
Jhoto - Altomare

Ash, "Second performance round is up, Chimchar, Magmar are you both ready?"

Chimchar, "Char."

Magmar, "Mag magmar."

Ash, "Let's do this my little loves."

Lucario, -Not so little anymore.-

Lokoko, -Good luck.-

Harley, 'When did he get a powerful Ninetales anyway? So envious right now.'

Ariene grinned, "Now, remember the rules participants. You are going to be performing with two Pokemon. It will not be easy but it is not impossible either. First up is Ash Ketchum."

Ash, "Magmar, Chimchar! Come on out!"

A large flaming wheel appeared first surprising the audience and then Magmar appeared using a fire punch on the large wheel of flame. The wheel burst into red sparks and Chimchar appeared landing on Magmar's head giving a cheeky wink and one finger salute. Chimchar looked absolutely adorable and the two looked fabulous with the sparkling fire dying around them in the shape of a circle. They had practiced hard for this and Ash next called lava flume a psychic from Magmar while he called for acrobatics and fire punch from Chimchar. Magmar used lava plume and then manipulated it with psychic to form firey rings and targets while Chimchar smirked while using acrobatics and fire punch to get those rings and targets.

Ash, 'You are both doing great.'

Chimchar landed in a pose, "Chimchar."

Magmar was behind him, "Magmar."

It was quiet first and then the crowd cheered loudly while Ash, Magmar and Chimchar bowed together. When Ash stood up again he was surprised to see flowers being thrown at his feet and looked around to see little Komo, Jessie and James. He could not believe it, they made it to his second Grand Festival and that made him so happy he actually grinned and waved at them. The judges then gave their assessment based on the theme that was chosen for the second part of the performance round. That started a whole row of curious murmurs through the crowd after Ash had left, many were now wondering how the other participants will do.

Serena gulped, "I am glad Ash is not my opponent. I do not know how to top that."

Melody, "He would expect you to bring your best to the show, no matter what happens."

Serena, "True, that is how he would react, wouldn't he? Always encouraging us to do our best no matter what. Kinda like you in a way, you are also encouraging us to do our best no matter what. Sometimes it feels like you are twins."

Melody laughed, "Maybe we were in a different life, who knows?"

Serena flushed, "Yeah. And you know something? I really like it when I can make others smile and laugh. So, I am going to do my best, well I already said I would but this time I will work hard so people can smile happily. It will not be easy but I will not give up without trying."

Melody smiled warmly, "And I will support you all the way Serena."

Serena giggled, "Let's both do our best both for our own happiness and others too."

Melody, "Yeah! Oh, isn't that Harley guy? I remember Ash was gushing about his performances before."

Serena nodded, "Harley is really cool and flamboyant. Ash really likes how he does things especially with the poison type Pokemon. Actually he mentioned Harley mostly focused on poison types."

Harley and his Arbok and Amoonguss had given a very fascinating performance with their very interesting moves. They combined their grass type moves with Seviper's snake like movements and poison moves to create an interesting show. It made Seviper look ten time more terrifying than it normally was which was very impressive in itself. The judges were very impressed and apparently Harley's theme was hunter, well Seviper truly lived up to it's reputation as a hunter. Ash smirked when Harley go to the quarter final rounds, he was not expecting anything less from one of May's long time rivals. Jhoto Grand Festival became very interesting, he was really looking forward to the battle portion now.

Meowth murnured, "You good kit?"

Ash, "Yeah, I am good. The battles should be interesting."

Lokoko, -You are looking forward to facing Harley then?-

Ash, "Yes."

Casey, "Everything is fine this side."

Max, "Nothing dangerous as far as I can see."

Misty, "Stay vigilant all the same. You never know what might happen."

Chloe, "I am keeping an eye near the corridors. Nothing yet."

Serena, "Everything is fine among the audience."

Melody, "Slowking has not felt anything malicious yet."

Gou, "Thanks, nothing suspicious in the cameras either."

Serena, "I hear a but in there."

Gou, "It's just when it comes to trouble I have developed a nagging voice inside my head it seems."

Misty muttered, "Yeah, I get what you mean, I have been feeling queasy since I got here."

Brock, "Just be careful."

Casey, "We will."

Ariene, "Next are the quarter finals. Are you all ready? The quarter rounds will be a one on one battle. So make sure you bring your best participants. Let's see who is battling in the first round."

The screen that usually showed the points now blackened and a screen which had the faces of the eight quarter final participants with a double roulette pin. The two pins started to spin around quickly between the participants faxes on the board till they stopped on the first two. Ash was very interested to see it was Sakura the youngest Eevee sister going up against another from Hoenn. The two participants introduced themselves as per the requirements and Ariene explained the rules of the battle and what they should watch out for.

Ash watched, "Huh, she's good."

Lucario, -As expected from an Eevee sister.-

Ash hummed as Sakura's Bellossom fought and danced around her opponent, 'She is strong, I will admit that.'

Lokoko, -Very smart little flower.-

Meowth, "Kit, I will be joining Jessie, James and baby Tomo. Will you be alright here?"

Ash, "I will be safe. I have my Pokemon with me and Misty and the others are keeping an eye out."

Meowth nodded and left muttering, "I really hope nothing goes wrong kit."

Meowth paused noticing something wrong and followed someone who looked like a woman away from the audience seats. He followed her after sending a heads up to Jessie and James who saw the message and looked at each other. They knew Mepeth well and how he had developed protective tendencies towards Ash. The two knew that something was going on in Jhoto and it looks like Meowth has found something if he was following them. Jessie excused herself patting Toni's head and kissing James on his cheek saying she was headed to the washroom for a bit. James told her to be careful and to not get lost as the area could be confusing to visitors to which Jessie laughed and walked off.

Jessie started to run after leaving the crowded area, 'I am coming Meowth. Do not do anything stupid.'

Ariene, "Next us Ash Ketchum vs Madeline."

Ash shook Madeline's hand, "Let's give them an unforgettable fight."

Madeline grinned, "You speak my language."

Ariene grinned, "Now participants, are you ready? Choose your Pokemon."

Ash, "Let's go Heracross!"

Madeline, "Let's go Kirlia."

Kirlia appeared in a shower of charm move that appeared in the form of hearts winking at the audience looking cute. Heracross appeared among pin missile and then used used take down on the field making the pins scatter. Both Pokemon made very impressive entrances and with their double typing were a very interesting match. It got the attention of many including Max and Kirlia who were very curious about how this would turn out. While fairy types were stronger than fighting types, psychic was weaker than bug types, also Ash has been teaching Heracross steel type moves.

Max, "Watch Kirlia. If anyone knows how to find out weak spots and take full advantage of it, that would be Ash."

Kirlia nodded, -Agreed.-

Breloom, "Loom."

Meanwhile Ash and Madeline had started throwing controlled attacks and moves at each other trying to lower the other sides points. Max swears he did not know trail blaze and sword dance could be used together to make it look like Heracross was not just speeding and dancing but also fighting. It was pretty cool, of course Kirlia was no slouch either using teleport and calm mind to focus on avoiding the attacks and that lowered Heracross's points. Madeline then called for dazzling gleam while Ash smirked calling for rain claw which had Madeline wary.

Kirlia attacked using a dazzling array that covered her and then shot out while Heracross created a heavy rain to fall overpowering dazzling gleam. Kirlia had screeched in anger at being drenched wet and then attacked by a shadow claw that had been hidden by the rain. Madeline called out for Kirlia who got up glaring at Heracross who looked at her smugly and then attacked using sword dance and smart strike. Madeline was about to call for another move when the timer went off on them and they stared at the clock incredulously. They had been so engrossed in battle they forgot to keep an eye on the timer.

Ash, "Good job buddy."

Heracross grinned, "Cross."

Madeline laughed, "Oh, that was clever, very very clever."

Kirlia, -I was not expecting that.-

Ash, "Oh! Your Kirlia can use psychic communication too."

Madeline nodded, "Yes, she can."

Ash, "She is stronger than she looks. Good thing we focused on using strategy and distractions rather than an actual fight."

Heracross just eye smiled nuzzling Ash, "Cross cross, heracross."

Madeline, "Still you defeated me where it mattered. It will not happen next time though, just watch me."

Ash, "I look forward to the next time we battle again."

Harley, "Not bad, Ashy. Still as impressive as ever."

Ash, "Thank you Harls, you always have such sweet words for me."

Harley twitched, 'I thought he would be annoyed, instead he gave me a nickname.'

Ash, 'I remember you teasing May with nicknames. I do not feel annoyed but rather happy instead. I guess he is comfortable enough with me now.'

Lucario deadpanned, 'Meema is enjoying this a little too much. Poor Harley, he does not know who he is dealing with.'

Abra, -One win for Meema, zero for Harley.-

Lucario, -Understatement.-

Phanphy, "Phanphy."

Eevee, "Vui."

Absol, "Absol."

Ash joined them, "Are you all behaving for Lucario?"

Lucario, -Do not worry too much Meema. We are mostly relaxing back here while cheering you on.-

Ash smiled, "Good! Oh Harley is next against a guy from Kanto."

Harley chose an Alolan Mum this time while his opponent from Kanto was using a very large Butterfree. It was just as large as Ash's Butterfree, guess someone found out how to get a large final evolution, without the illegal shots. Harley looked impressed by the large Butterfree but he did not look worried or intimidated by it, if the smirk was anything to go by. But then again Harley was interested in becoming the Poison Type Master of Hoenn so Ash figured he would not be easily shaken. Meanwhile Meowth followed the suspicious Lady all the way down to the tunnel system of Altomare.

Meowth frowned, 'What is she looking for exactly? This is not exactly a great place to be sight seeing.'

The Lady took out a phone, "Julie here. This spot was a bust. The thing is not here."

Meowth stretched his hearing, 'Looks like I got something interesting.'

Julie, "Seriously Silas, are we sure it will be in the sewers? Because all I got was dirty water and old plumbing here."

Meowth narrowed his eyes, 'Silas got it.'

Julie started to move, "I hope Droid has better luck or Gonzalez will have our heads."

Meowth froze, 'Gonzalez is here. I have to warn the others.'

Jessie meanwhile was following a man around, 'So he is Silas. Can't say I am fond of him.'

Silas, "Julie, search a different area. I have a stalker to deal with. Ariados capture them."

Jessie, "Dustox."

Dustox flew up avoiding the webs with Jessie in its grip, "Tox."

Jessie, "Thank you love."

Silas, "If it isn't the rival side."

Jessie, "Team Rocket never had sides, only traitors."

A. N.: O watched the movie over and over to get an idea of Altomare's landscape. I hope it won't be confusing.

Ellora25creators' thoughts