
Chapter 84: Why is such an old elf so fit?

The wendigo shaman casually pulled out another served arm from her food storage, the sun elves cast her looks of disgust "Where do you even keep on getting these humans limbs from?" sun elf two asked with a frown plastered on his face.

The shaman ate the flesh and muscles effortless, leaving the bone clean without a single spect. The wendigo shaman grinned her pearly whites at the sun elf "I know a bit of space magic" she replied in a relaxed manner.

The first sun elf trembled from an unseeable force that loomed over him "We are almost at our village" sun elf one spoke in a stern tone. The blue-haired woman shapeshifted into an Egyptian beauty.

Her blue wavy hair swayed from the gentle breeze that passed her, she eyed the two elves that has yet to notice her change in appearance and height. They enter a large open space that has houses made of mud and hay.

The wooden walls glowed eerily 'There must be a mana stone that's powering the walls' the shaman thought with a small smile. Ding!

"Host has activated side quest"

Side quest

Accept the king of sun elves' quest in defeating the monstrous hordes.

Rewards: 2,000 system points, the stone of desire, and ??? rank item

Bonus rewards: Get a card of ??? S rank and mana

'This is almost too good to pass up, I think I'll hear out on what the sun elf king has to say first though' she thought silently. Once they had arrived at the gates many sun elves guarding the entrance raised their bows at her.

"It's Peren and Theren, they have arrived back safely!" one of the on-duty sun elves stated with tears pricking at the corner of their eyes. They glare at the shaman full of hostile intent, the shaman grinned at the sun elves showing off her pearly whites.

One of the sun elves that is escorting her scowled at their brethren "Don't worry she is here to help us" a pang of hunger struck deep within her stomach for a moment 'all of their fear and anxiety is kinda getting to me, how long will I be able to contain myself?' the shaman thought with that same unassuming smile.

The sun elves snorted before opening the gates, inside were even more mud-made houses that looked surprisingly sturdy. Moss covers their roofs, to be honest, it reminds me of that one movie.

Unfortunately, the sun elves were never the type to live in trees, they often prefer to live in open spaces, usually like the desert. One of the sun elves that were escorting me turned their head towards me.

"Where did she go? And who are you?" he asked clearly confused, I grinned from ear to ear "I am Wendigo Shaman Dyllis Smallwood" I replied, he looked even more confused. I sighed well elves are no fun. I change back into my regular form, surprising the sun elves even further.

I swear I saw sun elf number two jaw drop to the forest floor from shock "You're a shapeshifter?" he uttered with a frown. I lazily nodded my head and changed back into my human form.

"Well let's go meet your king, you are wasting my time!" I snapped to remind them that I can waltz away at any given time. The sun elves brought me to a large mud house covered in moss and flowers.

Entering inside I met an old elve that has small wrinkles here and there, they say that elves are timeless well that ain't the full truth for this elf. The sun elf sat on his wooden throne made of intertwined branches that seemed to spout out of the ground. On second thought they could be one of the many trees roots from the surrounding forest.

The sun elve king had fiery orange eyes that burned like thousands of sun that won't ever fade away. His hair shined brighter than any dragon treasure, it looked even purer than gold. A part of his hair is tried into a braid while the rest hanged loosely over her broad shoulders.

His pants looked to be made from some type of huge snake, he had nothing covering his torso. I thought to myself "Well damn son who would've thought that such an old elf would be so fit" I drag my eyes away from his well-toned body afraid of getting caught staring.

The sun elve king aura raided of superiority, I could feel the heavyweight falling onto my shoulders like a huge mountain trying to suppress me from advancing. Despite the pressure, I kept my back straight and held my head up high with a wide grin covering most of my face.

The sun elve king's lips quirk up in amusement, I release my aura and spread it out over the sun elven king aura. Feeling a weight lifted up from my shoulders I stretch a bit to ease my tense muscles.

The sun elven king's eyes widen slightly in surprise by the sudden control of my aura that quickly suppressed his with only slight difficulty. He clapped his hands together "Great you can defeat those monster hordes" He beamed happily, I think I almost went blind.

"Hold your horses, what kind of monster hordes are they?" I asked with a frown and withdrawal my aura to tightly rewrap around my body like a thin layer of a barrier.

"Very well, Lately hordes of oni's have been on a rampage as of lately. Sometimes they are accompanied by ogres and trolls." He explained in a stern tone that dominated the courtroom. As soon as he finished speaking a window popped up.

"Will the host Accept B+ ranked mission (Yes or no?)"

My eyes glittered with excitement before selecting 'yes' I put on a pondering look before answering the sun elf king to make it look like I had been thinking it through. My lips curled up "Sure, but first I need to rest. Let me know when sunset arrives" The sun elven king looked pleased and sent me off to one of their spare house that I can rest in.

Sorry that this took a while, I have been doing some research. I have been looking up different kinds of monsters so I won't repeat myself and of course, I have made a few of my own that I may in the future introduce in the book.

Bao_Karencreators' thoughts