
Great Surprise

Slowly and surely, Amanda was coming round to the prospect that yes - this was really, actually happening. I was really, actually asking. 

Seriously… by the way she was acting, you'd think Christmas came true to her or something. 

"So just Italian? Dinner? Anything else? Is there any more you have planned before or after that? Can't be just a simple dinner, right? Right?" 

Like a little kid off on a trip to Disneyland. Except keener, and definitely a hundred billion times more cuter. 

"Surprises can only be surprises so long as they stay as surprises," I wisely said. "As you would know yourself. You almost seem to live and die by those words." 

"Okay, alright. Guilty as charged, but…" She sheepishly pouted, swiveling in her seat. "Gonna really leave me guessing - squirming here? Not even a tiny hint?"

"I got you your gift," I admitted, her fluttering puppy-dog eyes wringing it out of my lips. "But I suspect you already suspected that." 
