

Ash hummed as he wiped his new egg with a soft cloth, "There we go. All clean."

Abra, -New baby sibling?-

Eevee, "Vui?"

Ash, "Yes, you'll be big brothers and sister soon enough."

Absol wagged his tail, "Sol."

Max, "They sure are excited to become older siblings."

Ash, "It'll be fun if both of our poke eggs hatch together."

Max nodded, "Yeah, does this mean Absol, Eevee and Abra will start battling soon?"

Ash, "They are already doing well in their training so yes. By the time Hoenn comes around, they are battling."

Max, "Sounds like a plan."

The rest were watching the two of them talk with pink aura around them. Lucario simply pretended not to notice the aura coming off from Ash just like Max. For them it was a normal thing now. Brock wanted to say something but decided not to considering he didn't know how he looked when he acted that way over baby Pokemon. Gou and Casey just watched exasperated as the Aura shone around the two brightly.

Max looked at his Pokemon, "So I have grass, fighting type in Breloom, electric in Mareep, psychic, fairy in Kirlia and bug, flying type in Beedrill."

Ash, "They are a good offensive team."

Max looked at the egg, "I wonder what type it'll be. I hope none of what I already have. There's nothing wrong in having two of course, but you know?"

Ash, "Beedrill also counts as poison type you know?"

Beedrill puffed up at that feeling very proud for having three typings. Magby was sitting next to Ash and purred as Ash scratched his head while Shuckle, well Shuckle was being held by an irrate Bayleef. For some reason Shuckle had developed a habit of latching on to Ash's skin, it didn't matter where but turns out Aura users apparently smelt sweet to them. Ash turned red remembering how Shuckle had latched on to Riley's bare hand and tried to eat him. Then Shuckle tried to munch on Brock's knee, when he had taken off his shoes and socks to help the water Pokemon.

Ash had apologized to both of them with a very red face and both of them had told Ash to not worry about it. Riley had chuckled saying it was part of being a trainer and Brock had answered it was actually more weird that no other bug Pokemon latched on to him that way. Lucario had grunted telling them, they tried but Beedrill and Butterfree had personally put them in their place. Ash sweat dropped wondering what sort of shenanigans his Pokemon got up to when he was not around, then decided he didn't want to know.

Ash looked at the sign, 'Arborville? Why does that sound familiar?'

Casey, "Something wrong?"

Ash, "Just wondering about a few things."

Gou, "Like what?"

Ash, "This name sounds familiar but I'm not sure why though."

Brock, "Now that you mention it, it does sound familiar, doesn't it?"

Max, "Really? Maybe we overheard it in some news, or something?"

Casey, "Maybe? Let's go, our ferry will be here soon."

Gou looked back at the sign then shook his head, 'I'm just getting paranoid.'

Gou would kick himself later on for ignoring his instincts, for now he joined the others as they got on to the ferry. The ferry was being run by a man called Mr White who started to tell them about the mystery of Arborville forest. Ash had a deadpan look on his face which was noticed by Lucario but he didn't comment on it at the moment. Later on at night while they took a break at one of the off lake houses Lucario pulled his Meema to talk personally.

Ash, "I'll catch up with you all later."

Gou, "Sure."

Max, "Well, I'm gonna sleep, good night."

Casey, "Night Max."

Brock, "I think I'll turn in too. We still have to wake up early tomorrow."

Annihilape followed them after making sure the younger Pokemon were asleep and resting peacefully. Lucario and Ash were talking about the past again, apparently there was a Celebi they had to save this time but Ash was hoping for it to not be the case. The ghost fighter shook his head, it would be a rare sunny day in the other world before Ash could avoid drama. After that they started to talk about Ash's fifth contest and how they would tackle it. The contest funnily enough was happening in Blackthorns City which was the final Gym in Jhoto.

Lucario, -Will you really be okay Meema?-

Ash was smiling a little too brightly, "Of course, I will and if they really do attack Celebi, well I have received Carte Blanche from Champion Gold to deal with them as I see fit."

Annihilape perked up, "Anni lape lape."

Ash turned to him, "Of course, you can help me out as long as you stay safe."

Lucario grumbled, -I don't like this, we should at least tell the others.-

Ash, "Tomorrow, I'll tell them tomorrow. Let them rest tonight."

Annihilape and Lucario nodded before going to their room to sleep, tomorrow would be quite the day for them. Lucario was right about his assessment, his Meema was telling the others he received intell about Team Rocket activity in the area. Brock, Casey and Gou were frowning while Max was looking very nervous, they had just dealt with Team Rocket a few days ago.

Max, "Are they really going after Celebi?"

Ash nodded, "That's what my intell says."

Casey bit her finger, "This is bad, this is bad, this is bad."

Brock nodded seriously, "If they catch Celebi, there is no telling what they will do."

Gou, "They could force Celebi to turn back time and change the past. We could end up getting erased or worst working for them without knowing how bad they really are."

Ash, "I know, that's my biggest fear too."

Ash looked outside, 'Not to forget, time travel really is possible in this world. The og Ash and Dawn changed the time line for the better before, no surprise it can be changed for the worst too.'

Gou, "What's your plan?"

Ash, "I think it's time Akako - hime appeared again."

Casey gave a smirk, "Yuri too."

Max, "Masumoto will help as well."

Gou, "Understood, Nagato is willing to help you Hime - sama."

Brock chuckled, "Tetsuya as well."

Ash, "Let's go change, we are walking beyond this point anyway."

After a few hours a beautiful lady with red hair followed by her younger sister and group were seen leaving the area. The people in the settlement were gossiping about them and how similar they looked in appearance to the late Princess of the old. Masumoto laughed as he held Akako's hand and they walked into the forest making the rumour mill run wild, especially online.

Blue was returning from the third meeting in the Summit, "Lance, you might want to open your phone."

Lance who was currently acting like Jhoto's representative an eyebrow, "Why?"

Blue turned his phone towards him, "Trust me, you don't want to miss this."

Lance saw a familiar group in a familiar disguise, "What are they up to now?"

Blue, "I don't know but I think we should call someone to stay ready to give them a hand."

Lance muttered, "They rarely get into their personas, not unless they were going to face Team Rocket... "

Blue, "I'll call Red, he is in Garoga town, which is close to Jhoto border. Last time Red called he mentioned, Ash was heading towards a village called Arborville."

Lance nodded, "I'll call Silver. I believe he had planned to head to Arborville area a while ago."

Blue, "Yeah, even if nothing happens it will be better to remain vigilant."

Lance called Silver who became very worried when he was told about his cousin going towards Arborville forest. When Lance pressed for details Silver informed him that a Pokemon Hunter called Marauder was spotted close to the area. Lance cursed inside his head before telling Silver he was sending his Garchomp over to help them. Silver was surprised but thanked the red head for the extra help before logging off and getting ready.

Silver mused, 'I was planning on going next week originally but it seems that option is out of my hands now.'

A knock came and Silver answered, "Come in."

Green entered, "Where are you going already?"

Silver, "Arborville forest, something happened that requires urgent attention."

Green, "Team Rocket?"

Silver, "One of their henchmen, a dangerous one."

Green, "I'm coming with you."

Silver, "Are you sure?"

Green, "They hurt my little sister. I cannot forgive them."

Silver nodded, "Pack light, especially your battle outfit. Things might get hairy."

Green, "You got it. Let's go Wigglytuff."

Wigglytuff gave a shout, "Wigglytuff!"

Akako looked up muttering, "Something is wrong."

Lucario, -There is a strange aura in the air.-

Masumoto muttered, "Could be the enemy."

Tetsuya spoke in a low voice, "Stay focused everyone."

Yuri spoke loudly, "Akako - chan, Nagato - kun and I saw a few Chesto berries that way." 'I feel someone following us.'

Nagato, "We were thinking of getting some for lunch." 'We will check it out.'

Akako, "Alright, go ahead. We will wait for you in the clearing." 'We'll be close by if you need help.'

Masumoto, "Onee - san, Onee - san, I saw a few cute Pokemon there."

Tetsuya twitched, 'Why are they so cute?'

Lucario, -Do not go too far, Masumoto - kun.-

Akako, "You heard Sir Knight. Stay close by, okay outoto?"

Masumoto, "Yes, I will."

Yuri, "Nagato - kun, let's split up."

Nagato nodded, "I'll get the ones in the North, you go for the South."

Nagato left Yuri after that and quietly moved with Cinderace and Inteleon who was invisible by his side. When they had chosen the outfit, it was from different areas in the super market. They went to different stores to get what they liked, the rumour about the legend being reborn. That was just a useful coincidence, since Akako and her entourage appeared and disappeared near the Legendary Pokemon, no one really questioned it. At least none of the locals did, as far as people outside were concerned, they were a group of Rangers going undercover to solve problems.

Nagato, 'It was a long shot but it worked.'

Inteleon, "Inte."

Nagato kept walking, grabbing the ripe berries and muttered, "Go behind them and knock them out."

Inteleon nodded though he was not seen by his two companions and climbed up the trees moving stealthily through them. Inteleon spied two grunts who were following them and did an aura sweep, a neat little trick he learned from Lucario. There was one more behind them watching them quietly and he decided to take her down first. Inteleon moved up to behind the female and pinched her nerve right below her ear making her unconscious.

Inteleon then tied her up using a few strong vines before carrying her to a hidden area asking the Pokemon to watch over her and warning them of how dangerous she was. The wild Pokemon understood and Inteleon went to knock out the other two who were starting to approach Gou. He was not allowing them to hurt his trainer, not under his watch and snuck up behind them, knocking them out. Nagato got up and along with Grookey and Cinderace approached Inteleon who was busy trying them up.

Nagato, 'I don't even want to know where he got that rope. It looks like a vine.'

Grookey, "Key key grookey."

Cinderace, "Cinder cin."

Nagato hummed, "Are these two the only ones?"

Inteleon shook his head and pointed, "Te leon inte."

Nagato, "Bring them over. I'll have Alakazam teleport them to Officer Jenny with a note explaining the situation."

Alakazam, -In trouble once again my dear trainer? I have not seen this get up in a while. Another mission?-

Nagato, "Yes, take this note and drop them at Officer Jenny's place. She can deal with them for us."

Alakazam, -Sure, do you want me to extra any information they have first?-

Nagato, "Do it!"

Alakazam entered the minds of the trio and learned about why they were here. They were to work together with Hunter Marauder, a high ranking Hunter, with connections with Gonzalez of all people. Gou was not happy to learn about that, especially after the crazy man's obsession over Ash came to light. He had half a mind to call off the mission and leave but he was being unreasonable, he knew. Ash or rather Akako was safe from them, no one knew she was Ash and vice versa, Gou had been reluctant in the beginning but now he had decided.

[A. N.: I came across a comic called 'The Tyrant's Only Perfumer', it's very interesting to read.

The plot revolves around perfume and of course transmigration. The incidents are hilarious and fun to read.

The author does not drag the drama out either so it doesn't get frustrating. I quiet enjoy it.]
