
Asteria's Chronicles, Part 2

If Irene was irritated before, then the expression her face hastily contorted to after hearing Howard's response probably was in need of a brand new term in order to even describe it. 

Beyond annoyed, beyond infuriated, beyond incensed. You know what - let's just go with very, very pissed off. Yeah, that'll do quite well actually.

Though she wasn't exactly the outburst-y type… no, that was more my thing really. Yet her silent, haunting stare was still more than enough to quake boots and tremble lips more than I ever could.

Perks of having a face like hers, I suppose.

"Let's step back for a moment," She said, her voice lacking of any emotion. "You received an email, a game pitch that'd eventually proved lucrative for you, so you stole it, plagiarize the idea, pass it off as your own thing, and then you proceeded to go on and erase the one single piece of evidence that could prove any of all this ever happened in the first place."
