
Jhoto - Mt Silver

Ash, "End it now with flare blitz Typholsion!"

Typholsion roared and was covered in a cloak of fire knocking Magneton out of the field, "Pholllllll!"

Referee, "Magneton is unable to battle, Ash has secured two victories in a row. Choose your final Pokemon. "

Jackson, "Ehhhh! I am not giving up, let's go Houndoom."

Ash, "Oh ho! A fight between fire types. Do your worst."

Jackson grinned, "You bet I will."

Referee, "Begin!"

Jackson, "Fire fang."

Ash, "Flame wheel."

Serena, "It has become hotter."

Max, "And since two fire types are battling the temperature will keep on increasing."

Misty, "Here, take this."

Chloe, "Thank you for the ice cream Misty."

Melody, "Fire types sure are powerful and stubborn. I am sure Typholsion is exhausted and yet."

Misty, "Yeah, Ash knows he will not back down now. So, that is why he is allowing Typholsion to fight."

Serena, "I am just glad Feraligatr did not fight Ash on this."

Misty, "Despite everything Ash is very firm on health of the Pokemon. That is the one thing he will never compromise."

Max laughed, "I mean, as trainers it is our responsibility to watch out for their health."

Serena, "Right you are, Max. Are you leaving already Misty?"

Misty, "I promised Gou I will keep an eye out for trouble. Think of it as a volunteer job with extra perks that only I am qualified for."

Chloe, "Ah! Got it!"

Melody, "If you need help just call or shout."

Ash, "Let's end this match flare blitz!"

Jackson, "Dark Pulse full power."

Chloe's Horsea used a slight water gun to create a cooling sprinkle to ensure she did not end up getting a heat stroke. The dark pulse was larger than normal and the flare blitz was definitely hotter, the next thing people knew the two attacks collided in a loud explosion. The dust kicked up and the referee was trying to see through both the heat and the dust to check the condition of both Pokemon. Everyone sat with their breaths held back as the dust cleared only to show both Typholsion and Houndoom were out cold. The referee called the match in Ash's favour as he still had one Pokemon left who was still standing.

Jackson sighed, "Return Houndoom, thank you for the fight buddy."

Ash, "Typholsion return. Hey want to head to the Pokemon center together."

Jackson nodded, "Yeah, sure, my Houndoom is beat."

Ash, "He did quite the number on my Typholsion too. Your Houndoom is very powerful."

Jackson puffed up, "I did my best to train him, especially after he was abandoned."

Ash's eyes sharpened then became normal on hearing that, "I see, why don't you tell me more about it? I think I can help you out with his previous trainer."

Jackson, "Oh yeah! I heard about the case with Damien last year. That guy was really messed up. Can you really help us out?"

Ash smiled, "Of course, I will. I grew up with Professor Oak. He taught me to value, love and care for Pokemon. I will help you."

Jackson, 'Why is his smile so terrifying? It reminds me of when my Dad is pissed but trying not to lose his cool. Terrifying!'

Jackson could hear the announcer making statements about true sportsmanship and love of Pokemon behind them. He was so excited and into the battle he completely blocked out the comments from the announcer to give his all against the Orange Archipelago Champion. He used to think he was immune against battle rush unlike other trainers but it did not seem to be the case if he considered what happened. Soon enough, they reached the Pokemon Center where Ash was talking with an older Nurse that he seemed close to.

Ash, "Jackson, let me introduce you. This is Brock, one of my trusted friends. You can trust him with your Pokemon."

Brock, "Come this way. I will help you out."

Jackson, "I... Okay, but I don't want pity or anything so... "

Ash, "Do not worry. We found a way to deal with such things away from public eye. The only time we made things public is when the Pokemon and trainers were ready."

Jackson nodded, "Alright, what do you need?"

Brock took out a paper, "Here, this is a permission slip. Sign it so I can give Houndoom a thorough check up. It may not seem much but the thing about abuse, it leaves marks that can be found after a thorough check up."

Jackson, "I see. Will it affect Houndoom in any way?"

Brock, "The scan will be done by a Chansey and a scan machine. It will be intrusive but it will not hurt him."

Jackson, "Thank you. I really appreciate this a lot."

Ash, "I called up a friend to make sure no one tries to bother you about this. It is a very personal matter at the end of the day."

Jackson, "Did Charizard really agree to letting people know about his?"

Ash, "Yes, he did it for Magmar back when he was a Magby."

Jackson, "Really?"

Ash, "Yes, Magby was really terrified of everyone and even us. It took a lot of time for him to calm down."

Jackson, "I think I would like to keep this private for now."

Ash nodded, "Great. Say, after the check up, join us for some lunch."

Jackson, "Us?"

Ash grinned then nodded at the door, "Us."

James walked in, "That was an amazing battle."

Jessie followed, "Really heated."

Tomo, "Growlithe and I want to be just as strong. Houndoom and Typholsion were so strong."

Jackson blushed at the compliment and Ash smiled patting Tomo and then introducing him to Jackson. The young teen spluttered and greeted the three of them before being dragged to have lunch together. Tomo and Growlithe had a fun time talking with Ash and Jackson asking about Houndoom and Typholsion. Jackson had relaxed after a while and was talking freely with them and asking Jessie and James about their own professions. Jessie was now Head Consultant while James being the Heir to their families company had to travel here and there for work. Most of his work included protecting the territory from Teams that belonged to other regions like Team Aqua, Plasma etc.

While Jackson seemed very taken and excited by future prospects and work, Ash was looking at James with worry. James smiled and reassured him, that they were alright and fine, just a few scrapes and bruises here and there. Ash decided to trust him, the raven haired teen still remembers their anime counterparts and how they would get blown, electrocuted, burned and attacked over and over. But despite all of that, Team Rocket always came back with a bang to start a new day, they only time they did not was when they were sick. To be fair, he was not that innocent either, as he also seem to keep on getting involved with trouble anyway.

Lucario, -Meema look. A full moon.-

Ash, "Yes, it is really bright tonight, isn't it?"

Phantump, "Phaaan phaaa."

Lucario chuckled, -He wants to go out.-

Ash, "Alright let's go for a walk around Silver Lake, but do not stray too far okay?"

Phantump nodded then turned to the shadows calling the other Pokemon who were hiding inside. Annihilape appeared first coming out from under a large pillow fort the younger Pokemon had created. Honestly, despite his terrifying and mean appearance Annihilape was one of the sweetest and protective Pokemon. Bannette followed the fighting ghost type joining Phantump who cooed and flew around chirping at him making Bannette play too. Following them Gengar appeared fiddling his fingers shyly and joining them on the walk. Lucario smiled and nudged Ash towards the door quietly so as not to wake up the already sleeping Pokemon.

Lucario, -Do not wander too far.-

Ash laughed, "They are happy, I am glad."

Lucario, -Yes, it is... Is that Gary?-

Ash looked at where Lucario was pointing nodding, "That is Gary. Wonder what he is doing out here."

Lucario, -Go talk, Annihilape and I can keep an eye on the others.-

Ash, "You sure?"

Lucario, -Positive, now go.-

Ash nodded and approached the stone area of the lake, "Gary."

Gary got up from where he was laying down, "Ash, why are you here?"

Ash pointed at his ghost Pokemon, "They wanted to enjoy the moonlight and you know the longer they stay under the moon the better for them."

Gary chuckled amused, "Always a softy, aren't you? Come join me."

Ash smiled, "Thank you. And I never denied I was soft."

Gary smirked then lay down to use Ash like a pillow, "Of course not."

Ash snorted, "And I am now a convenient cushion for you."

Gary chuckled, "This reminds me of our time back at Oak's ranch."

Ash, "Which one? We spent basically our entire childhood there. You will have to be specific."

Ash, 'This feels familiar honestly.'

Gary, "Remember the weekend after our grounding was lifted?"

Ash laughed, "Which grounding? We were grounded more than once, remember?"

Gary grinned unrepentantly, "That is true. I was thinking about the time after we got our Lucario and Axew."

Ash, "Oh! You mean when we went on a picnic by the river running through Pallet forest? I remember that day. It was one of the more peaceful ones."

Gary, "Yeah, despite being in Pallet town, we still had crazy incidents."

Ash, "Are you talking about the Absol and the Pallet meadow incident? Or the Mew and Hooh teasing our families with their presence?"

Gary, "All of it I guess? Of course, our run ins with the Legendary did not stop there."

Ash, "Nope, I met Lugia, Moltress, Articuno and Zapdos."

Gary, "Followed by Entei kidnapping you, saving Celebi and Suicune from a poacher, plus Raikou presenting you a gift which ultimately led to you meeting Hooh."

Ash, "Yes, actually Hooh is still around Mt Silver under a cloak."

Gary sat up, "What? Are you serious right now?"

Ash gave a nervous laugh, "Mew is uhh... "

Gary stared at him, "You are kidding me, right? Okay, you had something to do with Mew. Out with it!"

Ash, "Ah! It is.... Well, how should I say it?"

Gary, "Just tell me or I will start pulling your cheek."

Ash gulped looking at his friend with the scary expression, "Mew found me while I was training with my Pokemon and left me a Pokemon egg. We do not know what type of Pokemon it is though."

Gary face palmed, "Let me guess you could not say no to Mew at all."

Ash, "Ah ha ha ha ha? I guess so."

Gary poked him looking annoyed, "You are something else you know that? I don't know what to do with you sometimes."

Ash pouted at him then laughed, "Gary, you are my best friend. After this tournament is over, there is something I want to tell you."

Gary, "Does it have anything to do with the time you and Red had that super secret talk in your room?"

Ash, "You were there, did you hear?"

Gary, "Not a word, Red's Mewtwo and the second one that appeared suddenly and started to follow him did not allow anyone inside."

Ash, "Right! The shield."

Gary leaned in, "So, do I get to know this super secret that you two share?"

Ash, "Yes, once this tournament is over, I want to tell you."

Gary, "Does anyone else know about the secret? Aside from Red and both your Pokemon that is."

Ash shook his head, "No, this secret is one that could end in three ways."

Gary, "What are those?"

Ash, "People thinking I have lost my sanity is one way. The second one is if the wrong person finds out it would spell disaster for everyone. Third, I would be either hated as the demon of destruction or treated as an object to covet."

Gary, "That bad!"

Ash nodded, "Yes, it can be that bad."

Gary hugged him, "You know I would believe whatever you say. You have never lied to me before and I do not see why you would start now."

Ash smiled returning the hug, "Thank you Gary. I will tell you everything, I promise."
