
Kanto - Cinnabar Island

Ash, "Wartotle, use hydro pump."

Blaine, "Endure."

Ash's eyes widened as Rhydon stood still enduring the hydro pump assembly he was hit by it, "Be careful Wartotle!"

Blaine smirked, "Stomping tantrum."

Wartotle ran as Rhydon chased after him.

Ash, "Ice beam to the ground and skate, prepare water pulse."

Wartotle used ice beam and used it to dodge the tantrum attack, however the ice field did not stay for long as they were inside a volcano. Rhydon soon caught up and despite being hit by a water pulse he managed to defeat Wartotle.

Referee, "Wartotle is unable to battle. Rhydon is the winner. Choose your next Pokemon."

Ash, "Return Wartotle."

Drew, "He was not even phased by the water attacks."

Roserade, "Ro roserade."

Phantump, "Phaaa."

Chimchar, "Chim chim."

Ash, "Let's go Kingler."

Blaine gave a whistle, "That's one large crab you got there."

Ash, "Thanks."

Referee, "Begin."

Blaine, "Take down."

Ash, "Hyperbeam."

As Rhydon jumped to use take down Kingler shot him with a hyperbeam hitting him on the under belly. Rhydon grunted at being hit there and was pushed back from the crab Pokemon.

Blaine, "Horn attack."

Ash watched as Rhydon came closer, "Use harden and crab hammer."

Kingler glowed a bit before retaliating the horn attack with crab hammer hitting Rhydon straight on. Rhydon not wanting to give up just pushed against Kingler harder, the two Pokemon pushed back and forth.

Ash, "Now metal claw."

Just like a switch Kingler's crab hammer glowed with steel type energy and hit Rhydon getting a hiss of pain. Rhydon moved back but did not relent before charging again only to be hit by the steel type attack again.

Blaine, "Thunder punch Rhydon."

Ash, "Kingler use whirlpool. Surround Rhydon."

Kingler activated whirlpool and caused it to surroundings Rhydon.

Ash, "Now metal claw again."

Rhydon did not let the whirlpool affect him for long and charged forward. He was hit by metal claw while Kingler's was hit by the thunder punch. Both Pokemon watched each other before they both fainted.

Referee, "Rhydon and Kingler are unable to battle. Both side have defeated two Pokemon making it a draw. Choose your next Pokemon."

Blaine returns Rhydon, "You defeated my two Pokemon with only two of yours... Not a bad start youngster."

Ash, "Get some rest Kingler, you deserve it buddy. Thank you Blaine, but the match is not over yet."

Blaine grinned, "Indeed."

Lucario, -This is going to be an interesting battle.-

Ash nodded, "I agree."

Misty was enjoying the Island special, "I wonder where Ash and Drew are."

Duplica nodded, "We have seen Jessilina and Tomo around the kiddies store and Jameson and Brock at the fruit market but Drew and Ash."

Misty's eyes sparkled, "Maybe Drew took Ash out on a date."

Duplica, "Huh? I didn't realize he was interested in Ash... Our Ash who I'm pretty sure is an asexual."

Misty giggled, "Drew has an uphill battle as Ash does not seem interested in romance at all..... But then again all of us are way too focused on our own carreers so I am not in a position to judge."

Duplica hummed, "No wonder he seemed interested in our photos from Princess day."

Misty gave a sly smile, "Was he now?"

Duplica smirked, "Yup especially yours and Ash's photos."

Misty sat back a little shocked, "What? I understand why he would be interested in Ash, they are coordinators but why me? I'm a trainer soon to be a gym leader."

Duplica, "So what if you are a trainer, so what if there is a dissent between trainers and coordinators, doesn't mean they cannot be together."

Misty, "Guess so..... Wait a minute! How did we go from Ash and Drew to that?"

Duplica laughed at her friend's red face, serves her right for making fun of her crush on Todd. Todd is a sweet guy and Duplica liked him, he didn't judge them when they said Ash was actually a guy not a girl. He took it in stride and just complimented him on his good looks, and Duplica liked that. Misty had teased her about it and now she was teasing her back with Drew's obvious interest in her aside from Ash. She half wondered what they were doing and if they were having a date as well.

Blaine, "Let's do this my old friend."

Ninetales appeared, "Nine!"

Ash, "Milotic let's dance."

Milotic, -Finally yes.-

Blaine, "Aura speak? Huh I heard a few Pokemon could do it, never thought I'll meet one of them."

Milotic bowed, -Pleasure to meet you.-

Blaine, "The pleasure is mine lovely Lady."

Drew gaped, 'When did she learn to talk?'

Roserade looked at Drew before pressing on Milotic's pokeball, "Ro roserade."

Milotic looked at his trainer, "Lo?"

Roserade pointed at the female Milotic on the battlefield, "Ro roserade ro."

Milotic's eyes widened when he learned the female that he was interested in could use aura speak, "Lo milotic."

Referee, "Begin!"

Ash, "Aqua ring Milotic."

Blaine, "Flamethrower."

The aqua ring hit the flamethrowers and got dispersed into vapour. Milotic moved around a little uncomfortable with the heat before using her aura to adjust to the hot environment. Having a direct access to aura was pretty advantageous she decided. The Ninetales observed her opponent and gave her kudos for her quick thinking, she was sure her partner noticed it too.

Blaine, "Fire spin."

Ash, "Rain dance followed by hydro pump."

Milotic covered herself with a powerful rain dance making Ninetales wary about approaching her directly. Instead she ran around Milotic looking for an opening to attack instead. Milotic soon enough collected more than enough power to shoot a powerful hydro pump. Sensing the attack Ninetales used fire spin hitting the hydro pump head on, the rain dance had given Milotic the boost required to push fire spin back. Ninetales was no pushover however and by the time she was hit by hydro pump the water attack was at half of it's strength. It did leave some damage despite the lower energy and both Pokemon were panting out of exhaustion.

Ash, "Recover Milotic."

Milotic glowed and the next thing anyone knew she was back to normal like nothing happened. Ninetales looked at her annoyed, that was too op of a move that her opponent had well she had her own move.

Blaine, "Draining kiss."

Milotic looked shocked as Ninetales actually kissed her, she had nothing against gender but dammit. That was her first kiss, Drew's Milotic was fuming beside Roserade who was snickering and reminded him they were battling. Drew's Milotic didn't care about that, he was allowed to feel jealous thank you very much. He hissed under his breath as she paced outside the battle watching as Milotic pushed Ninetales away using aquatail.

Ash grumbled, "Clever, recover again and use water pulse."

Blaine, "Swift."

Milotic recovered the lost health before using water pulse on Ninetales who dodged and used swift. Milotic dodged as well and moved around the field before shooting another water pulse which hit Ninetales who hissed at the contact.

Blaine, "Full power heat blast."

Ash, "Rain dance then full power hydro pump."

Milotic used rain dance and readied hydro pump while Ninetales powered up her heat blast. The attacks hit both Pokemon and the next thing anyone knew both had fainted both out of exhaustion and the attack.

Referee, "Both Milotic and Ninetales are unable to battle. Both sides have defeated three Pokemon each. Choose your next Pokemon."

Blaine returned Ninetales, "Well you are not so bad a trainer. But remember if your last match ends in a draw. You lose. Let's go Magcargo."

Ash frowned, "I remember, I didn't forget. return Milotic get some good rest girl."

Drew's Milotic looked worried, "Lo."

Drew, "She'll be fine, she's strong."

Roserade nodded, "Ro roserade."

Ash, "Togepi let's do this."

Togepi, "Gepi."

Referee, "Begin."

Blaine, "Oh! A Shiny, how rare! Macargo Ember."

Ash, "Togepi light screen followed by metronome."

The ember deflected back because of the light screen before Togepi finished using his Metronome. The metronome turned out to be a powerful icy wind similar to the one Jigglypuff used. Ash grinned his Togepi and Jigglypuff were getting along really well together just like Pidgeot and Fearrow. Magcargo gave a hiss at the cold wind hitting him and freezing some of his outer flames.

Blaine, "Over heat to melt the ice, then use curse."

Ash, "Protect and safeguard."

Togepi used protect doubled with safeguard to keep himseld safe from the curse. The attack hit the shield and pushed at it for a few seconds before it dispersed. Ash scowled he would not be able to use the two moved for a while.

Ash, "Use yawn Togepi."

Blaine, "Yawn."

The two Pokemon yawned at the same time making the other sleepy.

Blaine, "Magcargo no sleeping."

Magcargo looked at Blaine with droopy eyes as if to say, what can you do about it while Togepi was rubbing his eyes.

Ash sweatdropped, "Ah! Shake it off buddy, do you remember Primeape's training for sleepy heads?"

Togepi looked up and nodded starting run around before he turned to Magcargo who was still partly sleepy. The little spike Pokemon grinned before using metronome again which this time turned out to be water gun. Magcargo shook awake at that and hissed at Togepi who was giggling away at his angry look.

Blaine, "Stop playing around Mag use heat blast."

Ash, "Togepi draining kiss followed by solar beam."

Togepi used draining kiss while at the same time, he was using that power to create a solar beam. The two Pokemon released both attacks at the same time making them hit each other creating an explosion blowing them back. Togepi got up a little bruised and hurt but still willing to fight, Magcargo did the same before Togepi started to glow.

Ash, "Togepi."

Lucario, -He is evolving.-

Togetic stood in place of Togepi, "Getic."

Ash, "Congratulations Togetic, you look amazing."

Togetic smiled, "Tic."

Ash spoke hesitantly, "You good to carry on battling?"

Togetic nodded feeling determined, "Togetic."

Ash, "Alright let's check out your new attacks buddy. Use aerial ace."

Blaine, "Magcargo use flamethrower."

Togetic flew towards Magcargo using Ariel ace using the boost in power from evolving to dodge the fire attack. He hit the lava Pokemon hard knocking him backwards and unconscious.

Referee, "Magcargo is unable to battle, Togetic is the winner. Choose your next Pokemon."

Blaine, "Well I'll admit I did not expect that but congratulations Ash on evolving your Pokemon."

Ash smiled, "Thank you."

Blaine, "Do not think you have the upper hand however, come Magmar."

Ash, "You still good to go Togetic?"

Togetic nodded, "Tic!"

Referee, "Begin."

Ash, "Fairy wind."

Blaine, "Over heat."

Magmar's overheat was very powerful and cut the the fairy wind like a knife through butter hitting Togetic. Togetic gave a cry as he went down from the attack.

Referee, "Togetic is unable to battle, Magmar wins the match."

Ash, "Return Togetic, I promise I'll get a check up for you as soon as we are out of here. Now Charizard, I choose you."

Blaine, "Two Shiny Pokemon? You are quite something aren't you young man?"

Ash grumbled, "Let's just say their previous trainers can make Team Rocket look like heroes and leave it at that."

Blaine, "Oh? Now I'm very curious about them."

Ash, "One is in jail for hurting Charizard when he was young, the other one was deported."

Blaine frowned, "I see."

Referee, "Ready? Begin."

Blaine, "Over heat!"

Ash, "Over heat."

The two attacks hit each other making them underground room warmer than before. The two Fire types growled and sized each other up before they attacked a second time.

Ash, "Use Dragon rage."

Blaine, "Fire blast."

The dragon rage and fire blast hit each other making an explosion and smoke to cover the battlefield. Charizard roared and flew up using his wings to get rid of the smokescreen.

Ash, "Steel ace."

Blaine, "Mega punch."

Charizard used Ariel ace to gain speed and flew towards Magmar at high speed. The punch and the steel wing hit both Pokemon at the same time. Charizard winced from the mega punch while Magmar rubbed his middle from being hit their by steel wing. The two Fire types growled in respect for the other's strength and decided not to hold back and go all out. Drew watched Ash battle with Charizard and he half wondered if he would battle with Ash one day, he certainly made poke battles look very exciting.

Roserade poked Drew smirking, "Ro."

Drew, "What's with the smirk?"

Milotic have him a look as well, "Lo."

Drew, "Seriously what?"

Lucario grunted listening to the Pokemon tease the trainer, 'They are not together.'

Charizard who over heard the conversation got a tick mark on his head and roared at them making Ash startled. Roserade simply eye smiled before pointing out he needed to focus on battle infront of him, making Charizard grumble annoyed. He was cursing the flower head under his breath making his opponent sweatdrop at his opponent acting like a hatchling who did not want to share it's mother.

Ash, "I get it, you want to go all out. Go ahead Charizard, steel armor."

Blaine, "If you are going all out we will too, Magmar sunny day followed by fire spin."

Magmar used fire spin on Charizard who used steel claw to stop the spin before using iron tail to hit the Fire type head on and push him back. Charizard then flew up and came down in another Ariel ace to hit Magmar who prepared another attack and shot fire blast after fire blast. Charizard dodged all the attacks before hitting Magmar again and this time knocking the lava Pokemon out.
