
Chapter 114 When the chef cook

Gael's side

I went to a preparation room with a kraken. We find it and we kill it, but the output became a baby kraken. The kraken was eaten and the aqua kraken was modified but the meat was the same. I will present it to my cooking contest. I will grill it and place it inside an hard ball of crisp. A simple thing for quality meat. Simple is best some time.

The kraken is alive for the moment. I want it to be fresh. During my wait a person hit the door and enter without giving me time to answer.

"Hello I'm Gerald, a men who will win the tournament. I learn that you have special ingredient by a noble friend. I want it so give it to me. "

"And…? What if I don't want to ?"

"You will have big problems. My friend is a noble. He will ask the guard to arrest you and you will be torture without knowing a morning. Your wife, children, friend and other people who you love will die just under your eyes."

He anger me. Nobody speak of my friend or my wife like that. I take out my knife and kill him on the spot. A person who come to see me and to ridicule my family, mock them and want to kill them. No I can let it pass nobody insult them without paying a price. After a beautiful kill in my own waiting room, this is the best gift that i can give for the other participant. One competitor is already out.

A person come knocking at the door and say

"Excuse me, chief Gael can you present yourself at the arena the competition will begin." You will be presenting your special ingredient or the particularity of your recipe."

I take my kraken and present myself at the opening of the arena. A man wait the participant here, after giving my name and one or two information about the ingredient, passing a poison test he take me at a big opening. Inside is the space where the gladiator fight.

"Please wait that the presenter call you to go. After that you will have to go where he is, in the middle of the arena, and he will ask you one or two thing. Just answer it show you ingredient at the camera and the public and exit at the door at the opposite side."

"Thanks for your help" this man look at me like I'm a sort of alien. I thinks it's the first time he ear a participant thanking him.

"Now we will welcome a mercenary chief. My information show me that he is a fighter during the war last year, and one of the best. He travel the next month to follow his dream and now he is with us to show you a new species. Thanks to applaud a the chief of the Legendary Ghost : Gael"

I enter the fighter zone and look at the sitting zone. I try to find Sarah or my family. I found them in the first raw. They wave at me so i wave back. The public don't want to stop clapping their hand when the presenter ask them the moment i arrive next to him. After a moment the public stop.

"With this number of applause, we want to know if you are worth this time. What will be the new species of animal that you want to cook us?"

He give me a micro.

"I will cook a kraken."

"A kraken, did you have more information?"

"Oh yes, a kraken is an octopus monster that live in water."

"It's good to know but we really don't know what it is. Is it a fish? Where can we find it? So to put simply where did you travel. I don't know for the public but a lot of people try to impersonate you."

The public node or scream their agreement.

I has ask my captain before to know if it was okay to announce where we were. He accept.

"We travel to the void sea. And the kraken that i take with me today" I show them the little octopus" is a modified animal of a void monster that can sank a corvette or a fighter ship with is tentacle.

The public can't stop his excitement. They start to scream… after 10 minute where the presenter try to claim the silence, he say.

"We are already very excited to know you news recipes and this rare ingredients. But your time is finish you will have to quit us."

He show me the exit. The rest of the presentation pass without much shock. Nobody had a new ingredient. It's just new recipe or thing that are already know.
