
Orange Islands

The aftermath of the events were in Ash's secret opinion a 'kebab mein haddi', a pain in the neck. He quietly endured the babying of his family members and the clinginess of his friends who were seriously a little too clingy for his liking. He would have up and left but knew better than anyone to do that, it was always best to let the high strung emotions run out, like pulling off a band aid. If he left before that happens well, the next time they get together, it would be impossible to step even one foot out of the house. How did he know you ask? Well it's how he would have reacted as well if it was his other friends or family members in his place and he in theirs.

Lucario just watched him amused, -You know you don't have to put up with it, Meema.-

Ash smiled looking up from his notebook, "I know but it's best to let them let it out completely first. If they do that then next time they will not freak out so badly. Chloe had to help Misty breath, you know?"

Gou snorted writing, "Well at least Misty is not clinging to you like she's sticking with Jessilina."

Melody hummed, "I don't blame her... You said they got really close to each other during the journey right."

Ash, "Yeah they did."

Melody, "I wonder if I'll be able to have a deep friendship like that with someone one day."

Gou gave her a side hug, "I'm sure you will Melody. Aren't you planning on going on a journey next year?"

Melody nodded, "Yeah, I am, I can't wait."

Gary wandered towards them, "There you three are, we were looking for you."

Gou smiled, "We are always hanging out here Gary."

Gary paused, "Guess so, anyways Mrs Ketchum says lunch is ready and wants us to be there as soon as possible."

Slowking, -Go children, that's enough lesson for today.-

Ash, "Okay Slowking! Would you like to join us?"

Gou nodded, "Yeah, I'm sure there's enough Pokefood for everyone."

Melody, "Please join us."

Slowking, -Well if you insists.-

Ash, "We do, teacher!"

Slowking, -Very well.-

Gary led the way looking at them with a lot of curiosity, he for one would have thought Misty would insist on joining them. But she hadn't, instead she had been staying close to Jessilina and helping her help the Pokemon relocate instead. It was taking quite some time to rebuild their environment but Misty had taken up the challenge and was helping out alongside Brock who had been sent to get field experience. Gary would have joined them out of curiosity but it didn't feel right to intrude on them for some reason although learning from Slowking would have been an interesting experience.

Ritchie, "Hey guys! Over here!"

Misty, "You made it!"

Chloe, "Brock is still helping out so he'll be late."

Drew, "But he'll be here soon with Paul."

Jessilina, "Oh! We have a guest this time."

Serena grinned, "Welcome!"

Slowking bowed his head a bit in greeting, -A pleasure to meet you all.-

Serena had flown all the way from Kalos despite the cost and distance to check on them. She had landed late at night in Kanto where she met Misty and Chloe and the three girls had come to the Orange Islands together and hugged Jessilina then Gou then him. Ash smiled in greeting, despite the situation he was always happy to meet friends, the twins Leaf and Green had also come along with his cousin Silver. He was quite a handsome guy although a bit nervous to meet Red's mom in the beginning he had settled in with them just fine. The three of them were currently helping Delia and Rose bring food to the large table outside where they could all sit together and eat.

Silver, "Oh! You are back Ash, Gou, Melody, how was your studies?"

Ash got up to help with the plates, "It was interesting, we learned more about the history of the place today and about aura users actually. Did you know? The aura users of the Orange Archipelago could swim underwater for a long time without breathing. Their aura element was water and it helped them breath underwater a lot and they could communicate with water Pokemon like I can communicate with Lucario and Milotic. How cool is that?"

Misty, "Holy Mew! That sounds incredible!"

Slowking, -It does, doesn't it? My late human partner was one of the gifted ones. It's how I developed my ability to talk.-

Leaf, "Speaking of aura, Ash you are not alone in the group anymore. Check this out!"

Ash's eyes widened then sparkled seeing Leaf form a transparent aura ball, "You unlocked your aura! Congratulations!"

Chloe, "It's really beautiful!"

Misty, "I wonder if I can do that one day."

Gou however looked at Leaf, "What happened Leaf?"

Ritchie, "You don't have to tell us of course! But we'll listen if you want us too."

Gary nodded remembering how Ash activated his aura and shivered, "Yeah!"

Drew, "Take your time."

Green, "We ran into Team Rocket in Jhoto and got separated from each other. It was not the best situation for us."

Leaf looked at Green, "I thought you were dead, he was bragging about it."

Gou winced, "Ah! I can guess what happened."

Cleffable nuzzled Leaf while Wigglytuff nuzzled Green comforting them. Charizard rumbled in understanding, he had seen how self sacrificial his trainer was, figures his friends would be too. Snorlax grunted realizing the same thing and gave a huff as he sat next to Venasaur and Wartotle who shrugged. All they could do was try to keep him grounded and safe. Scorbunny grumbled asking why their trainers couldn't be a bit more selfish and care about themselves more.

Lucario, -It's their choice, my friend. We cannot change it but we can be by their sides.-

Sobble sighed, "Sob so so sobble."

Pikachu, "Pikapi pikachu pika pikachu."

Fearrow nodded, "Row fearrow."

Lucario's lips twitched, -I know, they are but would you really want them to change?-

Milotic, -No, we love them the way they are.-

Ritchie's Charizard sighed as he sat next to Ritchie's two Butterfrees who had reached Shamoutii Island while Ash and the others were off searching for the jewels. Ritchie had been very ecstatic to meet them again and the two Butterfrees had chosen Shamoutii as their new home. The Pokemon got along really well with each other and Gary's Dragonite was exceptionally very happy to see strong opponents. The young Dragon type would sometimes go around challenging the Pokemon and if they agreed he would go get Gary who would huff in amusement and call one of his friends. It had happened a lot the last three days, the young Dragonite won some battles and he lost some battles.

Delia, "Okay kids! Is everyone here?"

Paul, "We're here!"

Brock, "Sorry we're late."

Leaf, "Come sit guys!"

Paul sat next to Gary, "Things are almost back to normal, I will be heading back soon."

Serena, "Yeah, my flight is at the end of the week. Mom only allowed me to come because I was worried and so was she."

Drew, "Same here."

Misty, "Don't worry Serena I have decided to stick around and keep an eye on them."

Chloe, "Me too!"

Serena smiled, "Thanks girls!"

Gary, "I appreciate that too."

Silver, "I'll be sticking around as well. I barely know anything about you."

Ash, "You are welcome to join us."

Jessilina, "We unfortunately cannot stay."

Misty, "What? Why?"

Jameson, "Dad wants us back home, they saw what happened."

Gou, "Ah! I understand."

Brock, "I have to stay here to help out as well so I can't join you guys."

Ash hummed as he sat back enjoying the food and drink. Red, Gold and Lance had gone with Drake to take part in a press conference to answer questions He had thought he would not have to answer any but was proven wrong the day after the events which was two days ago. Gou, Melody and Ash had been approached by two reporters who were curious about them and what they were doing and what was the son of the late Ace Ranger here for.


Reporter, "Hello young men and lady, my name is Celine and I have a few questions."

The other reporter, "My name is Richard and we have a few questions."

Ash looked at Gou and Melody who shrugged and he answered, "I'm not sure we are allowed to say anything. Especially right now."

Celine, "Oh no! We are not gonna ask that many questions just five questions that our viewers have been asking the most about you."

Gou, "Just five?"

Richard smiled, "Just five!"

Melody, "Okay then, but I will tell you right now. If it's something stupid like love interest we will not answer and that'll be one question wasted."

Celine laughed, "Of course! Now for the first question. Are you the same Ash Ketchum who wrote La Llorona?"

Ash blinked surprised before he nodded, "Yes, yes I am."

Richard, "Another viewer is asking if you will be writing another book soon?"

Ash smiled, "I'm already working on it actually, don't worry when it'll publish you'll know."

Celine, "So Gou and Melody correct? How long have you known Ash Ketchum here?"

Gou, "I have known him since we were kids, we met at Professor Oak's summer camp and have remained friends since then."

Melody, "I met Ash and Gou a few days ago and they have become really good friends of mine ever since."

Richard, "Oh sounds like you are pretty close to each other already, alright the fourth question, what are you goals and dreams?"

Ash, "Goals and dreams? I'll be honest I have many. One of my goals is to see the world."

Gou, "Same one of my dreams is to catch one of at least every type of Pokemon."

Melody, "My dreams are to travel and become a trainer and see the world and make more friends."

Celine smiled, "Well Ash you have been called a horror writer prodigy thanks to your book, is there something you want to say to upcoming writers?"

Ash, "Well I'm not some wise guy or advice giver or anything of that sort so I really can't say anything about it."

Richard, "But there must be something, like what inspired you to start writing? Why?"

Ash, "Well, I first started writing to let out my emotions, actually. I was going through a bit of a stressful time when I wrote the book to take out my frustration. I was not planning on publishing it ever actually, it was Gym Leader Sabrina and my friends who encouraged me to publish it."

Celine, "Oh I see! Well that was the last question for the day. Thank you for answering us."

Ash smiled, "You are welcome. We better get going."

The reporters had left them alone after that and they went to join the others. On the way they ran into Lance who pat their heads telling them they did a good job handling the reporters. Lance would have interfered if they showed any visible signs of discomfort but they hadn't therefore he just watched them answer. He knows that it was them who calmed Lugia and the three Legendary elemental Pokemon and not to worry they got their backs. Lance left after telling them they were doing well in handling their situations compared to others who would have broken down.

Flashback end!

Misty, "What do you think Ash?"

Ash, "Sorry Misty could you repeat that?"

Misty looked at him in exasperation, "I was saying we could train together for the League and as I want to become a Water type Master I will be focussing on using water Pokemon. But I will have a lot of disadvantage because of that against flying, electric and grass types."

Ash, "Sure we can train together, it'll be a good way to work on all of our weaknesses."

Gou, "Tracey and me too?"

Ash nodded, "Yes definitely! After all, even without the League there are still many dangers out there."

Tracey murmured, "That's true, alright why not."

Serena pouted, "It's not fair why is Kalos age limit fifteen? I want a Pokemon too but no before fifteen we are too young."

Misty pat her shoulder, "Actually I have something for you Serena."

Serena, "What is it Misty?"

Misty, "Well as you all know my Staryu and Goldeen are together, right? This is their first egg."

Serena gasped when Misty passed an egg in an incubator towards her, "Misty I... I don't know what to say."

Gou leaned in, "Start with thank you?"

Serena, "Right!", she leaned in and kissed Misty's cheek, "Thank you so much Misty. I promise I'll take good care of this little one."

Misty smiled a little pink, "You are welcome!"

After that they had stayed in Shamoutii Island as Ash wanted to study more about the history of the Islands but most of what he learned were biographical entries of different people. It was interesting Ash supposed quietly how things changed as more and more people came to the island or left the island. What started as a safe haven soon spread out and became the Orange Archipelago, Ash half wondered if any of his friends or even himself were related to the people here. They were pretty much at ease on the island, even though they might be leaving soon. He had almost finished reading the last of the entries that Slowking's partner had left behind and would be leaving for the next island soon enough. Not to forget they had to train for the League and the Festival as well. At least Serena would have a partner now and would not feel left out anymore.

[A. N.: Okay! I really should not have to address this but I have to because of a few reviews that I have deleted.

LGBT is not synonymous with romance.

Stop asking for romance, please! There will be short moments but that's about it, okay! This is first and foremost not a romance book.

Also just because someone is gay or lesbian it doesn't mean they will go and find a gay or lesbian lover. If a straight woman or man can choose to stay single, then people part of LGBT can also choose to stay single!

Thank you!]
