

If time had stopped, if this moment stayed and didn't move on, if the rest of eternity was dedicated to just the here and the now… then I don't think I would have minded that one bit. 

Coated in her touch, of her in her entirety, the feeling of her body resting snugly against mine - when it came to staving off the nippy chill of the nightly breeze, there was no better comfort I could have asked or thought of then.

She was soft. Everywhere I glided my hands, I felt the same sinking, supple sensation… and depending on where, and depending on the pressure I exerted, her heavy breath would sometimes quiver at the touch. 

For a long, long while… I just caressed her, held her in a tight cuddle, and the thought of letting go was practically nonexistent. At first, as always, apprehension stifled most of her movements, hesitation had her fingers trembling trying to get a hold. 
