
Chapter: Setup For The Final Stage

Zane forced himself to arise from the floor. His head was still in pain and he had reverted to human form. Carefully, he gazed down at the body of Pluto beneath him. He could hardly believe that Serenity had killed the Rank 5 Anunnaki.

Shemar also sat on the floor in pain. The bullet wounds he suffered from were not healing. This was because the bullets were still embedded within him. To heal, he would need to remove the bullets from his wounds.

Zane was not about to complain about Shemar's condition. This only meant he wouldn't be forced to go through another fight. The only thing left for him to do was to get the others and make an escape.

Unfortunately, Layla and Anastasia were unconscious. It would be a hassle to pull them alongside him. It was even worse knowing that Deandre had taken his final breath. Serenity was buried in sorrow from his sudden demise. It had been an unexpected situation, but Serenity had gotten her revenge on Pluto.
