
Meeting up with Ava

With my hands motioning fast I opened the mail...

      'Ava here. Liam are you there? I have also sent you a mail before but I didn't get any reply so I was just worried. Liam are you okay? Please reply to me.'

This girl worries too much even about strangers. Well, I am not a total stranger to her but she is to me. We have lived in the same neighborhood hood since we were kids, but still, Ava and I are not even friends instead of being good friends.

Wait first I should text her a reply.

      'Hello, Ava. Thanks for worrying about me. I am still here I read your previous mail. I see you are asking me if I am coming or not. Well yes, I am going for the Halloween trick or treat and I will also be happy if you accompany me. So please mail me the time you want to meet at and also where. The place where to meet.

From Liam Smith.'

Okay, send it!

Sent. Hash! It is sent at last. Such a nerve-cracking thing to do. Texting a girl.
