
Founding Ball pt. 13

"What?" I whispered, feeling stunned.

Wait… There's another queen? Hold on… How? I mean what? Did I hear about that before? Did I read that somewhere? 

No, I'm pretty sure there's nothing like that. I had read a book about the Royal family but it wasn't complete. There was no mention about the first royals either and the information wasn't that vast.

But I know nothing about a Queen…

"Ah? A queen?" Gwen voiced out. She too sounded surprised. 

So it wasn't just me…

I glanced at the others and looked at their expressions. How do I say this, only Gwen ans I are sporting such confusion in our faces, the others seemed more like they are more surprised that she came and not because they don't know her.

So they know there's an existing queen? I thought there's only an Empress…
