

After teleporting back to Earth in the Dragonball multiverse I decided that I would go and do my original plan of going to universe 12 since I believe I should be powerful enough to bypass the Angel of that universe's restriction. While exploring Universe 12 I will be commencing a plan that will make me basically omnipotent and allow me to transcend dimensions. I also have a plan for the Narutoverse that is in the makings but probably won't be implemented in a long while.

I walked back to my campsite where I capsulized my spaceship and with a pop of displaced air, I entered Universe 12.


When I entered Universe 12 I was on some planetoid, hovering around in space. It was not even five minutes when suddenly a fat and short middle-aged woman appeared in front of me. I was very confused and a little wary. I then realized that she was wearing the garb of the Angels and looked like one as well. Well, shit. I hope I am strong enough to bypass her bullshit Angel powers.

"Hello there," the Angel said with the signature, indifferent Angel smile, "My name is Martinu, what is being of your power doing here in Universe 12."

"Oh y'know, just around here, trying to see the sights and explore," I replied nonchalantly, trying to defuse the situation before it could go in a bad direction.

"How did a mortal such as yourself break through the Mortal limitation barrier set by the Omni King himself," Martinu asked as her usual indifferent smile was replaced by a stoic and serious demeanor. Ok, this seems to be going in a bad direction.

"Oh y'know, push-ups, sit-ups, and plenty of juice," I said to her in response. She did not look amused. Her Angel staff appeared in her left hand and started flashing red as if it were about to blow.

"Uhh, Is that thing going to blow or someth-" I managed to squeak out before a figure appeared next to Martinu. The Daishinkan.

"Oh Shit," Was all I could say as I stared at him.

"As declared by the Omni King, Anomalies such as yourself that are able to transcend the limits imposed he must be destroyed as to not threaten his rule. I am sorry if this is not to your liking but you must be terminated," Said Daishinkan to me with a flat tone. As soon as he finished talking his overwhelming presence washed over me. Both Martinu and Daishinkan went into a battle stance and powered up. I also powered up to my full base.

Before I could even register a thought I was kicked in the face 40 times in the span of a Planck instant. I was sent flying a few million miles away through a few stars. I burst into Super Saiyan and got into a battle stance. Seeing as how they aren't placing seals on me it seems that I am strong enough to bypass them. Daishinkan and Martinu appear before me looking mildly surprised. Getting rid of their surprise they engaged in giving me the beating of a lifetime.

I was able to block a few of their strikes but most bypassed my defense. Seeing as how I was getting my ass beat I ascended into Super Saiyan 2 making me 30,000 times my base. This time I was able to somewhat defend myself and counterattack.

I dodge a punch from Martinu and kick her in the face twice before backhanding her into a nearby gas giant. I teleported a ways away from Daishinkan and popped a senzu bean to recover from the extensive damage I received, gaining a zenkai. Martinu and Daishinkan both appeared at my sides and began a combo. I dodged a few strikes from Martinu and blocked a few from Daishinkan. I kicked Martinu in the abdomen full force, liquefying her insides and taking her out of the fight. Daishinkan looked worried for his daughter and turned back to me with an angry expression,

I used those few seconds spare to turn Super Saiyan 3 making me 1.2 million times my base power. Me and Daishinkan began another exchange. Even with me being Super Saiyan 3, his power, martial arts prowess, and battle sense far surpassed mine as well as his use of casual ultra instinct. He looked as if he was barely trying.

He elbowed me in my nose and chopped me on the side of my face. He got my arm in a hold and gut-punched me over a hundred times before uppercutting me through a rocky planet. He gave me no time to breathe as he got me in a chokehold. I tried in vain to get him off me, even biting his arm which got a bit of a reaction but only served to make him even angrier. After securing his hold be began to tear me a new one. It got so bad I was knocked back to my base form. After pummeling me for a few minutes straight, he let go of me allowing me to collapse in a heap.

"Remarkable, I never thought a mortal could get so strong," Daishinkan said as a walked over to me, with the specter of death looming me us signifying the end.

"No, this can't be it," I said to myself in a raspy voice. As he was about to finish me I thought back to my training and entered a state of tranquility. I thought of all my adventures and all the good times I had as well as the few friends I made throughout my time here.

The heat all around my body and soul began to roar with a newfound ferocity. An Ethereal glow surrounded my body as power flooded into me from a seemingly infinite source. My wounds healed at a near-instantaneous rate, mimicking the senzu bean. I opened my eyes to see Daishinkan in a state of shock.

"What in the fu-" he squeaked out before eating a double knuckle sandwich. I watched on in wonder as my body began to move on its own, blocking, countering, and attacking at incomprehensible speeds. Both of our Ethereal Araus pouring out at max power, threatening the safety of the universe we were in.

We both threw several hundred punches, elbows, and kicks in a measurement of time never quantified as we desperately try to rip each other apart. I land a decisive blow to the side of his neck and follow up with a series of blows thrown in the most efficient way possible. I activate a ki blade and he follows suit. We begin a clash of pseudo-swordsmanship.

I miss his neck and cut a few hairs from his head. I teleport a few meters away and fire a Super Kamehameha, damaging him gravely. He looks at me with a face full of malice.

"No, this can't be happening! I WILL NOT BE BEATEN BY A FOUR YEAR OLD!" Daishinkan roars out to no one.

"Tsk, Tsk, Tsk, careful their gramps, we don't want you hemmoraging at your age, now do we," I said to him. We discarded the ki blades and flew at each other, meeting with our hands and pushing against each other. We grit our teeth as the space around us started tearing apart from the force of our power. Suddenly more and more power flooded my body and soul from seemingly nowhere.

I overpowered Daishinkan and kneed him in the stomach, causing him to cough out blood. I then elbowed him to the next galaxy over and teleported in his flight trajectory. When he got to me I kicked him as hard as I could; causing major damage. I felt his bones crack and warp under my onslaught of follow up blows. He recovered and charged up his energy as high as it would go, making his muscles slightly bulk up and his hair stand on end.

We re-engaged once more and met our fists blow for blow. I roundhouse kicked the side of his head on his ear, making it ring and distracting him. I used this opportunity to do something that would really hurt and seal my victory, although it would probably piss off the karma gods. I teleport behind him and kicked him as hard as I could in the crotch. I winced a bit as Daishinkans screams were horribly shrill.

As he was once again distracted by his immense pain I charged an attack I was working on for quite a while.

"Sorry, Daishinkan! Nothing personal, I hope in the next life you get all the bitches!" I said to Daishinkan as he struggled to recover.

"Heh, whatever kid," he said in turn with a barely noticeable smile.

"Kamehameha x10!" I yelled as the red death beam left my palms and engulfed Daishinkan, killing him instantly. After the fight, I spent a few minutes resting ate a Senzu bean to recover. A melancholic feeling washed over me as I looked at the spot where Daishinkan once was. It's a little sad really, he was just doing the job that was ordered of him from Zeno, Oh well, nothing I can really do about it.

After paying my respects I returned back to Earth-Prime, still in ultra instinct as the Dragonball multiverse is not safe with Zeno around, trying to brutally murder me. I looked around and appear to be in the same spot I left at. There seemed to be a convention going on here as I was soon swarmed by tons and tons of people asking for autographs and recording me fervently.

Being a little overwhelmed, I flew away high into the sky to think about my new power. I brought out my hand mirror and looked into it to see the changes. Both my eyes and hair were silver-white and my complexion was a little lighter like in Super Saiyan. From what I could tell Ultra Instinct unlocks all of your dormant potential as well as maximized the effectiveness of your body, sort of like the Eight Gates. Also, since my potential is infinite, that means my power is as well, which is pretty cool ngl.

With this, all I really have to do is maintain my current base power and continue on with my plans for omnipotence.


Name: Lantro (Jason Mackenzie)

Race: Ancient Saiyan (The power of the Ancients flows through your soul)

Age: 10 yrs

Power level: 61 octillian (The high Angel realm of power)

[Martial arts]----------

Kami style martial arts(EX), street fighting(SSS)

[ki abilities]----------

Ki control(EX), Ki sensing(EX), flying(EX), ki aura(EX), ki shaping(EX), Spirit Control(SS), materializtion(SSS), telepathy(SSS), telekinesis(SSS)

[ki techniques]----------

Ki blast, Thunder Shock Surprise(SSS), Galick Gun(10x), Super Galick Gun(12x) Death Beam, Final flash(25x), Big bang Attack(5X), KamehameHa(10x), ki barrier(SSS), Super Kamehameha(15x), illusion(SS+), Instant Transmission level 3(SSS), healing(A++), cloning(SSS), Gigantifiction(B), personal pocket space, ki blade(EX), ki sycthe(SS+), Kamehameha x10(150x)


Genetic Access, unlimited potential, unbound soul, Divine tongue, air is for the weak! , Dimensional travel, Sharingan(matured), Instantaneous Movement Technique/Autonomous Ultra Instinct(Mastered)

(multiversal travel) - worlds so far: Dragonball, Naruto, Earth(prime), DC


[Super Saiyan(1500x), Super Saiyan 2(20x), Super Saiyan 3(40x)], Mastered Oozaru(100x)


Thinking of doing a naruto fanfic as well. I'm going to try and connect it to this fic if it works out. As always review and comment or I will find you.

Chad_Thundercockcreators' thoughts