
chapter fifty-six

Blake's POV

Watching her change in aura after I kissed her saddened me, I was sad, unhappy and angry. But my anger wasn't directed at her but at myself.

I was angered with the thought that I must have hurt her too much for her to hate my touch, my kiss!

I needed to apologise, needed to know what I did wrong

Hearing her apologise for initiating such a wonderful kiss was hurtful, I was still in euphoria when I heard her apology and that just broke me, but after she explained why she apologised, I lost my reasoning and kissed her

Wanting her to understand she could kiss me whenever and however she wanted without feeling apologetic over it

Right now though, I think my action went overboard

I remembered Jax advice earlier "ask questions, communicate and don't just keep it within you" apparently due to lack of communication, I had once made a wrong decision
