
The Answer

"There was a man and woman, a couple, I assume."

"They were both vampires and so fast that I could barely see their faces, while I was in his head I got a glimpse of some of the things they have done in the past, I felt a vibe from them that I have never felt from anyone else before," Kymir responded

"Well, what did it feel like? This vibe you claim to have felt." Said Derek

"Death, it's what I imagine death to feel like, but not only that, with it one of the two felt so angry. So angry that I have never felt it from anyone or anything else in my life. The other felt so sad, so sad that when I tried reading her based on her emotions, I nearly shed a tear."

"Did you get a glimpse of what they looked like?" Asked Kayla

"Where have you been this whole time? We could've used your power to fight back while we were being forced to watch our friends get hurt." Said Jason

"I was here, looking for a spell that might've been able to help us against Caesar."

"Who got hurt? I see blood on a few of you guys' clothes, but you all seem to have healed. Where's Verona?" She asked Derek

He looked up with a sad expression on his face, the Inner corners of his eyebrows raised, eyelids loose, lip corners pulled down, and looked at the table that her body was laid upon and pointed.

"She's dead." He said to her

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry." She replied as she went to hug him, her eyes full of tears.

"Why is she wrapped in bed sheets? She deserves a proper burial."

Kayla walked towards her body and went to pick her up, Derek ran over and pushed her out of the way. "I'm not ready to say goodbye yet, sit down or I will sit you down." His eyes turned red, and fangs came out as he said it.

She stepped up with an expression of anger and confusion on her face, staring into his eyes and turning her head to the left a little before asking, You feel that? That's your blood boiling." Derek fell to his knees, struggling to do anything but that, his skin losing the little color that it had while it looked as if his body was deteriorating.

"I could make your organs explode inside of you without breaking a sweat. Don't take my kindness for weakness Derek, you have no idea how powerful I am and what I would do to anyone to protect myself from whoever I need to. Let's hope you never have to find out."

Once she stopped, he ran to her, grabbed her by the neck, and threw her into a bookcase across the room. "Are you dumb? You know who I am and that I would kill you without batting an eye, yet you still decided to challenge me, you stupid witch. I guess we will just have to find a new one." He said while shaking his head. He ran to her and punched her once and then again. Her blood was all over his face and his hand. He licked the blood off of his hand and said, "It should be easy to replace you, your kind travels in covens, right?"

He went to kick her in the face, making that the final blow. *whoosh*, *boom*

James stopped him before it could connect and threw him into the wall.

Derek looked up, threw his arm in the air, and said, "James? What the fu... what are you doing, bro?" With a look of confusion on his face.

"No, Derek, why don't you tell me what the hell you're doing?

"She came at me, throwing around threats and using her magic to hurt me and nearly killed me."

"Okay, listen, I apologize on her behalf. Can you two move past this? I'm going to take care of her, and I need you to go and take a walk, I know you aren't in the right head space right now, so I'm gonna let you pass. Don't let it happen again, though."

Derek walked into the next room as James went to give Kayla some of his blood. He picked her up, carried her to his bed, told her to get some rest while he cooked them dinner, and kissed her on the forehead before leaving the room.

Meanwhile... Derek, Jason, and Miguel were walking around the town trying to think of a way to get Blaze back and revenge on Yuri at the same time. Miguel said he heard a rumor a few years back that one of the Crossbreed leaders had a child, a boy named Dimitri. He wasn't sure which leader it was, but he told them he thought it was Caesar.

"The boy is always being chauffeured around by two middle-aged men. By the way, his social media pages look, he seems to do whatever he wants, wherever he wants, and whenever he wants. But he has no parents, or at least he never posts or talks about them."

"If he's never posted or talked about his parents, then how do you know he's the child of Ceasar?" Asked Jason

"It's the only thing that makes sense, the two guys that follow him around all day are members of Ceasar's pack and the way they protect him It's like they would die before letting anything happen to him. He has to be someone important, and if he isn't Ceasar's kid then he's Yuri's, and that's even better. It makes getting revenge so much sweeter."

"Do you have a plan? I don't see what we can do with this information if we don't." Said Derek

"Of course I do, we kill the two guards and kidnap the boy. Then we go on from there."

"Okay, I'm down." Said Jason

They did exactly that, Jason and Derek snuck up behind the guards and snapped their necks as they were walking Dimitri to his car.

"What? What's going on? Who are you?" Asked Dimitri

"We'll answer your questions soon enough," said Miguel before hitting him in the head and knocking him out.

Once they got back to the house, they called James downstairs and caught him up to speed on what was happening. 

"You guys made a move without me? Do you know how dumb and risky that was?" James said

"Oh my, James you were too busy being mad at me and taking care of your little witch to be bothered with  this." Responded Derek

"Don't start Derek, you were in the wrong and you know it. Plus I gave you a pass, if anyone else had put their hands on her the way you did they wouldn't still be alive to talk about it."

"Okay enough you two, Let's get down to business." Said Kymir while walking into the room.

He threw a cup of water in his face saying. "Wake up sleepy head."

Dimitri jumped in the chair, he had a look of fear and confusion on his face. "Who are you? Where am I? Do you know who you're messing with?

"Well, we know your first name but why don't you do me a favor and tell me who your father is?" Said Derek

"I am the son of Ceasar"

"I knew it," said Miguel with a smile on his face

"Enough with the beating around the bush, call his father and make the deal, tell him that if he doesn't give us my cousin then his son will be killed." Said Jason

"Holy shit, there's no way. Are you serious right now? Jason Gordon!? Dimitri said

"This is so cool, I'm a huge fan of your work. Oh, and you're cousin La'Ron? He's amazing. You two are what I aspire to be like when I turn."

"You know me and my cousin?" Jason asked

"Of course I do, is there anyone in the supernatural world that doesn't? I've been asking my dad to recruit you guys into his ranks for years. You two as well." He said while pointing at James and Derek

"So you're telling me that your father planned to recruit me and my brother?" James asked

"Yes, per my request and due to your special abilities."

"If he planned to recruit us, why did he send two of his goons to kill our mother?" Asked Derek

"Well that, that was revenge."

"Revenge? For what? My mother didn't even know your father."

"Come on don't act like you didn't know, your mother was the best and most notorious hunter in the country. She was coming for my father and his pack, she killed my mother to try and draw him out, she got exactly what she deserved!" "My mother didn't bother anyone, she was a witch and she went around the city helping people and making people happy. Your mother took her from the people, she took my mom from me and I told my father that the only thing I wanted from him was to get revenge, I wanted your mother dead and that's exactly what happened," responded Dimitri

"So you're telling me that my mother died because of you? You were the reason our mother was taken from us?" said James

"Yes, yes I am," Dimitri said with a smile on his face

James' eyes began to change and his veins started to show, his fangs came out like never before and he charged towards Dimitri faster than he'd ever run before, picked him up by his throat, and slowly choked him while saying," You were the reason my mother died and now you will die in her name."

"James wait you can't kill me, we're family." Let me go, let me tell you our family's history and if you still want to kill me afterward then so be it." Dimitri said while struggling to breathe and get the words out