
Rena.. Withdraw?

Rena... Withdraw?


Liam struggled out of his bed. With his hands slipping on the sheets with his leg making out of the bed on the floor. Liam put the slipper under his  feet and jumped up on the floor. Then he started to make it to his room's door. The door was burst open. 

He was not sure if Rena was awake till now or not? He never knew about the sleeping schedule Rena. But he only knew that this was the time, even if his sister was sleeping it doesn't matter. 

The door was in front of him, Liam brought his right hand up and turned it. Closed his fist and was just going to knock on the door with his knuckles... But before he even did that successfully... Liam heard a small cry which left him shocked. 

Liam brought his ears close to the door and tried to listen to what was going inside the room.
