh!!" Homura whined for the last time, it was the 300th time and his skin was already bleeding everywhere. He couldn't take 500 hits. Dosei knew that, and yet he still continued. 

Luca was so shocked that he didn't notice his crying eyes. He fell on the ground with his trembling system, he lowered his head "E-Enough.. p-please.." he uttered 

"Is this what you want!! You demons!!" Ishii Dosei yelled with his raging eyes straight to Luca as he landed another whip to Homura's body. 

"NO!!! YOU ARE THINKING THE WRONG WAY!! I DON'T WANT HIM TO SUFFER!!!" Luca cried between anger and sorrow, his heart shattering to pieces.

While Homura couldn't open his lips anymore from pain, Luca dashed towards Ishii Dosei and bowed his head, almost kissing the ground "I-I'm begging you, p-please don't do t-this to him.." his voice cracked between his breaths

Ishii Dosei gave him a kick that caused him to groan. "Don't hurt him, I will take the punishment..Take my life instead.." he pleaded once more

A smile stretches Dosei's face "Very Well.." he didn't hesitate to draw his sword "You are going to give your life to heavens and lift the last curse.." then without a second word, he swings his weapon stabbing a body.


"HOMURA!!!!!" Yuna screamed, she saw how Homura's little body embraced Luca before the sword landed on him.

Homura's body fell on Luca's embrace, holding him so tight "H-Homura..W-W-WHY..?" he couldn't stop shaking, seeing Homura's half dead body.

Luca's heart filled with wrath, it fixated his widened eyes on the male he loved so much, his nerves jolted inside his system, delivering him a raging feeling of so much anger. His eyes became cold like a stone. 

The sky suddenly darkened, a lightning bolt drew in the sky. The surroundings became foggy and heavy, while the soldiers trembled in fear.

"The catastrophe!!!"

"Could it be?!"

Luca stood up, carrying Homura in arms. His eyes became sharp and stone-cold. His crimson eyes flickered, and within a second. Lighting showered down the area. Fire spread everywhere, 

"YOU!! HEARTLESS PEOPLE DESERVE TO DIE!!!!!" he screamed like he was commanding every lightning bolt.

The formerly peaceful forest has become terrifying, the sky cries out its anger by Luca's power and command. Luca is going to kill everyone, he will never spare a life. That's when Homura gained a little consciousness. He saw Luca's wrath. 

"Luca..p-please..s-s-stop.." he uttered under his restless eyes

Luca jolted back and quickly lay the male carefully on the ground. Life came back to his stone cold eyes. "Homura.." he spoke, caressing his cheeks 

Hope filled his heart once more, Luca cried. Seeing Homura's sweet smile back. "I'm so-sorry.." he uttered 

Fragile Homura lifted his palm and pinched Luca's cheeks "I-It's okay..I-I'm here…" he tried to uttered 

Two bodies embrace each other with the disaster created by their love and hatred.



*sniff sniff*

Such a tragedy..

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