
Too Lazy To Think Of A Title

"What should we do, Captain?" the informant quickly asked as he gazed at the fleeing dragon in the distance. 

"What else can we do?" Captain Nikolai gave the informant a look as if he was asking the obvious before saying, "The dragon has been become enraged because of us. We need to stop it before it rampages in the city!"

"Even if it means putting down the dragon?" the informant frowned. 

"This…" Captain Nikolai hesitated. 

At the same time, the giant shadow of the dragon soon loomed over the city before the people realized the immense size of the dragon. 

"Incredible! Are all dragons this big? It has to be at least 100 feet long!"

"100 feet long? That's such an understatement. It has to be at least 300 feet!"

The crowd exclaimed in awe at the majesty of the dragon as it flew overhead when a few sprinkles of blood rained down on their faces. 
