
Hide But You Can't Hide


I walked into my office really pissed off I have been all over everywhere I think she can be, it looks like Caroline has decided to face off this planet.

I had calmed myself down that evening after her visit to my office and called the line she gave me when we first met in her office, but that line had since lost its connection.

So the next day I had decided to pay her a visit in her office, I was shock to hear she had resigned two month earlier and they have no idea where she now works can you imagine that.

The very annoying florist tried to hit on me, I had to angrily put her in her place, she must think I am that cheap or that I go for cheap things Caro is hundred percent more expensive than that thing, to worsening the matter she is so dump as had no idea as to the whereabouts of my queen.

I dropped my pride and decided to pay her a visit in the dump she called home, but again I was told she moved out.

At this point I was truly piss, I search her social media no update.

I then picked up her friends back in school got some of their number, Queen and Safarat precisely, but they claimed they had not seen her in years, but I was made to understand back then in school Safarat was her best friend. What pisses me off more was that even after school, while I monitored her progress she and Safarat had been inseparable, they must have stopped been friends, was that why she became poor what really happened. that really got me bother for days and I can't answer that question.

I followed a lead I had on her this morning but that too failed so I am back in my office in a very bad mood.

There is only one person I know who can help me fish her out, but that one person I have not spoken to since He walked out of my house the last time.

Silly me had called him back that evening drunk and our conversation had led to me disowning him as friends he only laughed in my face and that has angered me more, now I understand.

But what are friends for? Is it not to mess with each other and the get over it? I have run out of options so I picked up my phone and call Matt

"Hello who is on the line?"

"I am sure you should know; expect that one little fight made you delete my number"

"You called telling me to disappear from the face of this earth a little fight,"

"Man get over it, what is this? are you pussy?"

"Like you get over it with someone I know"

"Please don't go there again you know this is not that"

"So why are you calling me, if it is to celebrate your victory then count me out I am busy"

"I thought we have moved pass all that see Matt I need your help"

"What do you need my help with this time?"

"It is Caro ...." The line went dead he practically end the call,

I laughed and call back. He picked after the seventh ring,

"Yes who is this again" he drawls and I laugh again "I probably deserve that but I need to find her"

"Why so you can kill her, I don't get it, you got your revenge, what more do you need"

"Please don't hang up hear me out"


"Caro was in my office last week"

"Really why is that so?"

"I will get there if you let me. Ok She claimed she is pregnant which I confirmed to me truth then she just disappeared with my baby I have searched everywhere I know"

"She probably does not want you in both their lives. Just leave her alone"

"That probably will be the best thing to do but please put you in my shoes what will you do" the line went quiet for a while but I know he had not hang up because I had not heard the click that signify the end of the call, so I hung on waiting for his verdict, not that I can't pay someone else to do the job I am sure he knows that, but I need my friend back. I missed him so much it's hurts

"Ok I will look into it"

"Thanks man I owe you one

". I dropped the phone gently on my desk. with that done I feels a little lighter and the huge to drink something strong took over me. I stood up from my desk and walk to my fridge, I think I should still have a strong drink like vodka in there. normally I do not keep strong drink at work only wine but sometimes the occasion calls for something stronger so I have learnt to keep a bottle or two handy. I looked and right there at the back of bottles of wine stood the one bottle I so much want to dive into a smirk appeared on my face as I reached out for it

I picked up



I walked into my house drunk again. These days I do nothing than to drink and wait for Matt's call which never came it's been two weeks now.

No call from Caro or Matt and it is driving me crazy. I had contemplated on calling Matt. But he said he will call I know better than to bug him with calls.

I walked into my bar to continue with my drinking and saw a man on my seat, and before I could react, Matt turned to face me.

"Man what up" he greeted;

I tried balancing my step and just slump into the nearest couch.

"Don't tell me you are drunk I was at your office, you have not reported for over a week now, you want some gold digging bastard in your business"

"I don't fucking care" I said nonchalantly trying to sit up

"Then what will you have left to give to the one woman you slave for" he asked throwing his hand in the air

"I didn't slave for her" I said angrily, tried to get up but fell back in the couch and Matt laughed.

"I head you I have good news for you"

"Have you found them?" I asked my head getting clearer

"Yes, I found her not them yet, you got to wait some months more my guy" He said getting up.

"What ever"

"I got the info from the hospital she register for antenatal, have her home address" he said smiling

"Where is it?" I asked this time making it to my feet I walked to him

"Not this time, I will give you no address except I am coming with you, the last destruction, we are still trying to settle so I can't let you run there all by yourself"

"Fine by me, I have one question though"

"And what is that?"

"Can we go like right now?"

He smack "Ok if that the way you want it"

"Sure thing" to my surprise I had sober up. "Just wait for me let me look more presentable."

"About time" he waved me off smacking.

I ran off to my room washed my face brushed my teeth then changed into my ash coloured Brioni Vanquish ll Suit, a black Rolex watch and a very expensive black shoes

When I emerge, Matt just busted out laughing.

I looked at him confused, then suddenly he became serious

"You still believe money is the only thing that can impress this girl" I shook my head

"No I stopped believing that lately, can we just go now" I led him out of my house


We drove into a compound, Matt had briefed me on the way that Caro now stays with her friend and has her own company which deals with egg supplies I am so surprise a lot as change since the last time, and my plan of dazzling her with money, now has a dent in it.

He parked in the parking lot and I made to open the car door but Matt held my hand

"Please let me do most of the talking." He said and I nodded.

Matt stepped out of the car and I follow suit. He seems to know where he is going so all I do was to just follow.

He stopped at a door and knock some minutes later Lovett opened.

She looked a lot older and I bet we all do, except my queen who looks like she age very little. Seeing us she quickly tried to close the door but Matt was faster at holding the door open she gave up after a while and resigning stepped aside.

I was by Matt in an instant and we both entered

"What do you want Caro is not here" she said in a hostile voice. I noticed Lovett still holds the old gauges, but Matt is just smiling, not tensed around her. that's new.

"I know she is, my men confirmed her entrance 45 minutes ago" Matt said inviting himself to her couch and asking me to do so too with the gesture of his hands

"So what are you now some stalkers?" she asked "We will be anything you want us to be trust me" Matt said with the calmness of an ocean "Please leave her alone she does not want you" this time I replied

"I know she thinks she does not want me, but I know she needs me her body calls for me" I said with a small smack

"That is what you think but let me now shock you, all that died the day you left her broken hearted" She sneer at me. That angered me and I said my next words without thinking

"That's not the picture I get the last time she was in my office" I had both of their full attention now.

"What happened at your office?" she asked "That's for you to ask and for her to tell if she choose to" Matt gave me the, you-are-a-naughty-boy-look and I smack. Just then Caro came into the room

"Nat what are you doing here" she said frowning deeply I wish I could wipe that frown off her face drag her to me and fuck her brain out the window, but I know we have more pressing challenge to tackle and I promised to keep my hands to myself, because as it stands; sex alone can't solve this.

"Caro please we need to talk" she looked at me with disgust but I over look that, I need this woman back in my life.

"I have nothing to talk to you about."

"You are wrong there you have a lot to talk to me about"

That may seem so but I do not wish to ever talk to you again." She said with all seriousness

"I know but it is no longer all about you or me its about this" I tried to touch her tummy but she violently push my hands off.

Caro looked at her friend and my eyes followed her just to see Matt whispering in Lovett ears and her giggly.

I am surprised at how fast he did that, Caro was so stun; she looks as if she was going to faint, so I hurriedly held her and lead her to the couch and settled her in, I was so surprised she let me help her.

"Please Lovett let me take you out tonight, let's give this love bird a chance to find themselves again." Matt now said out loud for her hears.

"There is nothing to find out here and we are not love birds" Caro said angrily.

Both our surprise Lovett walked up to Caro perk her chick then whispered something in her ear, Caro eyes lighted up in wide surprise and shouted traitor.

Lovett laughed picked up her purse on the dinning set and left with Matt. They said their good byes and don't wait up for me and left.

I enjoyed writing this chapter hope you enjoy it more

I need you comments keep them coming

remember I love you all

and I need your love

Shade_Kehindecreators' thoughts