
Plans Made

Irene believed. 

For a chance, for a change, my words she heard, understood - believed. 

This wasn't just a single life I was saving.

"When will you be going?" She asked, her tone, her demeanor, no longer poking and probing. "I assume you'll need time to pack, time to plan, so... "

'When' was just one of the many variables to consider with a last-minute venture like this. I couldn't just up and leave on the flip of a dime, I had commitments, responsibilities.

In the end, I decided two days from now was a sufficient enough timeframe for me to sort and settle any and all loose ends here. With work, with home, with Sammy, and whatever else that might crop up and pop up in front of me eventually.

Two days until I'm back in the country, back to home... back to them. 

So much has changed since then… so many things have happened, so many things uncovered.
