
Chapter 10 Push It! Push It Real Good!

Alana's POV

Beware of everything life threw at you.

Most of them are lessons and some are just signs of hatred from the universe.

"Leo." I breathe and he smiles.

"Wow, you've changed. A lot." He eyes my body and I internally cringe as Ashley comes to view.

I need to get out of this situation.

"Yea... um so have you." I mutter and I stare head-on at Ashely who smirks at me.

"Well if it isn't miss suicidal." My breath hitches and I can't help but notice that Aiden tensed from behind me.

"Ashely," Leo warns and she giggles evilly, staring at Aiden.

"See you found yourself a rebound. Needed someone to numb the pain?" She mocks, tilting her head.

"After seven years? No puta." I roll my eyes ready to leave when she speaks up.

"I sure hope there aren't any cliffs nearby." She pretends to lean in on Aiden and whispers."Don't yell at her too loud, she might try to kill herself."

That's it.
