
Chapter 30: The big leagues

* Dagur *

* It was 8 years ago now. We were kids and we were thirsty for adventure. Our bad troop had agreed to play bodyguards for Prince Emory now without power or faction. It must be said that our arrival made the people talk, especially the nobles of the castle. For them we had just brought brainless and boorish peasants among refined people, for us it was wolves who entered the sheepfold. We walked and we strutted in the middle of all, taking ourselves for the masters of the place. We had confident and arrogant looks while the people of the palace gave us unpleasant looks *.

-What's wrong with the prince's mind. * Said a noblewoman *.

-Bring these boors among us.

- Or then he intends to make his dogs out of them.

-Wooooaf. * Shouted Sheehan *.

* The old nobleman got scared and fell on his buttocks and we all laughed at the top of our lungs *.

-Insolence ...

* It was all well and good to talk but a simple glance in their direction made them tremble with terror. Seeing people as atypical as us with our clothes was not common. Once in the throne room everyone knelt to greet the king. Everyone except us *.

-Who are these children? How dare they? * Said a soldier *.

* The king of Adrun and also the king of the Killicks. Emory's father and also Emvis' father. But above all .... The man my mother hates the most in the world. When our eyes met I think I had never boiled so much with anger in my whole life *.

-Ferux Argeil d'Adrun

* All the hostility and animosity buried in me had risen to the surface. My friends were all staring at me surprised, wondering what I was doing. Even some soldiers stared at me in fear of what I could do *.

-Kill him kill him kill him.

* It was the only thing that crossed my mind. This man made my mother suffer and I fully intended to return it to him. Seeing him sitting like that on his throne and in good health gave me the shame. But there was a major obstacle in the way of my revenge. Just from his aura I already guessed that the king was a powerful relic carrier *.

- Damn this guy is creepy. * Said Varken *.

-Is he really the king of humans? * Dagfiin asked *. It doesn't seem like it is.

-Do you think your father can kill him one on one? * Enrik asked Kaleb *.

-I don't know what about yours?


* The king who until then was staring at us smiled and stood up. I do not know why but not pure reflex we all made a good stepback, claws pushed us and fangs out without counting the whites of our eyes which became black and our pupils blue like our hair. These symptoms were a sign that we were close to going into Grimnir mode but it was purely instinctive because at our age we had no idea how to do that *.

-Your insolence know no bound. * Said a general who drew his weapon *.

* The king stopped him with a wave of his hand *.

-Calm down. * Said the king * It is normal that they are afraid in my presence.

* He walked up to us calmly and once at Emory's level the young prince raised his head *.

-Train your puppies well. You seem to have found some good ones for yourself.

* After that the king left the throne room and our beginning of metamorphosis ended *.

* End of Pov *

* When they arrived in Salomeh, the capital of the kingdom of Adrun, the news made a lot of noise in the upper echelons of the nobility. The Killicks are frowned upon and are often mistakenly viewed as uneducated monsters. And it's normal that most humans think so since the majority of the Killicks population is made up of average warriors and therefore peasants with more than rustic ways, Dagur did not have the ambition to be seen well by the court. imperial nevertheless to have a good image near the people of Adrun would open certain doors to him. After their passage in the imperial hall the group met in the apartments of the prince. They were seated in a circle around a large table *.

-Hey Dagur what was that? * Kaleb asked *.

-What was what ?

-That look you threw at the king. * He said *. I could see that we were distinguished guests, but we could sense your animosity from miles away. Still happy that Pamares didn't behead us.

-And there is no doubt that certain generals felt it too. * Enrikson added *. It's a good start for a first part yours.

-It will not bother to jump at his throat. * Said Sheehan who was relaxed *. The king was creepy admit the proof we all jumped back when he got up. Even little Adali got scared.

* He winked at her and tried to stroke her cheek but she hid behind Dagur *.

-She's crazy about me. * Said he smiling *.

* At that moment the back door opened slowly. A man with a jaded, shapeless look entered then. He had long black hair reaching down to the shoulders and wore a dark green tunic. Once in the room he glanced at all the Killicks present and then stared at the prince *.

-I guess you're the prince's bodyguard. Who is your boss?

-It's me. * They said raising their hands *.

-Ok I rephrase, which has enough brain mass to hold a strategic and political discussion.

* Half lowered their hand leaving Dagur, Enrik and Kaleb *.

-Very well the others you can arrange we must have a private interview.

* They let out a sigh and walked towards the door. Adali refused to leave Dagur an inch but Dagfinn walked over and held out his hand with a smile *.

-You're going to be okay. * He said *.

* She refused to listen to him but Dagur smiled and patted her on the head *.

- Take care of her.

* She finally obeyed and left the room. Alvaces felt a breath of fresh air rise as if the room were less wild *.

-Good if we could start.

* Meanwhile on Adje in the royal palace, the mood was still the same apart from the queen's mood swings at not having seen her son for weeks *.

-Raaah Hyverson motherfucker. * jadded the queen who was throwing a vase against the wall *.

* Walking in the corridors Vincent who heard his groans kept a smile rather amused by the situation. However as he was about to go down the stairs he saw two warriors with blue hair just below. It was Sephora chatting with another warrior. This one was basically smaller than her and had a shy look. He was reluctant to come and talk to her *.

-Why me ?

-Sorry I don't want to disrespect you, everyone knows your strength and respects you. There is a rumor that just said that in exchange for money you would agree to go to bed and give birth to a child.

* The other warrior hadn't seen him but at the same time it wasn't visible on his face, but from where he was Vincent understood that Sephora was extremely pissed off *.

-It must be said that you have given birth to exceptional warriors. So I said to myself that to insure my descent ... I ...

-Who started this rumor about me before? * She asked politely *.

-Ah ... I'm not sure I think he's an expert by the name of Helmborg. Well, I'm not saying he's right, but here I am, I just want to say .... If you accept I have money.

* Suddenly he felt an extremely threatening presence behind his back but it was not Sephora but a young man. He had frizzy blue hair with a two parallel lines drawn on the right. He wore a breastplate on his body revealing his arms and his tribal tattoos. He also wore black pants and furry boots. His gaze was angry and he walked towards the warrior *.

-Who authorized you to speak to this woman? * He asked in an icy voice *.

- Hey who are you? * He said in a changing tone *.

* But the young man did not look away and stared straight in the eyes *.

-You you weakling who has just passed the stage of expert warrior, you thought that this woman was within your reach?

-You are starting to bloat me kid. Which Legion do you belong to? I'll talk to your ...

* He gave him a slap that made him head ricochet against the wall. His blood began to squirt out of his mouth. The young man grabbed him by the head and forced him to kneel with his head down in front of Sephora *.

-How dare you disrespect her? Give her money to sleep with you. For her to carry your child? Did you think she was a whore?

* The pressure he applied to his head made his blood rush to his brain and his eyes turned blood red *.

-So the weakling? Do you still think this woman is within your reach?

-I ... I'm sorry.

-Excuse yourself properly or I'll rip your head off.

-I'm sorry Lady Sephora I won't do it again. I was wrong to speak to you.

* The young man let go of the warrior he knocked out with a good blow. Then he carried it over his shoulder and passed Sephora on the stairs after exchanging a quick look *.

-What a pity that respectable warriors like Helmborg are spreading this kind of rumor about me. * Had she whisper *.

* The young man stopped for a moment, then left again before disappearing into the hallway. Vincent then went downstairs and joined Sephora on the stairs *.

-I don't know that Hakim was hot blood. But it is true that if he had not been there I would have beheaded this poor guy in a flash.

-I can defend myself on my own you know.

-I know. * He said, staring her in the eye *. It was to prevent him from suffering needlessly. However, he is really strong, hard to believe that he is only 16 years old.

* Sephora laughed for a moment then slowly descended the steps *.

-No matter how much you ignore them your children will always love you, you know that.

-I have only one child and it is Dagur.

-It is true that he has potential but the others are also not left out. Besides that you whispered in the ear of poor Hakim.

-That a certain Helmborg was peddling unfortunate rumors about an innocent woman.

-You did not know ? When a Killick kills another it is also a murder.

-I know. * She smiles *.

* After which she walked away under the curious gaze of Vincent who was wondering what was going through his mind. Back in Salomeh, Alvaces was in full explanations with the prince's crew. Even though they were kids, they were quick-witted *.

-Here is what you need to know about the prince's situation.

-In summary. * Said Dagur who was having fun throwing a dagger *. There are 3 opposing factions in the palace. That of the King, Prince Elfin and Prince Emvis.

-The king is basically supported by both factions. Those of Emvis and Elfinn. * Said Enrik *.

-So it's stupid to say that there are 3 factions. * Said Kaleb *. We're just gonna split between Elfinn and Emvis.

-Elfinn is the oldest but since his mother died the king took a new one. * Said Dagur *. And since tradition dictates that the first son is the king, there is friction on both sides.

-Your laws are not a little stupid? * Kaleb asked *. The eldest is the king and that's all why bother.

- Except that Emvis is the first son with another woman. * Explained Enrik *. See it as if the first Queen never existed Emvis would be king.

-Hey did you forgot me or what? * Emory asked *.

-Ah worry, we have understood your problem. But in real life you don't have any. I mean you're a kid, you threaten nobody. * Said Dagur *.

-Hey, I won't let you talk to me like that. * He got angry *.

- Watch your language, you barbarian.

* Dagur understood that he could use the Seal of Enslavement at any time and even unwittingly too he decided to calm down *.

-Sorry majesty I have exceeded my rights.

- Here is which is better. * tell Alvaces *.

* Kaleb got up and walked to the window and observed some points *.

-Even if you are a child you are a threat in the future. The nobles who failed to gain an interest in both sides will come to you which will create a 3rd faction within the palace. * Dagur explained *. It's not such a bad thing. I met that "Elfinn" gaze on the way home if Emvis kicks him out it would be okay.

- Except that my brother does not care about the throne, that did not prevent having supports. * Emory explained *.

-Raaaah this is all complicated even for me. * growl Enrik *. We're still kids, you know.

* Alvaces saw the sly smile he hid under his hand and realized that they were anything but kids *.

-Well we go to bed. Kaleb are you coming? * Dagur asked *.

-Yeah I'm coming.

* For lack of ready rooms they were placed in pairs with separate beds. Dagur with Kaleb, Sheehan with Enrik and Varken with Dagfinn. Little Adali had a separate room where she slept with Fryr. It was not very easy to convince her but Dagur had this power of persuasion which only him had the secret. Night fell and everyone was asleep. Dagur was in a deep sleep, but his sleep was a bit disturbed. This is where he felt some kind of caresses on his body or at least that's how he imagined it. When he woke up he saw someone above him and surprisingly close enough to smell his scent *.

-Hey ...

* He screamed so loudly that he walked away. It was Kaleb who had approached *.

-But ... But .... You scared me asshole. * He said *.

-Sorry I didn't mean to scare you.

-What do you want from me? And what are you doing on my bed?

-Said Dagur, have you ever had sex with someone? I smelled a particular smell while theirs was not yours.

-Ah that ... Yes I already ...

* He saw Kaleb staring at him with an intense gaze and his heart sank to the point that he recoiled slightly *.

-Uhh Kaleb ... are you okay?

-Do you want to ... teach me? To make love?

-Hey ... Heyyyyyy

* End of chapter *
