
The First Butterfly Effect

He didn't need to do anything, except to stand in his place, motionless, while players kept shouting for others to come. Bloom even had his two swords sheathed, as he wasn't anything near worried of this confrontation.

His Atp and Hp were both monstrous, making him really equivalent to a dungeon monster!

"He is all alone, be careful of his two swords," one shield bearer shouted at the others, while he took the lead to move towards Bloom. This player was like Gored, a tanker, with double shields that he held up front, hiding most of his body behind them.

However, even if he had two more arms with two more shields, they wouldn't even help him against Bloom!

Bloom just simply walked towards that player, unsheathed one of his swords, as he didn't need the other one, or the fast draw talent to add more damage to his attacks.


He simply muttered, while that tanker stood by the back of his two shields, waiting for the result that would never come!

Just one sword, one skill, one stab, and that player was thrown by the violent strike of Bloom's sword, to smash a couple of players behind him, while a monstrous damage appeared on top of his and other players heads.





Four huge numbers appeared on top of these players, while instantly killing them. This sudden appearance of these numbers, coupled with the death of these players had shocked everyone, rendering them all motionless, paralyzed out of shock!

However Bloom didn't stop here. his quest was to kill one hundred players at least, and he was now surrounded by hundreds of players!


The second attack came to knock back a swordsman like him, pushing his body in the air flying for a couple meters, before hitting the bodies of two more players, rolling together violently on the ground, with three scary numbers of damage appearing on top of their heads.




They were all dead, with just this one stab of Bloom, who didn't stop and went ahead towards another group of players.

Before he could do anything, one player shouted from behind him, awakening everyone here:

"He is just one player, and we are hundreds! Let's all attack, it must be a bug that his attack is like this! Let's deplete his Hp before reporting this cheater to the game."

Bloom knew this person was an old player without doubt, or else how could he face this situation and overcome his shock in such mere moments?

However, he wasn't bothered by his rallying cry, as his Hp was really insane, exceeding two thousand and seven hundred points! If he stopped in his place, and let them all attack him, they would only deplete one thousand to one thousand and half with the level suppression between him and them.

But he never intended to stay motionless, as he waved his sword, and stabbed another swordsman, killing two more players with him.

Just as the three died, Bloom felt the sudden change in the atmosphere around him. It seemed that the awakening shout of that veteran was really effective, and so he had to act more seriously if he wanted to finish his quest here fast and leave towards that mountain.

And so, he unsheathed his second sword, and turned to face the first wave of players who decided to take the lead against him.

They were a group of twenty or something players, mainly of weapon wielders and shield bearers factions. Bloom just simply walked towards them, without caring for anything else.

They were all looking at him with extreme vigilance, with serious looks over their faces, however he was just glancing casually towards them, like he wasn't aiming to kill them.

Just as they started to use their skills to attack him, he opened the fight with a grand opening of his.

"Sky piercer!"

He suddenly jumped in the air for three meters, escaping most of the skills that were directed to his past location.

The skill shocked everyone here, however Bloom didn't do it to amaze them, so his two swords fell over his enemies, each directed towards one player.



A huge number appeared on top of each player, while they moved to the back, with the strong impact of Bloom's skill, to hit more players from behind, killing them along the way.

This sudden grandiose opening of Bloom startled everyone, even the veteran leader of them, who just realized how mistaken all the info Derick had given to all of them at the forums.

But it was too late for regret, as Bloom was just warming up.

"Fifteen," he muttered, as he was keeping track of the number of players he killed so far.

Just as he killed the fifteen player, an AOE skill attacked him, with a very minuscule damage appearing on top of his head.


For him it wasn't even worth a mosquito bite, considering how huge his Hp was. For others, this figure wasn't the main concern of shock here, but his massive Hp bar that appeared on top of his head.

"Is he a monster?"

"Is this a game bug?"

"I will report it!"

"Me too!"

He simply turned to look at the group of players who just spoke to him. he didn't do much as he just raised his swords, and muttered:

"After resurrecting, go and mourn as much as you like… stab, stab!"

His two skills killed two players simply like that, while he then followed the attack with more stabs. For him, he had a huge arsenal of skills, but he felt such a waste to use them on these players.

The disparity in the damage caused by him and the rest of players here was amazing, making players already losing hope. However, he didn't allow them to retreat before finally completing his needed list.










"Ninety nine."

"One hundred."

The moment he reached his goal he stopped killing those players. they weren't even worth wasting his stamina on them. one hit and any player would die, any hit from them was greatly negated by his high level, making the damage look nothing in comparison to his high Hp!

"I need to go, one condition was met, others are left to complete," he muttered as he turned his back and left the shocked players behind. He didn't know what had caused a stir in the forums, as those killed players had gone on rampage ranting there for the bugging of the system.

The response came swiftly from the game managers, as they informed the players that Bloom was one of the top twenty players in the whole game in level and stats. This formal response had silenced everyone, making all feel more shock inside themselves, feeling how low and unworthy they were compared to him.

And the most shocking fact was that he wasn't the strongest player in the game! that made players realize there were monsters lurking everywhere, and they were just deluded by their own pride.

What numbers could do against mighty power? Nothing! That is what Bloom proved to all, and that was the first alarming signal that made everyone get awakened.

They weren't doing their best! Not at all! Suddenly the forums were full of topics discussing the identity of those top twenty players, and most of the topics related to the game announcements from back then regarding those who finished dungeons first in the game with this list!

Bloom didn't know that with his simple interference, he changed the future of this game, forever!

The first butterfly effect just happened here, and he would bear witness to its magnificent results, that he never ever expected before!
