
Feminine Talk

[ Chapter 18 ]

In the magnificent and exclusive estate that worth almost one tenth billion dollar, where the sun shone bright upon the house and the blue lake behind reflecting its beautiful visual, inside the modern styled dining hall sat two ladies that have almost identical features and same exquisite posture.

A refined yet lovely aura seemed to exude from the young lady's every breath while the mature lady was emanating sophisticated and graceful demeanor.

Their visuals were very much alike and anyone would surely mistake them as a pair of sisters had they not known that the two appealing ladies were actually mother and daughter.

Aside from waist-length platinum brown hair and crescent forest emerald eyes which the young lady inherited from her father, there's no much difference from their features. The mature lady sure knew how to take care of herself well as she appeared to be youthful outside without lessening her mature charm that's gorgeously exquisite.

The young lady was taller by two inches and although her statuesque figure was well-developed, she had a long way to go to match the mature lady's womanly magnificent curves.

The two ate with etiquette as the only sound in the room were the soft clicking of utensils and their soft breathing.

Minutes passed since they began chewing their dishes. Throughout the first half of the lunch, they exchanged one sided conversation as the young lady responded to her mother's words flatly yet politely.

Aveline appeared to be calm and nonchalant outside, unbeknownst to Cassandra, her daughter is in an extreme bad mood inside.

Aveline just didn't know what to feel and she found it hard to believe what she had just seen. It wasn't necessary to ask what happened to her mother as the latter was giving off that, 'I had just gotten laid', vibes.

She had been suspicious about it last night when Jacqueline Han, her mother's PA, informed her the situation her mother was in. Honestly, she wasn't that worried about her mother's well being since she believed a renowned female figure as prominent as Cassandra Qin would surely take care of herself well.

Nonetheless, she couldn't stop herself from feeling off and uncomfortable when she couldn't reach her mother through the phone calls and messages, that just wasn't like her mother, only when she got the call from Jacqueline telling her that her mother was alright and dozed off in her suite had Aveline felt better.

Therefore, when she saw Cassandra had applied such a quite heavy make up, she's sure of it. Moreover as a grown woman herself, Aveline was quite an intuitive and perspicacious woman.

Aveline found it hard to believe. A woman as high and noble as Cassandra, could share such an intimate moment with a man she barely knew. How could she know? Because she knew there's no man close enough for her mother to lose herself previously.

Cassandra Qin should have not been that easy.

For Aveline, her was a perfect role model and she admired her mother most as a woman. Her mother was such a noble, accomplished and graceful woman. She's the high Aveline desired to surpass and she deeply respected her mother.

Their relationship was also pretty close and she loved her mother dearly. Since she's small, Aveline developed a strong sense of caring toward her mother since she witnessed her mother's fragile and weakest state in those days when her father was passing.

Aveline let out another sigh as she looked at her delicious dish, her hands gracefully knifing the salmon into the small pieces. She then took a peek at Cassandra's love bites which were perfectly hidden beneath the flawless make up.

She wondered what kind of man who managed to seduce such a refined woman. Aveline knew that Cassandra hadn't been with someone else since her father's passing despite a lot of striking gentlemen had pursued her.

Moreover, the fact that Cassandra had just shared a night with a man reminded her that no matter how high and noble her mother was, no matter how composed and strong she appeared to be, in the end of the day Cassandra was still a woman, a healthy woman with desire.

On the inside, Aveline felt really bad for her mother, such a gorgeous and fine woman was alone in her prime. She read it somewhere women's sexual peak was in their thirties, it must be unbearable for her mother.

Truth be told, Aveline wasn't against the idea of her mother finding another man and she had a couple of womanly talks with her mother regarding this issue, and each time Cassandra had just dismissed it off somehow.

Aveline admitted that she's childish for silent treating her mother over such an issue. As a daughter and as a woman herself, she should be more understanding.

Perhaps the reason why she's in such a bad mood was because she knew there's a man who had bedded her loving mother she so cherished. She couldn't tell it but it sure left a bitter taste in her mouth. Aveline laughed at herself for displaying such a childish behaviour.

They both were adult women. She should be more understanding and she had no right to privy over Cassandra's privacy withal.

Actually, as a woman herself, Aveline wasn't a virtuous and old fashioned woman who believed the deed of intercourse should belong only to those who are in a marriage or devoted relationship. Premarital relationship was personal right.

But Aveline was sure prideful and a woman of class. She wasn't keeping her chastity or what, she's only waiting for the right one as she would lose herself only to the man worthy of her.

Although she's a noble lady with grace, she wasn't innocent as she herself was used to handle her own sexual urges. Even in the circles of her peers among the elite society, people aren't that refined and she had a couple of wild party friends.

Aveline sure knew she herself was insanely desirable and had countless handsome boys and sexy men wooing her but none was attractive enough to make her heart sing the beats.

Because none of them was him.

Aveline resumed chewing her lunch as they ate in a complete silence yet harmonious atmosphere.

"Dear listen." She heard Cassandra sighing and began to speak, "I'm really sorry for not calling you last night."

Was the night that great? That you had even forgotten to let me know that you weren't coming home, Aveline mused.

"Is that so?"

Aveline responded, her hands stopped moving over the utensils. Looking back at her mother in the eye. She exhaled softly before finally gracing her beautiful face with a smile.

"Don't worry mom I understand," Aveline soothed out a sweet voice as her lips tugged into a somewhat knowing smile.

"We both are women," Aveline added, carrying a low teasing tone in her sweet voice.

Aveline had finished eating the dishes, she put down the knife and fork over the empty plate. She then downed the glass of water before proceeding to munch the lemon fluff.

Cassandra leaned her back over the chair and revealed a weird smile. Well, of course she's busted. She breathed a sigh of relief seeing that somehow her daughter seemed to have stopped giving her a silent treatment.

Cassandra then rested the utensils in continental style and cleaned her mouth with the small napkin. Taking up the small spoon, she began to eat the light lemon dessert.

"So how's the night?"

Aveline drawled out softly, sounding a bit teasing. She didn't mean to privy over Cassandra's private life but she sure loved to tease her mother. It's a rare moment to tease her mother over such a thing since Cassandra was such a refined woman.

Cassandra's breath caught in her throat as she heard Aveline's teasing. A soft flush threatening to creep over her cheeks. Aveline sure had a soft spot in her but still Cassandra found it's awkward and uncomfortable to talk about it with her own daughter.

Cassandra wanted to say something else but she knew there's no way she could lie to Aveline.

"You can't just ask such a thing to your mother," Cassandra replied, trying to put on an elegant mother demeanor, yet the soft flush in her gorgeous face betrayed her.

An amusing glint sparkling in Aveline's eyes, "Oh sweet, I couldn't believe you have such a girly side."

Cassandra rolled her eyes at Aveline and chewed her inner lip before sighing, "Honestly, I couldn't believe it myself."

"Why?" Aveline was interested in knowing. "You could talk to me mom only if you're comfortable with it. I'm a good listener."

Cassandra was silent for a few moments before letting out a soft sigh.

"I don't know why but last night I felt like I was losing myself." Cassandra couldn't believe she's really talking with her daughter over such a sensitive thing. Well, there's no harm confiding to her own daughter.

After what had happened Cassandra felt like she needed someone to talk with.

"You weren't drunk or being taken advantage of, you were mom?" Aveline asked in a complete serious tone. She couldn't accept it if someone had taken advantage of her mother.

"Seriously not," Cassandra immediately clarified. "Who do you think I am. I'm not such a woman."

Aveline nodded and breathed out a sigh of relief. She took a spoonful of lemon fluff before swallowing it full.

"He's quite a gentleman," Cassandra continued, sounding a bit dreamy when telling her daughter about the man.

"I wanted him and he wanted me so why not." Cassandra finished in one breath, not telling her daughter that the man she slept with was a young man almost half her age. She still found it hard to believe she had just told her daughter her private life.

Aveline found it's unbelievable that her mother was opening her private life. Moreover, from what she felt when Cassandra was talking about the man. The man seemed to be extremely attractive.

Aveline had a lot of things she wanted to ask about the man but she found it improper to ask more, but still in the end she couldn't help but ask,

"Is he worthy?"

Aveline was really dying to know about it. Is he worthy of you mom? Worthy for you to lost your chastity to him whom you barely know? Worthy of becoming your second man? Worthy of a woman as noble and extremely beautiful as you? He had to be worthy or else Aveline would feel really bad for Cassandra.

Cassandra sifted her eyes away from Aveline's intense gaze. She's silent for a couple of seconds. Is he really worthy of her? In the virtue of one time fling, yes. He's very worthy as physically speaking, he's her ideal and his bed performance was marvelously satisfying.

"Yes," Cassandra replied with an absolute yes.

Aveline nodded. She believed Cassandra had a high and great taste in man. So if Cassandra stated that he's worthy of her, the man was surely a fine and high-end gentleman. She's really curious about the man but she wasn't in the place to privy over Cassandra's private life.

Aveline finished off the dessert and wiped her luscious mouth clean with the small napkin.

"That's it young lady," Cassandra trailed off, ending their unusually womanly talks. "I couldn't believe I had just talked to you about my private life."

"Thank you dear you're such a good listener. I need it." She added, "But this shall end here and I don't want to talk about him anymore. Forget about what we had just talked."

"It's just one time thing," Cassandra finished and grasped the glass in her before drinking it empty.

"Sure mom." Aveline curved up a sweet smile, being a good daughter she always was, she didn't want to make her mother uncomfortable. She brushed off the thought about the man in the back of her head since she respected her mother's privacy.

The two gorgeous ladies exchanged small talks before they finally parted away. Cassandra went upstairs making her way towards her room.


Coincidentally, upon stepping inside her bedroom, she heard her phone rings from inside her limited edition purse.

Opening her purse, she took out her phone and found out the caller was Jessica Wen. She swept her thumb over the screen and turned on the speaker.

"I couldn't believe you really slept with him last night," chimed a rude statement from the other line as Cassandra threw herself into her lavish and high quality queen-sized bed and laid her back atop of its comfortable softness.

"I wasn't," Cassandra denied, sounding unconvincing.

"Humph, not a single soul gonna buy that as I know you dragged him inside your suite last night." Jessica was so rude, her voice sounded so jealous though.

"Someone seems to be so much in heat last night," Cassandra could picture Jessica's smirking face.

"You owe me a really juicy story this time." The other line resonated inside her spacious bedroom.

Cassandra massaged the space between her eyebrows as she thought about how to deal with this most pervert bestie of hers. Jessica hadn't changed even after becoming a housewife and mother.

"Anyway." The other line chimed, sounding troubled all of sudden, "That wasn't what I called you for."

"Then why did you call me?" Cassandra bit back.

"You wouldn't believe it." The other line was silent for a brief seconds before continuing, "He's all over the news this morning."

Cassandra's well maintained eyebrows furrowed, "Who?"

"HIM!" Jessica answered, "That freaking hottie you bedded last night."

"How?" Cassandra rose up sitting on the bed, she wished not to hear what the answer of her own question, this was why she hadn't done a background check on him the moment he left her.

"Because he's Julian Long!" Jessica replied in one breath.

"What?" Cassandra gasped.

Cassandra seemed hard to register what she had just heard, so it's true, her eyes dilated and her mouth hung open.

"Yes you heard it right sweety. He's that," the other line paused before saying the name Cassandra wished not to hear.

"Julian Long of Long Household."
