
Chapter 3

Frakk me this has been an exhausting few days! Most people on ship are surviving on naps alone, none able to really get any good down time as there were constant incursions aimed at both my fleet as well as the shipyards though thankfully my casualties have been minimum so far though I can't say the same for the rest of the colonies or the fleet.

Sagittaron got hammered somewhat by nukes and they tried to wipe Libris from the Star system it seems. Though my fleet stopped anything occurring in the latter due to proximity, the ships guarding Sagittaron were less successful so the planet actually got nuked. I eventually ended up pressing several freighters into service to act as human transport ships with a flotilla of Raptors with orders to bring only women and children up unless the individual has special skills. No other exceptions allowed.

I heard of other worlds getting nuked but I'm not really surprised considering how widespread the fighting is. Though supposedly we're giving as good as we receive, I'm hoping that is something to do with Six and whoever allied with her. I don't really know how she would go about gaining control of Basestars or the resurrection ships, well she resurrected on that ship so that's obvious but still. I'm hoping the centurions side with us if she managed to free them. That would be useful.

Eventually Kiera made her way back to my Quarters which got moved to the Admirals deck, which is basically just a suite of rooms attached to my sleeping quarters such as a office, bathroom and such.

"Hello Admiral!" She looked excited for some reason. That's good I think. "Someone looks happy, I hope that means good news?"

"Yes Alex, I'm sure you noticed that the war hasn't been as brutal as it could have been…?" I just nodded and she continued. "That would be because Bekah managed to take the Hub, the Resurrection ships and the Colony! During our virtual meeting it was decided that all of our model as well as most of the Eights would suicide and resurrect to be able to move faster in taking the most important and key ships. I am the last model six currently in the colonies." She said almost amused.

"It was a massively unanimous vote that we would take this course of action and aside from a few sleepers, the number eights also quickly joined us, in essence removing any ships we or they have control of or could easily get control of from the war effort. Of course we both killed every other model in their and our areas before suiciding allowing Bekah or one of the other Six's and eights to box them upon arrival to either the Hub or one of the resurrection ships.

It was decided that the other models were too manipulative or had inherent major flaws and that their lines would be boxed permanently. (It's actually true, other than the 6s and 8s, the rest are mostly assholes. The 6s can be looked at similarly sometimes probably but they are mine so it doesn't matter really.) The Eights that are onboard your ship would also like to meet you, to get to know you." She looked uncertain about that last part.

"I don't mind meeting them and working together. If we want to figure this out and survive long term, we all need to work closely together." I admit I'm amused by her slightly resigned look. Maybe they want to look closer than she is comfortable with? The thought of a model Eight wearing nothing but a towel slowly trails through my mind and my pants get uncomfortably tight. Damn a guy can hope.

She just sighed "very well then." She almost pouted.

"Do you know how the Centurions are responding to being free?" I'm really curious about that one, those guys would be hella useful if they are on your side and actually intelligent.

"Yes, the freed centurions are working with us to secure as many Basestars as possible before it becomes common knowledge that we have defected and have taken the Hubs/Resurrection ships. We already, between the Six's and Eights, control the majority of the Cylon fleet, probably as much as 2/3rds of it at last count. The plan was quick and effective, especially with the centurions helping us and not needing one of us to hold their hands basically. I don't know what One was thinking enslaving them." She almost snarled at the end there.

"Do you all also know that he killed off the seventh model as well or not?" I asked her and she simply froze at that. "What…?"

"From what I could see or understand he was jealous of seven, I don't really know much more than that I'm sorry to say." She just looks slightly horrified and sad at the same time. I guess she didn't know. Hell I don't even know if she knew who seven was.

"I see. I'm going to enjoy killing One." She deadpanned seriously.

And with what amounts for business taken care of we move on to better pursuits, mainly fucking like rabbits. I think her and Rebekah may have been in competition or something because what we did in that room made anything I did with her sister seem tame. We literally fucked so hard that my member was sore afterwards but I wouldn't complain when she is literally unconscious in my bed after going for 5 or 6 rounds. I suppose it could have to do with this one being my favorite version of the Six type model. Nearly platinum blonde, leggy, big and perky tits. What else is really needed? Though I can admit variety is the spice of life even when it comes to beautiful women.

I have no clue if this is accurate or not but In this story the human Cylons will be able to communicate with their own models in a virtual world.

It makes sense that that is how they vote on decisions at least in my mind. And we know they have some kind of technology ability or Caprica Six’s back wouldn’t have glowed just before the invasion.

As for numbers of ships, I think it said colonies had 120BS I’m saying the Cylons have 150BS including older ones. 1 Hub and 8 Resurrection ships.

Westley86creators' thoughts