
The kidnap

Yan, Chloe, and Koneko ran through the mansion towards where Serafall and Kunou's parents were to warn about what had happened and understand the extremely strange situation, first there was no barrier around the house, with no visible guard or protective charm on the girl, but they let her wander with the guests of a Maou at a difficult time for both Youkai and Devil Factions, "This doesn't smell good", commented Chloe reaching the same conclusion that Yan, after all both could be considered twin brothers or a better one analogy would be kindred spirits, both inherited the powers of the heroic guardian/spirit Archer and part of his soul, Chloe was linked to Sword Birth and later accepted Yan as her master being the first unofficial member of his peerage, their connection already transcends what could be considered normal, sharing thoughts and even feelings.

"Yes, for sure their parents know something, and they used Lia-tan's visit to execute their plan", Yan was worried about Kunou, however the most important thing in his mind was Serafall, the fear of this being a trap for the Youkai forcing devils to carry out a compensation requirement is not zero, in fact, it is a very common case. "Don't worry, Levia-nee is used to situations like this", Chloe comforted the boy with a smile on her face.

Finally, after a while they reached the meeting room, the mansion is huge, and they entered without ceremony, "Kunou was kidnapped", the two announced simultaneously, but the reaction of those present, Kunou's parents, Serafall and some other Youkais, it differed from the expected being summed up in two words, calm and serene, "As expected they made their move", commented a Tengu, his face was similar to a crow.

In the room, everyone was sitting in a seiza forming two side rows with five Youkai on each side with the Kitsune leaders sitting with their backs to a wall with the painting of a huge Golden Fox and Serafall sitting on the opposite side in front of them alone.

"Yes, they moved, so it's clear what course of action we should take, does everyone agree?", Kanon's words showed a slight disgust, but they agreed, Yan noticing that he was still in the doorway and sat on Serafall's right and Chloe followed suit and sat right behind him on his right and Koneko on the left. "Maou Leviathan has anything to say? After all, we used you as bait without asking before ", who spoke was Yasaka who was concerned that this would unnecessarily shake the relationship with the devils.

This was just another working day for Serafall, political conspiracies, power games, traps, lies, kidnappings and murders, after a few hundred years everything seems a little futile, "If you are concerned about the relationship between the factions, so it's unnecessary, the desire for peace is bigger than a trifle, but I must assume that the information about an excess of devils lost in Kyoto was false and was just bait to attract me here correct? ", The atmosphere in the room got a little less heavy when Maou demonstrated his experience and wisdom, receiving positive feedback from Kanon, Yasaka and the rest of Youkai," From your reaction, I conclude that they must know who is to blame and that the girl, your daughter, is safe, so the question is how can we help? ", Simple words that demonstrated his goodwill and his power, a good ambassador who does not let himself be carried away by emotions and must do everything possible to guarantee peace, as he represents his entire faction, with this movement Serafall would improve the relationship between devils and youkai, in addition to adding an achievement to Yan's story.

Each faction has its rotten fruits that do not like how it operates and try to destroy it from the inside or at least destabilize its power and the Youkai did not differ having two sides, the Faction Kitsune that kept Kyoto and Urakyoto as their home, in this and the future generations and sought peace with supernatural beings from all pantheons and cultures and there was the Faction Sensō that is in favor of war and wants back the glory days of the Youkai who ruled Japan before other gods and cultures became popular and took power, leading them to hide in fear of humans and other factions.

"In the past few months my daughter's life is in danger at all times because she is our daughter, more precisely the daughter of the leaders," Yasaka paused briefly before continuing, "Between Urakyoto and Kyoto there is one more barrier that seals a Very powerful Youkai that feeds on negative energies so 'they' want to release you and use their power to regain supremacy in Japan, but for this, it takes the blood of the current recognized leader of the Youkai or one of his descendants to release the seal", added Yasaka.

"One of my subordinates was infiltrating the opposition and discovered the plan before the execution, but we needed proof, now we have!", Tengu exclaimed proudly, his points with the Leader were high, and he wanted to brag, "The bird brain! If you have informants it is normal for them to be among us too, so shut up! ", Who spoke was a gorilla or more precisely a Yuki-onna, when young they all have an effeminate appearance and when they grow older, males turn into gorillas, different of women who grew up normally. (I can't stand to see my yuki-onnas turned into gorillas!)

The head of the Tengu Clan wanted to retort Yukki-onna's words, but he did not have good enough arguments for this and preferred to remain silent, the conversation continued about what actions should be taken, but they had never found out who was the leader of this faction and this limited their actions, although Yukki-onna's words were very welcome, only Kanon and Yasaka knew that there were no traitors among the leaders of the clans present being completely spied on and selected for the council and with that the meeting continued with presenting the chiefs revealing their reports of activities in the territory and possible traitors within each clan, the representatives of the underworld were silent all the time just absorbing and mentally organizing each piece of information, except Koneko who was dozing lightly and Chloe who was looking at Yan's coast.

Looking at Yan's coast, Chloe remembered when she woke up eight or nine years ago inside the Sword Birth that is connected to the yan soul and now merged with Sacred Gear Creator, it was a dark place where nothing was born (ironic, right ?) and every day was the same, she trained all day or listened to Shirou's complaints and reflections, who was also sucked into a voice saying that their wishes would be granted, at first they both thought that the Holy Grall had summoned them, over the years they rejected this idea, until one day they could feel a gap opening and the sight of a boy with black hair and fair skin training and summoning swords appeared.

The gap widened as time went on and with it, the Unlimited Blade Works was being modified, mountains grew, lakes formed and snow fell, leaving Archer surprised, and for the first time, he smiled as if the weight of the world was gone from your coast and your life finally made sense.

Yan's life was monotonous and at best it looked like a low-quality Slice of Life anime, but they watched every day and their favorite event was Serafall's visits making Sona red and Yan acting childish, at least in front So-tan, completely changing while taking Maou's blood. That was the routine until finally, Sona turned ten, and he went through his first battle.

He was smart using his fog to create a clone and beat some opponents without revealing himself or when he destroyed a building to get rid of his opponents, he made Chloe and Shirou proud. Until there was a face-to-face fight with Rise and his Queen that blocked the connection between Gear and him, but both could still watch him and knew instinctively that if they didn't interfere Yan would lose the fight and the chance to become the Queen of Sona, it was at that moment that Chloe thought about releasing the divine energy that was occupying the same place as them and Shirou approved the idea.

When the rift was opened, the knowledge about the death of God, the Sacred Gears, and the multiverse were absorbed into the minds of the two finally understood what happened, the will of the World, Gaia or Alayashiki, after the request for help made by God she gave up one of her guardians, Shirou Emiya, to help another world to be saved from destruction, but an error occurred in sending due to the Class letters and Chloe von Einzbern was sent along because she had part of a Guardian's power.

The moment the seal was opened, the immense amount of divine energy overflowed into the UBW, the breach turned into a portal and Chloe went out to help Yan fight the flaming chicken while Shirou controlled the flow of energy, but something unexpected happened, divine power resonated with his deepest desire and made it come true.

After Yan finished the enchantment, and the Reality Mable was summoned, Chloe ran to Shirou to help control the divine energy, but what she saw was his body falling apart and the world gradually expanding. "Chloe ... Not Illya, those years together were the most peaceful, fun, funny and you are a pain in the ass! But it's good that just for a moment, even though we aren't really brothers, I could have a cute little sister", said, smiling affectionately, giving her a hug and kiss on her forehead, leaving her in tears.

The girl's greatest desire has always been to live normally, have a family, go to school and have friends, but that was taken away from her when her conscience was sealed making it impossible for her to be happy, until one day the seal was undone and a body created, freedom was the first thought that went through the tanned head and the second was revenge, killing the one who had taken her place, but before her plan could be realized she was transported to another world and lived for years with a stranger who gradually discovered she was his adopted brother and today they would say goodbye forever.

"Oni-chan don't leave me! Please! ", She couldn't contain her tears, deep in her heart she always knew it would happen one day, but she couldn't accept it. "Illya, I will always be with you, this world is me, my power that is in you is part of me, the power that the boy is using is also me, as long as any of them exists I will always be there looking at you, so before I go, can you smile at me one last time? ", Shirou had a serene and loving smile directed at his sister.

She rubbed her eyes and looked at him and smiled from the bottom of her heart, "I hate you!", The words coming out of her mouth didn't match the smile on her face, making them both laugh out loud before Shirou disappeared from this world and its regrets for becoming a hero of justice with him. "Baka oni-chan!", Chloe said with regret in her voice and tears streaming from her eyes.

A big explosion made the entire mansion shake, sending Chloe out of her reverie, and for the first time, it was possible to see the fear in the eyes of the two Kitsunes, something very bad had happened. "All ready! My daughter was probably kidnapped! ", Kanon's words made all the Youkai get up and go straight to the explosion site, followed by Serafall and the young devils.

Arriving at the site, only a room completely destroyed and a large crater was what awaited the gifts, girl's clothes, toys, and furniture were scattered on the floor, "Gather everyone, in two days there will be a full moon, and we need to defend the sanctuary, we cannot leave let that madman go free! ", Kanon's expression was fearful, he wanted his daughter back, but as a leader, he should prioritize the survival of his people," What about our daughter? Aren't you going to send pursuers after her? ", Yasaka was in tears inwardly, but maintained her elegance with only a slight concern on her face," I want to save our daughter as much as you do, but right now we can't afford to show weaknesses", was all he answered before returning to the meeting room.

"Lady Leviathan, you could help a desperate mother", Yasaka bowed, she did not blame or hate her husband for choosing her people, as a leader her decision was correct, and she should also lead her people, but as a mother, she could not leave her daughter being kidnapped for doing nothing and Serafall was her last hope.

"No," Serafall's voice echoed in a hopeless mother's mind.

I'm going to sleep, I can't stand to stay awake, good night.


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