

[Would you like to absorb the !@##!@%$#@@*% to progress your change?]

[WARNING absorption of !@##!@%$#@@*% could affect physical and mental state adversely in current form be advised.]

Hmm . . .

Taking my hand off and putting it on the smooth surface again brought up the image and words through my head once more. I repeated this process several times until I fully understood what I was reading and hearing.

HOLLY SHIT! Are you tell me that this thing counts as a crystal!? Well this saves me a lot of time, although this message is a bit ominous.

I need some time to think about this.


An hour later, I was still debating whether or not to absorb the thing. I mean it could be a huge boost for me. On the other hand the warning was really clear, what if something happens, like for example immediate and excruciating death.

But that outcome is not guaranteed because it says that I can take it into myself. That must mean that there is a variable of success to this. If it is saying that I could be affected mentally and psychically by this then I could become a horribly disfigured monstrosity like a lump of flesh with many limbs sticking out of it or it could just fry my brain until I have no semblance of self anymore.

Man I hate choices. To absorb or not to absorb is the question. I have absorbed crystals before and they only knocked me out for a day or two I think and I just had some bad muscle pain for the time being. If this is successful and I do not die or become disfigured or brain dead then there is the chance I might skip several steps in my leveling up . . . change uh . . . lets just go with evolution. I mean look at this thing, I should at least skip over my next change entirely and move onto the next one.

Its a gamble, I do not have a coin with me to flip or I would go with that, what am I to do?


Alright, I am doing it. The pay outs could be great and what does it matter anyway if I am altered a bit even if it was mentally I could use a few changes up there. Time to change!

[Would you like to absorb the !@##!@%$#@@*% to progress your change?]

[WARNING absorption of !@##!@%$#@@*% could affect physical and mental state adversely in current form be advised.]

Yes . . .

[Are you sure?]

Don't do this to me now. Of course I am sure get this thing over with already.

Suddenly the intense dark color of the obelisk explodes with light, blinding me. I try and close my eyes and look away but nothing helps. The solid sensation I feel in my hand disappears and I am left to stumble forwards. Then nothing.

All sensation, hearing, vision, touch and so on are gone and I am left in that solitary space that I once found myself floating in not very long ago.

Oh no . . . . .


I did it this time, I just had to go with my gut decision. Touch the crystal and gain awesome powers from it with little to no repercussions look at where that has gotten me, floating in the god damn endless void again.

Just like before I broke out of my shell I am once again floating around in endless darkness although this time its a little bit different. Instead of just my body there is a second one. That would be my dinosaur body. Curled up into a sleeping position is my other body now connected to me by a small string that goes into my chest and instead of one heart beat there is two.

So what am I to do now? What am I thinking, there is nothing to do!


Some time later . . .

Hmm could I get closer to my other body? The distance between me and my other body is not that far away I could try to get over to it. Paddling my arms in the air like if I were swimming did nothing. Kicking my feet or blowing nonexistent air out of my mouth did not help.

Think how could I get over there. Wait a sec . . . looking down again I focused my attention on the string coming out of my chest. Now why did I not think of that earlier it would have saved me so much time. Putting my hands on the string that came out of my chest I gave a tug, the line went taught and I slowly drifted over to my body.

It seemed like a long time before I made contact with my body but once I did I had some semblance of feeling come back to me. I could touch this, uh me, hmm this is weird. Huh now I can say that I have had a real life out of body experience. Unless the first time this happened to me counts.

I feel weird, the texture of my skin that is. It feels like I am touching hard leather with snake scales on it. My appearance is still the same but now that I have a look from an outside perspective I look cool as hell. The teeth poke out the side of my mouth a little and I seem to have little hard triangular bumps that go down my back to my tail. I even have a little tufted of fur on the of it. I never noticed that before. No wonder those people and animals were scared of me I would be shitting bricks if I stood face to face with this.

Climbing around my body I find another string but this one is much thicker akin to a rope. It leads somewhere into the distant void.

I wonder what that is connected to?

AN: Hello, I considered releasing this unfinished with only the first sentence done on April fools day but I reconsidered. Anyway another chapter, another day I think I have a good grasp on how I am going to do chapters form now on. One or two a month is how I feel like I can do. If I am able to get out more than that then fantastic. But if not oh well. I have seen some more people add this to their collections and I am happy to see it thanks for reading and I will see you in the next chapter.
