
Chapter Ninety-nine (99)

Several seconds later, I had the hard copy of the file that was sent to me in my hands and a man in a white suit could be seen standing in front of me. All this commotion wasn't really required since it wasn't a must that James meets the agents considering that their standing was way apart but Elysium was a nation that basically every other nation was extremely wary of and SHIELD was what i would call the spy for the people since any information, they get can be relayed back to the United Nations… well at least some of the information they gain is.

"Do i really have to meet him, I just came back from wiping out an entire base" James complained and for some reason, i felt like hitting him on the head

"Yes, and also it was you who choose to go through the long route, you could have simply snapped your hands from here and the Red Skull is dead or you could have simply disintegrated their facility from a distance and return"

"But i had to make sure that the skull was truly dead, that guy is a cockroach that always survives somehow"

"Okay enough of that, let's go"

"Okay…. I'm sorry i left"

"And what makes you think my anger would subside just because you said sorry, James as powerful as you are, your body can still be penetrated by a bullet, do you have any idea just how worried you made me"

"But in my defense, i can make myself invulnerable with just a thought"

"How will you defend yourself against a sniper you didn't expect, the speed of thought is fast but you can also get distracted…"

"That's what Paris is here for, to warn me of those impossible to notice attackers"

"What if Paris isn't around to warn you"

"Well, that is impossible, Paris is a mother box, she will be able to inform me of any attacks no matter which dimension, space or situation i am in"

"You said it yourself, in this universe, there is nothing impossible, you could have been shot or you could..." I shouted as I let all my frustrations out on him only to be cut off by a sudden hug.

"Hmph" he chuckled as he held my head to his chest

"Leave it to you to make me realize my blunders…. i am sorry for making you worry about me" He apologized as he pats my head and almost immediately i could feel my anger leaving, why is this happening

"You're lucky, you're you" I said then quickly turned back and marched off

None of this should be happening, why did i feel so comfortable in his arms, that shouldn't be. Yes, I am incredibly familiar with James considering that I lived with him for five full years but this doesn't explain what is happening. Trying my best to push this awkward situation out of my mind, I forced myself to focus on the task ahead. James was still following me though with a carefree smile on his face.

"We're here" I said then stood aside as James entered and I followed behind after all he was still the king.

Looking at James as he immediately switched from the carefree man I knew into a king; I couldn't help but smile. I have stayed with this guy for five years, we basically grew up together and I have seen him do a whole lot of stupid things but even then, it still amazes me to see him suddenly switch from James the idiot into King James, ruler of Elysium.

"Your Highness" Fury and his assistant greeted while bowing towards James who just raised his hands

"I apologize if i made you wait long"

"No, we haven't been here for that long" Fury replied with the straightest of all faces, i mean what do i expect from one of the world's greatest spies.

"Okay then, let us forego all the introduction and tell me why you are here Director" James asked as he relaxed into his chair

"We came to warn you, Elysium may not be a part of the United Nations but even i can't deny the fact that this nation has contributed more to the advancement of mankind than any other in the past'

"Wow… never knew we have become so popular"

"Earlier this week, our people received word that an assassin who is popularly known to work in favor of Hydra was coming after a member of your family" Fury said as the woman beside him handed a document over to James
