

I reach out my hand in front of me and use my power to nullify Eric's effect on the island. Although I did not need to reach out, I wanted him to see me doing it.

Eric, still looking very angry is now looking very confused, you need to understand it is very rare for mutants to have the same powers, similar ones yeah, but not so much the same.

Eric opens his mouth to speak but nothing comes out, then coughs and clears his throat, "Are you my ... " Before he finishes that sentence I speak, "No, let's just say that my ability allows me to be the living personification of 'Anything you can do, I can do better.'"

"And yes, I strongly believe that even though they did not mention it, the sample they took was from your Nina, and I plan to return not only here, but others here if you agree."

Jean raises her head, "I am sure the X-men would help to save mutants."

I turn to Jean and sigh slightly, "Jean, they are too nice to these people who cut up and experiment on children. While I disagree with the way Eric behaved in the past I think we need to be a medium between the two."

I use the back of some paper and start writing, this is one of the core reasons I came here. Eric is a genius, although many do not see him this way, in regards to mutants he is, I am using his understanding to create a device he created in another timeline, and since I am better than him, this time it should work.

Eric notices my scribbles and leans over as I keep working, I see no reason to hide this from him.

"Is that a device to unlock the X gene?" Eric half mumbles and half questions.

"Yes, I believe you have already encountered one of my abilities, the ability to enhance mutants, therefore unlocking the X Gene will no longer be as tricky."

"You have more than one ability? Are you like he was?" Eric asks with some concern.

"No, when I gain other's abilities I in no way harm them, and I have no limit to the number of abilities, so yes, I have more than one."

Eric's eyes seem to come to life, while he no longer wants to go to war with humans, he still is a realist and knows mutants need a safe place. If selected people's X gene can be unlocked, like those in leadership, it would help the mutant situation dramatically.

I finish my scribbles and look up to Eric.

"This island is a lot more than you realize Eric. You picked a mutant Island to squat, dealt with properly this place can be a massive help. Oh and you owe me rent now, I bought the island!", I say with a grin.

Jean giggles and I realize this is the first time she has relaxed after she chatted with Eric. She should be fine now that she has the power to merge properly with the Phoenix.

"When are we freeing them?" Eric asks seriously.

"We are not, no known mutant will help. I will go alone and because I do not release mutant energy they will not be able to blame mutants if anyone lives."

Eric looks confused for a moment. 

"Well, you have gathered many mutants here Eric with a wide range of abilities." As I speak copies of me start to pop off me in all directions and I grin as I change all their shapes to generic people I have encountered in my life.

"Now, imagine this whole bunch of new, powerful supers who can work together attacking. We should should get it done. They know where you are as we can bet a satellite is watching you. I have a means to deal with security so that will be no concern,"

This was not my original means to handle this, but that was before I gained Hope's ability to keep the abilities I copy for longer before they fade.

I decide not to mention to Eric that Raven is on the Island, I guess much like at the Mansion, she is checking on him.

I plan on letting each copy only use one power but at the peak possible, once I am close things get easier as I can use Azazel's teleportation ability to move people out to the island, and then let that copy cease.

"Do you have anywhere out of sight we can use to place the mutants?"

Eric smirks and nods as he leads me to the basement, then uses his ability to move a metal wall, behind it is a passage that seems to be made of metal.

"This passage has security systems, it is basically just to slow anyone down if they discover it." As we walk further I use Eric's ability to realize he has made a large metal complex, all within the metal ore of the island, so it would not normally be detected.

We have most of what you would need here, a medical bay, labs, engineering, and even holding cells, each area is where mutants learn to make better use of their powers.

"We need to keep in mind Emma is going to take up a room by herself until she wakes up, although I suspect she is aware at least on some level or she would never know how long to remain encased."

I glance back at Jean and smile, "Hopefully Jean can get through to her to let her know where she is once we have her here."

Jean smiles gently and nods as she takes in everything we walk past in the complex.

"Okay, this seems fine. You realize this is putting you back into the fight Eric?"

Eric snorts," I am not an idiot, although I wanted to live here in peace I was well aware they would come for us at some point."

I nod and am relieved, Eric is a natural leader and very powerful, working with him will make things a lot easier.

"I am not sure what would happen if I tried to increase your powers, since he already did it once, so I am going to hold off on that for now as it might attract a lot of unwanted attention and is probably best done in space."

Eric nods, to be honest, I get the feeling he was not even expecting me to offer, but to me, stronger people around me just make me stronger. 

I scan around as I know Raven's power is coming from close, it might be worth revealing her just to show what I can do.

I walk forward and lay my hand on a young mutant who is cleaning up a workbench.

"We need to stop meeting like this, Raven."

Eric seems shocked for a moment, then chuckles as he walks forward to join us.

"You might as well show yourself, Raven, he is no harm to mutants."

{Could someone post a pic of her in blue skin in the comments, please?}

With a sigh the young mutant changes, it is like scales are flipping and cascading down the body to reveal a woman with blue skin with dark patches, and her red hair is loose and hanging shoulder length (I changed the hair). 

"I am glad I ran into you, Raven, would you like to have your mutation promoted, a lot like Eric had his before?"

Raven says nothing and looks at Eric with an arched brow.

