
Chapter 38: The hunt

Dyllis remain in her spot unmoving like a corpse, unknown to her she had a while ago stop breathing. The only thing that kept on moving was her hand grabbing the humanoid jerky and devouring it as she did this constant exp popped up on the surface.

The archer's lips started to curve upwards "Whatever kind of monster it is, it must be at a normal human height at least. Saying that I think it will help if we start searching nearby caves" a look of passion appears on his features.

The fiery redhead looked at the archer with slight shock before his face went back to his normally stoic look. He looked at the others to see if anyone had any comments about the other archer theory, no one else spoke not doubting the archer one bit.

"Elvis, why do you say the caves beside the height of the beast?" Stan couldn't help but ask the blonde-haired archer named Elvis "If I were a humanoid beast with younglings I would have found a large enough cave for me and my children" as he spoke he put the leaf back to where it was originally.

Elvis backed away a bit from where he was crouching "There was another beast similar to what is hunting down humanoids?" Stan asks a bit astonish, Elvis gave a Curt nod in Stan's direction.

"Come stand next to me and you will see what I am talking about" Stan stood right next to Elvis and looked at what appears to be a shoe print, one larger than another that stood a bit backwards from the original pair.

Dyllis eyes landed on where the pair of humans were looking and notice the pair of shoe prints, She remembers about two weeks ago it had been raining heavily that morning before she had come out with her clan member to help with bait.

Luckily for her, Dyllis speed is nothing to scoff at either she can run across the wet greenery without her feet sinking in unless she stayed still in a place too long.

Dyllis thought it was a good call to get her clans mates to hide the other entrances before these people came. The reason why she hadn't attack this party yet was because of the two Cranked adventures in the party.

The rest she wouldn't have a problem with but those two rank C- will surely be caused her to struggle, the chance of defeating them is 50/50. She finished her humanoid jerky and put the bag away for later use 'If they split up it would be a huge advantage for me' she thought hopefully.

One of the mages with blue hair spoke up "should we go all together or split up?" They ask respectfully, Elvis stayed silent for a bit before replying "if the cave is huge we will split up into two groups and meet back up at the entrance" Elvis spoke firmly, Stan curtly nod agreeing with Elvis's plan.

The first C- rank is Stan and The other C- rank is Elvis, They went on the move towards the rocky mountains behind the forest, Dyllis cavern is quite far from the current threat so she relaxed a bit.

The group of adventures enter caverns with torches lit so they could see. Dyllis follow them in and deactivate the dark cloak around her, She would often hide behind large rocks to keep her cover and wait for them to continue forwards.

During these breaks she was letting her mana replenish, Dyllis was quite sure that they had yet to detect her. After following them around for two hours straight they finally split up into two different groups.

She had thought long and hard about who to attack first, by default she wanted to attack the archer C- rank. The warrior guy would be too strong for her endurance to take, she thought it would be fighting the archer since they aren't as strong as a warrior class adventure in close range.

once they had gone deep enough inside the cave Dyllis covered herself in darkness as she quickly tore the hearts out of the D rank adventures, leaving only the archer as she put those hearts in the food storage for later.

The archer named Elvis turned around quickly and fire a shot at Dyllis, Dyllis doge the arrow barely as it grazed past her shoulder. Dyllis approach closer with caution as her enemy is at least 20 levels higher than her.

Elvis clenches his teeth not expecting Dyllis to move so quickly, he put away his bow knowing it would be useless against a fast foe such as Dyllis.

Dyllis langue at Elvis for a quick strike to hopefully kill him in a single hit unfortunately her claws got parred with the dagger that Elvis was holding.

Dyllis didn't stop there she was relentless as she continues her beastly attacks that don't look calculated at all and just look like a beast fighting desperately.

He took advantage of her open attacks slicing her up like fine ham, Dyllis Gotten closer as she resived damage time and time again by Elvis as she relied on her high endurance stat which was currently nuffiling her pain senses.

While he was busy protecting his upper body he failed to notice an incoming attack from down below, a whimper left's his lips as his whole body tense up in pain having the urge to hold his family jewels.

Dyllis saw the opening as she gouge out his eyes making it more difficult for him. Dyllis put the two eyeballs she had perfectly poked out into her mouth swallowing them before she continued with her attacks.

Elvis movement got slowed down so he didn't block the cannibal in time, his empty eye sockets oozed out blood. His body whole with fear as he attacked Dyllis blindly swinging the small blade as pain engulfed where his eyes used to be.

He endured the pain as he tried to calm down his rapidly beating heart as he slowed bleed out, he managed to block most of Dyllis attacks base on sound alone.

Sometimes when Dyllis moved her claws towards Elvis a small sworsh nose could be heard. Elvis dagger stab into Dyllis chest barely missing any important organs.

Dyllis used this opportunity to gouged out his heart making his body go limp as Dyllis started feasting on his carcass while he was still. He tried to scream in pain only to have his vocal cords smash by Dyllis after a few minutes he had finally died.

She ate his body leaving nothing but his bones as exp notication showed up about the exp she got. The dagger slowly was pushed out of her chest as the wound healed up, As she finished snacking she put the rest of the corpses away in her food storage.

letting out a breath of relief she relaxed for a good twenty minutes before leaving the cave to go get some extra help to kill the other adventure.

He wouldn't escape her Quickly, Dyllis was lucky this time the next time she would have more of problem with the warrior C-rank.

Sorry that this took so long

Bao_Karencreators' thoughts