

Kaleb left a deep trail of foot prints in the dunes as he made his way north through the desert. His clothes were in tatters due to the force of the impact from his ejection from the rift. He had skidded several feet across the sand which tore off his left sleeve and pants leg along with the skin on those limbs.

'I now have a much better understanding of how sandpaper is used' he thought without much humor.

The scrapes seemed to be scabbing over quite quickly in the hot sun. Though Kaleb couldn't tell if that was a good thing or not.

The direction that would have been north on Earth had been picked at random after consulting the ever useful dragon on where they were.

'I don't know.' He had responded with a huff, 'The rifts are constantly shifting so where you go in at is often far away from where you come back to. And there are several deserts so I also can't be sure of where we currently are.'

So Kaleb selected this false north because the sun wouldn't be in his eyes as he walked. And if his luck continued on its current trajectory and he had to spend the night in the desert then he wouldn't have to face the sun as he walked tomorrow.

'So what should I call you?' Kaleb asked.

'The dragonborn were created to be my servants so address me as Master.' he replied loftily.

'I'm not going to do that' Kaleb said 'At best you could call us reluctant business partners.'

'Fine then, though it's butchered by your primitive language, you can call me Rackshar.'

'Great ... Rackshar.' Kaleb said awkwardly as he continued his arduous journey, 'You said that we need to do something about how strong I am. How strong do I need to get before I make this trip to the fountain?'

'Much stronger' Rackshar said with contempt, 'You are very weak. What did you do in your world to survive with such a frail body and no magic? I never imagined that a dragonborn could fall so low. You are a disgra...'

'Back to the point' Kaleb said interrupting his rant 'These terms, like much and very, are not that helpful. You told me you could tell how much dragon blood I had in me so I'm guessing our connection is more than just your voice in my head right?'

'It is indeed, I'm connected to you body and mind. Although I cannot directly control either I am quite well integrated with you.'

'Then how about you tell me what my stats are?'

'Stats?' Rackshar asked confused.

'Yeah, just tell how you would rate my physical abilities with a numeric system' Kaleb explained, his mind going to all the video games he had played in the past. 'You know like strength, dexterity, intelligence and so forth.'

'I suppose I could do such a thing with my abilities.' Rackshar said hesitantly. 'Okay, lets start with your strength. You are a 4.' As Rackshar said that [Strength: 4] appeared in Kaleb's vision like a hologram.

'What is happening?' Kaleb asked.

'I'm connected to your mind so I can tweak certain things.' Rackshar replied in a smug voice.

'How much can you do?' Kaleb decided to ignore the smugness and try to find out exactly how much damage the dragon could do.

Rackshar suddenly sighed when Kaleb didn't rise to the bait. He was starting to realize that if he continued on this path of torment then he would have to waste far too much time on this robot, time that they didn't have. 'I can't actually do much. I can't force your brain to ignore one of its senses, all I can really do is highlight certain aspects that your senses are already bringing in. For example, all that I'm doing right now is manipulating the light that you are already seeing and amplifying it to show you words.'

'Okay, well a 4 out of a 10 starting score?' Kaleb confirmed thoughtfully getting back on track, 'That's not as bad as I thought it would be. Its just a little below average.'

'What wishful thinking is this?' Rackshar's laugh echoed boisterously in Kaleb's mind. 'It's not out of 10. 10 would be an average human. And not even the average farmer, more along the lines of a desk clerk. That would be what a 10 in strength would describe.'

Kaleb grit his teeth as the laughter continued. He should have known it wouldn't be out of 10. He had just made that assumption based on preconceived notions he had about strength on Earth. On Earth he knew he would be considered slightly weaker than average but not far off.

He knew that he should have realized that the scale would be different for a world that lacked technology as its center. Here physical labor would be the norm and therefore strength would be the sought after trait for reproduction. That's why even a desk clerk would be strong in comparison with an earthling. It would be a world where the strong, not the smart, ruled and therefore the scales would be weighed differently.

'Just ... give me the rest of it.' Kaleb said resigning himself to some disappointing results.

'Okay ... ehm' Rackshar composed himself quickly.

[Strength: 4]

[Dexterity: 6]

[Constitution: 3]

[Stamina: 6]

[Intelligence: 20], Your mind seems quite sharp and you react quite fast to situations.

[Magic: ...]

Rackshar paused.

After a few minutes Kaleb started to worry. 'Rackshar what is it?'

'This', Rackshar said hesitantly, 'could be a problem.'

'What could be a problem?'

Despair had crept into Rackshar's voice. 'You don't seem to have any magic.'
