
Chapter 26 : Celebration

Hendrickson faced against dozens of holy knights and the Sin's with his new demonized form after drinking the blood of a demon. His power rose to new heights as he rivalled all the Sin's and still somehow beat them.

He created fear for all the holy knights that once knew him, just like his appearance, he had completely changed into a different creature...a demon to be exact.



In the sky above the Kingdom of Liones, a young man with white hair, red eyes, a white t-shirt , blue pants and a red jacket tied to his waist was slowly falling down.

Jin looked below him and saw dozens of holy knights being slaughtered a grey demon, while the Seven deadly sins tried to attack him.

"Hendrickson huh~, interesting", Jin said in mid-air, before he headed down below.


With the Holy Knights down and Hendrickson still unfazed, the sins watched as Hendrickson fired a beam of destruction towards Meliodas, who was still on the floor.

"Dead End~", Hendrickson said, as the beam was getting closer and closer, suddenly Hawk appeared right in-front of the beam, seemingly to risk his life for them....but before it hit him, Jin grabbed Hawk by the ear and threw him to Elizabeth, before he immediately raised his leg, focused all his energy into one point and coated his leg in Haki before he sent a destructive blast through the beam,<Recoilless Kick>.


All the sins and holy knights watched as a young man had come to their rescue, destroying Hendrickson's beam, slightly injuring him in the process.

Jin cracked his neck before he looked at everyone, "I call dibs on the demon~", he said with a big smile. The sins didn't know what to think....but before they could think anything, Hendrickson charged at Jin at lightning speed.


Jin quickly turned around and saw a blur appear right in-front of him, Hendrickson dashed and threw a punch at Jin's torso, seemingly want to rip his innards out with a devilish face. The attack was slowly approaching...but Jin stood there, until Hendrickson was close enough. Jin faked a round-house kick with his left leg, as he jumped before he wrapped his knee joint on his neck, dodging the attack.

When he had his neck wrapped, Jin used the momentum of the round-house kick, to spin Hendrickson and himself 360 degrees, before he grabbed his head and bashed it into the ground, < Ssam-Su Taekkyeon : Round-House Kick and Scythe>.


Hendrickson caved the ground underneath him, on his face was an expression of shock and pure anger. He believed that he could easily kill everyone there, but with the arrival of this stranger...he didn't know what to think and devoted all his thinking to ways of killing Jin.

He pushed Jin off of him by using the full force of his energy. He sent Jin into the sky, but that wasn't over, as he sent a barrage of punches at his body, before he slammed a punch at Jin's face....sending him into the ground...

With a chuckle Jin slowly got up, while Hendrickson was still in the air....seeing that he looked fine, Hendrickson created hundreds of black bombs around him, as he hurled them all at Jin.

With a face of happiness, Jin went into his, <Full Contact Karate Stance>, as he watched the bombs come closer. When they were close enough, he raised his right hand, and brought back his left. By charging Ki into his left, when the bombs were close enough, Jin punched the air, sending his Ki and the air pressure to collide with the bombs, destroying them all in an instant,<Dance of the Four Gods 1st Stance: Ballistic Fist>.

Hendrickson was raging, he felt like his head was going to come off, as he charged at Jin without caring at all.

Jin watched the approaching Hendrickson with a smile, as his red eyes turned purple. When Hendrickson was about to kick Jin in the face...Jin vanished.

Using,<Renewal: Bo-Bup>, he appeared right behind Hendrickson, before he kicked the ground under him to offset his balance, his kick sent a powerful shockwave that travelled through Hendrickson,<Dance of the Four Gods 2nd Stance : Phoenix Kick>.


The air pressure even cut him, resulting in minor wounds on his face. When he threw off his balance, he charged at Hendrickson, but while he was charging, Hendrickson covered himself in black flames,<Hell-blaze>, for protection, as he wasn't ready to receive another blow just yet.

However, Jin didn't care as his speed reached new heights, he appeared directly in-front of Hendrickson, before he delivered countless punches and kicks, all hitting different parts of his body, as dozens of after-images appeared, simply confusing Hendrickson,<Dance of the Four Gods 3rd Stance : White Tiger's Dance>

When it was over, Hendrickson had countless injuries such as broken bones and what not. He just stood there, unmoving as he was too damaged.

Jin looked at his face and chuckled, before he jumped up and rotated his waist, sending his left leg in-contact with his face sending him to the right,<Renewal Front Hwechook + Haki>, with the inclusion of Haki, Hendrickson was sent flying away.

Jin wasn't done and wanted to do the last stance, <Blue Dragon's Storm>, on Hendrickson, because he believed this would be a good chance to improve his technique and delivery of the move.

He dashed at supernatural speed, appearing a bit away from the mangled Hendrickson, who struggled to stand up. When Jin saw he got up, he lowered his centre of gravity, before gathering his Ki and took control over the air-flow he generated in the previous stances, as he spun his body, when he rotated, the air pressure and the Ki surrounding his body, created a mirage or illusion of a dragon right above Jin's head.

The dragons mouth opened when Jin sent the kick towards Hendrickson, seemingly wanting to devour him....

<Full Contact Karate : Dance of the Four Gods 4th Stance : Blue Dragon's Storm>.


The connection between Hendrickson and the kick created a shockwave, blasting Hendrickson away with a hole in his stomach. He lay there on the ground, staring at the sky....Jin slowly walked over to him, as he looked at Hendrickson before smiling as he walked away.


The Sin's watched as Jin destroyed Hendrickson to pieces. They had never seen Jin before or the techniques he used, and were left in surprise and intrigue.

Hawk looked at Jin with thanks especially, as he didn't want to have had sacrificed himself, and so he ran to Jin.

Hawk : "Thank you for saving them! What's your name?", the pig asked.

"Hmm~, Oh my name is Jin, I'm just a wanderer trying to find a good opponent".

Hawk : "Oh really~", the pig retorted.

"I'll be going then~, make sure you help your friends out, Mr Pig~", Jin said as he waved his hand before walking away.

Before he could go though, Elizabeth ran over to Jin...

Elizabeth : "Thank you so much for helping our kingdom! Please stay and accept our thanks!", she said loudly, with a smile on her face.

"I'm good, you should thank them", he said pointing at the Sins, "All I did was finish the job for my own personal interest, they deserve it not me~", he retorted before walking off, ignoring any more attempt Elizabeth tried to give to have Jin stay.


After the incident, the Sin's were recognised as heroes, and the Holy Knights were watched for any misconduct. Everyone celebrated, sharing the festivities with their neighbours and everyone in the kingdom.

The Sin's all wondered who Jin was, after they fully healed, and why he came, 'was it for a fight, or for some other reason', they all thought, wanting to know if Jin would turn into an enemy in the future.


The person in question, Jin, was walking through a forest, on the way to a mountain-top. He needed to wait until the Commandments came, as he thought of fighting them, before he fights that Octopus demon from before.

Ever since that day he first fought him, Jin knew that wasn't his full power, whenever he thought about it, he'd always smile and wonder what limits he could reach with that demon now that he'd become stronger.

Jin travelled many different places, most to relax, some others to train, he mostly sat on-top of high places and waited until the Ten Commandments came.

He knew that they'd offer him a good fight, 'Who knows they might be stronger than that demon....', he thought wanting to compare their levels of strength.


Jin was fighting a humongous beast in a secluded area. The smell of blood lingered in the air, as Jin looked at beast in-front of him. The beast towered over Jin and sent dozens of attacks. All of which were avoided, Jin looked at the incoming punch on his right, and dove to the ground. He lowered himself on purpose, as while under there, he delivered a 180 degrees sweep kick, attacking the beast making it trip,<Renewal Lowest Hwechook>.

Before he sent a barrage of punches at the monster on the floor.


After getting rid of the monster and sitting on it, Jin looked up to the sky and closed his eyes.

Suddenly, he felt something dark coming, and had a feeling it had to do with the,' Ten Commandments', "Finally happening huh~", he said, before he grabbed his bag and walked away from the area....leaving dozens of beast corpses on the floor.
