
In your dreams...

When Caleb opened his eyes he found himself sleeping in the empty dark room as the moonlight peeked through the small opening in between the curtains. How long was he asleep? Caleb wondered. Taking out his phone he realised it was almost 2 o'clock. 

Staying up till late night was kind of his thing, and after the nap he had he wasn't sure he could fall asleep again. That's when he recalled that Ashton didn't contact him at all since he landed. Gazing at the clock once more he thought that maybe it was not an appropriate time to link Ashton as he usually sleeps at this hour. Not to mention he didn't catch a good night's sleep last night.

He still decided to see if he can link him or not. Turns out he can, and he could see what he was dreaming. They changed faster than he could comprehend before things got more clearer. At first Ashton's dreams were abstract. Like a concept with no context. 
