

The group left the sanctuary with Casey catching a Pinsir who turned out had feelings for the Heracross Ash caught. Heracross however it seemed was a little oblivious to Pinsir's feelings which was cute and comedic to Ash. They notified the Rangers of their catch and after making sure the two Pokemon actually joined them voluntarily instead of being forced allowed them to leave. They followed the road and saw a magnifying view to the west.

Casey, "We are close to Violet City, I'm gonna take a guess and say you'll be taking part in the gym and contest."

Ash nodded, "That's the plan, Gengar has been training hard."

Max, "What about you Casey?"

Gou, "You probably already have the badge right?"

Casey grinned, "Yup I do, I'm actually going to call the A teams of the gyms. I need to get stronger. The Indigo League showed just how much stronger my opponents are."

Brock, "That is a good plan. I will be in the Pokemon centre during our stay in Violet City helping Nurse Joy out."

Gou, "You do need experience and we tend to stay for a week."

Max, "So we have a plan."

Ash, "Yes, we do."

Casey, "We just need to cross the ambrite valley and we will be there by tomorrow hopefully."

Ash, "Let's get going..... What is happening?"

The group were surprised when the ground started to shake under them. Gengar grabbed Max and Shroomish, Beedrill grabbed Casey, Cinderace held Gou while Brock called his Sandslash and Lucario caught Ash who was holding Eevee and Abra. Meowth and Pikachu stared at the ground suspiciously as the tremors slowly subsided. That was not an earthquake, at least not a natural one and Brock was not amused.

Brock, "Which dumb shit is using earthquake outside the sanctioned areas? That too on a mountainous region. Are they trying to bury people by causing avalanche? When I get my hands on the idiots I swear to Mew I'll pummel them so hard, their mama won't recognize them."

"Please help! My Pokemon! My Donphan and Phanphy were stolen."

Casey blinked, "That sounds like its coming from down there."

Gou straightened himself, "Sounds like trouble."

Ash, "Let's go scout the area and see what is going on."

Brock ran after them, "Do you think it's Team Rocket?"

Casey hissed, "If it is them, then I have a score to settle with those bastards!"

Max looked at her worriedly, "Just be careful."

Meowth, "Nyarth, wat a mes."

Meowth, 'Da boss ain't gonna be hapy."

A woman dressed in traditional garb was tied to a tree, much to there shock. Meowth moved and used swipe to cut the ropes and free her. The woman gasped at being freed before getting up and noticing them. She approached them and asked for their help frantically.

"Please you have to help my Donphan and Phanphy, they took them."

Lucario released a calming aura, -Calm! Now explain everything.-

Ash, "Who are you?"

The woman sniffed, "My name is Rochelle and my job is to find raw stones that can be crafted by jewellers into beautiful jewelry."

Max, "Nice to meet you Rochelle, I'm Max, this is Casey, Ash, Gou and Brock. We were passing by when we heard your scream."

Rochelle, "A couple of people dressed in black stole my herd of Donphan and Phanphy."

Brock frowned, "Can you describe how they look? What they were wearing in detail and what they used?"

Rochelle nodded, "I think the leader was a woman with brown hair and blue eyes. They called her Kathryn with a y. There were six of them in total, two girls including the leader and four boys. As for what they were wearing it was complete black and some equipment I don't recognize. The machine neutralize my battling Donphans which was why they were able to take my herd successfully."

Rochelle wailed, "The new batch of Phanphies were born just last week. They must be terrified."

Casey took out a box of tissues, "Hey now calm down. We will help you okay. But you have to stay calm and be strong for your Pokemon."

Ash nodded, "Casey is right, can you tell us which direction they went?"

Rochelle, "They went in the direction of the Illusion forest by Violet City. I'm worried, Hagatha who takes care of the forest with her flock of Noctowl and Hoot Hoot told me some of the Ghost Pokemon were missing."

Rochelle broke down again after that, "My poor herd."

Max got sad, "Hey don't cry. We will find them."

Gou nodded, "Yes, be strong."

Ash, "Okay, I have a plan, a crude one."

Brock, "We are listening."

Ash, "Casey and Gou, head to Violet City and notify the Gym Leader, Brock with me we will go after the thieves, Max, you calm Rochelle down, once she is calm go to the Sanctuary we just passed and tell the Rangers what is happening. We need to move, now."

Casey, "Be careful!"

Gou, "We will join you guys after talking to the Gym Leader."

Max, "We will be fine too. Go!"

Ash nodded, "Could you hold on to my Poke egg, Eevee and Abra? I rather they don't get involved in this yet."

Eevee and Abra protested but Lucario cut the protest short, reminding them they were still too young to battle. Ash and Brock left the house in the opposite direction of Casey and Gou and had their Pokemon sniff around, hoping to catch a scent. Ash had Gengar go ahead to Illusion forest to talk to the Ghost Pokemon there and request their help to deal with the poachers. Ash was pretty sure they were dealing with poachers not Team Rocket, that organisation had too much pride to not wear the R.

Brock grumbled, "What a bitch, making such a beautiful woman cry."

Ash sighed, "Some people are just downright bastards. And unfortunately there's nothing we can do about it."

They soon reached the forest following Lucario and Sandslash who followed the faint smell to the forest. They entered the forest and looked around the quiet area which was really odd in Ash's opinion. Even though it's a forest known for Ghost Pokemon, Bug, Grass and Poison types would also be there. Gengar appeared looking truly worried and freaked out at that point, the Ghost Pokemon wanted nothing but to take his trainer away from that place.

Lucario, -What is the matter?-

Gengar moved his arms, "Geng geng gengar geng gengar geng geng gengar."

Lucario narrowed his eyes, -They have been stealing Ghost Pokemon as well.-

Ash, "Poachers!"

Brock nodded, "Poachers."

Ash, "Phantump stick close to me, Gengar use your ghostly illusions to hide yourself and warn the Ghost Pokemon around to head towards Violet City for their own safety."

Gengar nodded and disappeared out of sight after hugging his trainer once. Brock took out Golbat and ordered her to fly silently and spy on a group of six Pokemon thieves. Golbat got a gleam in her eyes as she flew off to search for her targets, she found them by the river side in a decently large camp. As Ash and Brock were planning their attack they were approached by a woman and her large Noctowl.

"I have been watching you youngsters."

Lucario took a battle stance, -Who are you?-

The last laughed, "Now, now, calm down youngsters. My name is Hagatha, Rochelle called me a few minutes ago about you. So I came to offer my assistance."

Ash sighed, "That's appreciated, thank you."

Brock, "We believe we are dealing with poachers who may or may not be working with Team Rocket."

Hagatha nodded, "You are not wrong in assuming that young man. Now what is your plan."

Ash, "Our plan was to have my two Ghost Pokemon here use their illusions to cover themselves as they freed the Pokemon, before attacking them."

Hagatha gave a blood thirsty grin, "Sounds decent, let's do it. My Noctowl knows how to use illusions to hide themselves too. That is if you don't mind his company."

Gengar nodded, "Geng gengar."

Phantump was nervous, "Phaaaa.... "

Ash rubbed his head, "I know you are nervous but it'll be okay, buddy."

Hagatha's eyes narrowed on them at the action but she didn't comment on it, instead she had Noctowl follow the two Ghosts. It was quiet for a few moments before the three Pokemon returned with five belts between them with pokeballs. There were at least thirty pokeballs on the belt and Ash nodded before telling them to stay down and not be noticed by the enemy.

Hagatha, "This is my oldest Noctowl. Come my friend."

Ash whistled, "A Shiny and from the scars I can tell he is your Starter."

Hagatha gave a proud smile, "You are right about that young man. Now I think I can hear screaming."


"Sorry Boss, they were right here."

"Find them you fools! We have to ship them tonight."

Ash whispered, "Here Brock put this wig and glasses on. Get ready to rumble."

Brock, "Thanks, let's do it, Sandslash, Steelix get ready."

Steelix appeared silently, "Lix."

Hagatha, "Confusion Noctowl!"

"What's going on?"

"We are under attack you idiots!"

"Kathryn, there!"

Kathryn looked at the group, "It's an ugly old hag and his grandsons."

Hagatha got an angry twitch, "Who are you calling ugly you under developed brat?"

Ash, "Pikachu use thunder bolt."

Poacher with red hair, "Ariados strong shot out of there, use venom drench."

Brock, "Use sandstorm Sandslash."

The venom drench and sandstorm mixed to create a toxic battle ground.

Ash, "Use iron tail to jump up and thunder wave."

Poacher with blue hair, "Shit Rev, be careful, these are not normal ones."

Rev who had brown hair gritted, "I know."

Hagatha, "Take down!"

Kathryn, "Victrebell poison jab."

Noctowl and the poison grass type fought and clashed while Ash and Brock dealt with the grunts who were quiet strong too. As they were battling, Casey and Gou reached the forest followed by the Gym Leader of Violet City. Faulkner was shocked when he saw Casey a second time and she told them what was happening. He got angry when he realized that there were poachers messing around near his territory. On the other hand Max and Rochelle told the Rangers and the Rangers asked from which direction Ash and Brock went. After Max gave a direction the Head of Search and Rescue nodded and made a plan to meet them from the opposite side.

The two groups went in the direction of where the battle was going on only to see Hagatha and her group battling the poachers. Casey released her Beedrill and Magnesium while Gou ordered his Cinderace and Pidgeotto to help out. Faulkner nodded at the Rangers and they worked in tandem to round up the poachers and capture them. The poachers tried to fight back and avoid capture but the Rangers who are used to their tactics knocked them out.

Faulkner, "You kids did well."

Casey grinned, "Thanks Faulkner."

Gou, "Yeah, I'm just glad things worked out."

Brock, "You are Faulkner."

Faulkner, "Yes, I suppose you will come to challenge my gym later."

Ash, "Yeah, we will, once we clean this mess up."

The Rangers took their statement before hauling the poachers away from the forest to lock them up. Faulkner nodded and headed to the Rangers site to see if he can get answers from the poachers to find out who the Pokemon would be sent too. Is it Team Rocket or some black dealer somewhere out there, either way, it would not be pretty. Ash and the group met up with Max and Rochelle and gave returned her Donphan and Phanphy. It was a teary reunion between the woman and her Pokemon, the Phanphy were terrified and huddled close to her away from the strangers. Max's face fell when he realized that were terrified of him but he didn't push them and gave them space. They left after making sure she was doing alright and rushed to the City instead, it would be dark soon. Ash held his poke egg close as they left, they could understand up to some extent how Rochelle felt.

[A. N.: Have you all seen the news? Russia and Ukraine!

It's seriously terrifying.

I pray things calm down soon.]
