
Chapter 38

If you want to read ahead or read other novels on the work go and check https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer

Love ya


After my test with the Spirit of Death, kindred, I was once again kicked out whatever realm they had.

Slowly opening my eyes, the first thing I noticed was that I was in a house of sorts, then the hard and slightly cold floor underneath me, then the smell of tea.

It took me a few seconds to realize I was lying on the floor in a stereotypical Japanese household, odd but not the oddest, thought it was something I had not been expecting at all.

Realizing this was probably my last test, I bolted up in surprise. After the… painfully terrifying test of the spirit of Death, I well… wasn't exactly thrilled to be here.

Slowly walking out of the house, I was immediately greeted by the sound of birds happily tweeting in the air, animals of all kinds played and jumped in the green fields around me.

And I could not help but stare in delight at how lovely it all looked and thought I could spend hours just marveling at these seemingly stupid things. If the test was to admire how lovely things were… well, the last spirit was lucky…. after the last two… Truth and Kindred…. well… anything looks like a day in the beach, and this… looks like fucking heaven.

Mentally….It had been so long, since I had actually relaxed that I had forgotten how it felt.

•Beautiful isn't it?• A bunny asked as he hopped towards me, •I thought you deserved this… after Kindred and Truth… Gaia knows I have no idea how you keep yourself together,•

I eyed the bunny, the small and cute bunny and asked, "You are a bunny?"

•Oh… no hahaha,• The Bunny laughed, •This is just a glamour... an illusion of sorts, so that I can talk with you… see… I am the biggest spirit in the world… the lion turtles were my pets at one point… so… yeah,•

Wait… those massive things were his pets, shit, "Holy crap," I chuckled, "Well… thanks for the break… I have been tortured mentally and physically to get something that was supposed to be mine without any of this... what was the fucking point.…"

•Yes… they can be a pain sometimes, I apologize for their behavior,• The bunny sighed sadly, •Well…you are free to go,•

"What about my gift?" I asked the Bunny.

•I gave it to you before you even came here… right before Kindred kick you out of their realm,• The Bunny shrugged.

I eyed the bugs bunny lookalike, "No test?"


"I'm free to go?" I asked.


"No hidden tests…" I asked once again.


"You have officially become my favorite spirit…" I laughed.

•Hahaha thanks, now go…• The bunny pushed me, with ease might I add… to a portal that opened in the middle of the field, •You have a very worried cat out there… trying to enter the primordial spirit realm…•

Aww… Cheshire cares… "Thanks,"

•No problem pal,• The bunny smiled, kicking out of his realm.


Through the portal I landed on Cheshire, in cartoony way, "Urgggg"

"Finally!" The cat turned to smoke materializing in front of me, with a worried look, "for a moment there thought they wanted to kill you… I tried to get in and save you…. but I couldn't enter their realms…"

"Yeah, I was told..." I chuckled.

"Did something bad happen in there?" The cat asked, with low hiss, not exactly directed at me.

"Well… I was mentally tortured… into a prison with no escape… after that I was teleported to a forest… where for some reason I was a fucking bird…" I paused seeing my crazy cat friend confused and ready to ask a question.

"A bird?" The cat asked after a second.

"Yes… a water hawk…." I nodded.

"Why?" The cat asked after another second.

"I have no freaking clue…" I sighed, "In the forest, I then proceeded to die in every imaginable way to a pair of assholes… over and over again… just to show me… death is unavoidable… would've love to get that explanation on a powerpoint presentation or… a pamphlet…. heck even a infomercial would've been nice… though the last one was very chill… he let me pass without a test… but thanks to the clear PTSD I have now thanks to the beautiful tests...I feel this is a test or a dream… for I no longer can discern between reality and the shit they put me through…"

"Wow…" the Cat said in a deflated tone, "Our most powerful spirits are assholes,"

"Yes…" I nodded.

"If you want I can send you back to the human realm…" The cat offered.

"No…" I shook my head, I wanted to go somewhere else… "if you can take me to Vaatu…"

"Are you crazy Vaatu is…. meh, after all that you can probably deal with Vaatu," The Cheshire Cat said, as he opened a portal, "If you need me… just shout this call… -I am mad as a hatter- and I'll be there,"

"Got it," I said stepping through the portal.


[Vaatu POV]

A few months ago… or years… time in the spirit would be confusing… the point is a few months ago I had the chance to escape… the perfect minion to help me out of this tormenting prison… but just when I was about to offer him, my power… someone woke him up…

And once again… I was alone.

The only thing that kept me sane was the thought of destroying Raava…

Maybe that human would be back soon…


That voice… the human… how naive… he was different… his body was different… what in the actual…

"You have changed…." I stated.

"Oh you chaotic bastard… you have no idea," The human laughed, though I could feel his laugh was hiding pain, anger and other emotions, hate so powerful, that it could be mistaken as my own.

"What changed?" I inquired, as it's not everyday that I find something I can't truly understand.

"Well… allow me to tell you a tale," And the human started… little by little his intense hatred made absolute sense, being tortured to such a degree… and still have a sane mind, maybe I had underestimated the human.

Dying at the hands… and paws of Kindred... hundreds of times… just to teach him a menial lesson… spending what can only be described as decades of torture to get something that was supposed to be free for every mortal.

A truly mesmerizing way to try and break someone… I would personally go for physical pain and outright annihilation… but I suppose they prefer breaking their preys apart, mentally first.

"So that's about it," The human chuckled, once again radiating with such delightful hate that made me shiver.

"Truly… a terrible journey…." I nodded with a hidden smile, "Perhaps now… you would want to hear my offer?"

"I think I have an idea of what you want…." The Human smiled.

It seems I have found a partner of my own... one with the potential to be as chaotic me... oh dear Raava… soon, I will crush you!
