
Chapter 154: Five Star Hotel

"CEO Luan, thank you for the services provided to our homeland," the army colonel said as he stepped down from the helicopter. "If it weren't for you, we wouldn't be able to get there in time and avoid so much fatality."

Luan's name was already known to the entire army. Many had already been warned to treat him with respect, mainly because of the advances in the strength of the Brazilian army. Those who trained using the body technique not only became stronger but also faster and with improved instincts. That in itself was a huge contribution.

Those people who trained with the technique now fought against these monsters and were managing to avoid many fatalities of Brazilian citizens.

"It wasn't just me, you know," Luan said specifically, looking at Ingrid.

"Oh, sure, sure," the colonel said, "Miss Ingrid, thank you very much for your help."

"You're welcome." Ingrid smiled awkwardly.
