
The Pay Back


I emptied myself into her and watched as her body slummed almost lifelessly into my hands, l placed her careful on her bed. I am so sure she will be all soar tomorrow, my parting gift for her; although i am not so sure of what I wanted anymore, even as I watched her almost lifeless body on the bed I desired her more only I knew neither her body nor mine can take anymore fucking this wee hours of the morning, I really can't wait for the sunlight to come.

I would have loved to leave now but I can't, I have to finish this properly. I readjusted her body on her bed so she won't have neck pain later today.

Gently and crawl out of her low bed, I looked round the room once again, she is really not doing well at all, I was so disappointed when I walked into this shack she call house, I hoped I masked my expression well, that I know I had learn to do as soon as I took over from dad; to do well in business, one needs to keep the face unreadable.

I look around once again, something must have terrible gone wrong from the time she got engaged and I had to tear my full attentions away from her, making sure I limited my monitoring to only social media. Now I see she hid this down fall from the eyes of the world, she didn't give this out at all. l could almost clap for her only that I am curious to know what happened between the last time I saw her at the party I threw and now

I could still remember my flimsy attempt to claim her year's ago. There was this picture of her on Facebook that gave me sleepless nights, for days and I felt I couldn't wait again, I just had to take what I want and end the monitoring.

So I called my event planning department and ask them to organise a party but the host must not be known to the guest, they could invite anyone they wanted but Caro must be in the attendance list. I have them her details

Three days later I was in my office when the head of my event management team knocked and on my call walked bin

"To what do I own this visit? success I guess." I sad with smiles playing on my lips

"I am sorry to say no sir it is not a success yet sir" she said studying her fingers

"Why so" I asked trying not to bark

"I have tried everything to get Caro to accept the invitation but no success. Miss Caro said she is not not available for any random party." She said looking at me this time

Then call the party off" i said

"Sir we have ordered most of the things needed sir" she said pleadingly

"Then cancel the order please. no Caro no party please at least not the one I want to attend" I said with finality

"Some of them can't be cancelled sir" she tried to argue

"What is the argument all about?" Matt said as he strolled into my office. I stood up immediately and hugged him.

"My man when did you flew in." I asked him hitting his shoulders too glad to see him because I had missed him so much. He had been in the state for the past eight months working on a case. l must say it was very boring back here without him around.

"Just this morning my man, I told myself to give you a surprised visit, men I missed you

Men, good I missed you man." I walked him to a chair and offered him one. He sat his attention never leaves me.

My team head bless me but I do not know her name cleared her throat

"I could come back later sir" she said readjusting her skirt

"No you stay I am family." Matt said smiling "sorry dear I didn't cash your name"

"Laura sir." She replied Matt's question and I made a mental note of her name but trust me the instant she walks out of that door her name walks out too. I turned to Matt.

"I want to throw a party and she can't get Caro to attend." Matt crack up, I knew he was going to laugh, he always did, as long as Caro's name is in the sentence.

"She won't come." He raised his hands to silent me. "But if you can get Safarat and queen to attend, then you have her they will drag her down definitely. Throw the party in my house, let me be the host" he finished

"Excellent Idea, Matt thanks. I turned to her "miss..."

"Laura' she replied

"Laura please get their details from my friend" I said smiling

"I am ready when you are ready sir my office is downstairs" she said turning to leave

"I will come with you now" Matt stood up "Nat i will be back shortly" he said

"Please take your time." I said winking at him.

Nine days later

I sat at an exclusive side of Matt dinning table. The whole parlour has been made over into an exclusive part all with the dinning room as the VIP section. I looked through my phone looking for anything that could hold my attention and stop me from working myself out trying to figure if she come or reason she won't come. At this point I had ran out of point on each sides of the argument. I looked up from my phone to see Matt walked towards me. I looked at him ready to receive the worst

Loosen up man, my men has just confirmed that the girls just left Safarat apartment a few minutes ago I believe they heading towards this direction, and I do believe so because they confirmed that the girls are totally dresses for a party.

"Thanks man" I said as he handed me a glass of pure blackhood rum; which I took from him and drank in one glumps, as I put my glass on the table my eyes caught a movement by the door and I saw her walked in. My heart missed several beats. Matt must have followed my eyes because he patted my shoulder and left me by myself.

I had decided from the unset to give her one hour into the party then l will send over one of Matt men . I have chosen the best looking one the idea was to present the handsome looking guy as a very rich guy. I guess all I was doing was just to prove a point of mine, and I know you know what point or points

To my surprise two hours later, I saw her slap the man I sent to her and walked to her friends. Before I could do anything to stop her, she walked out of the door. And there goes my nine days of planning and spending. I promised myself my next step will be one on one

There goes the one on one I got her but the very cheap version. Funny enough I didn't want to know who she got engaged to and why, so really I wish to maintain my ignorance.

Enough of my whining, I picked up a tissues paper she left lying on the DVD and clean myself up then walked back to her and clean her up, turning her over; she didn't as much as moved muscle. God she really does pass out for good; I left her to sleep, then lower myself into her bed. How she manage to sleep in this; beats my imagination, I could bet this is as good as sleeping on the ground, the layers is so thin, and as hard as the ground. No wonder she is looking for some rich guy to steal from, but all this does not add up, the last I checked she had some rich dude In her, she was about to get married. And skin does not lie, rolling out of her bed; I reached out for my trouser and brought out my phone, then opened the facebook app and scrolled to her name on my friends list, checking her profile.

All her pictures where from a year ago, nothing recent. She just keeps reposting the pictures to make it look recent. How I had missed that tiny details I cannot tell so this is how bad it is, I could just have threw her some few cash and had her in my office and get this over with, instead of going all the way to take her out and treat this trash like a queen.

I looked at her and to my surprise my heart skipped a beat, something I cannot explain lunched out and all I wanted to do was to protect her as she sleeps looking so vulnerable. I cursed under my breath and look away, telling myself over and over again that she is a slot who want to sell herself to the highest bidder; she does not need my protection. If she got herself hurt in the process none of my business. I really would have love to finish this now, but I can't she is so fast asleep and I really want to see her face when I wash off this makeup and remove all this extension.

With that in mind I stood up got dressed; open and closed her door gently and walked to my car, I opened the boot and brought out the box I placed everything I need to take the makeup and extensions down, enter into the car and got busy with my face. When I was done I check the rear mirror to see if the job is well done, satisfied I close my eyes; I will rather take a nap in my car where there is A/C than on her bed right now.

I woke up to a car horning, I quickly look around; it was day light then I remember Caroline. I hope and pray she is not awake yet, so I quickly get out of my car and hurried to her door, it was not lock I noticed; the way lift it last night I opened and entered as I release the air I was holding. She was still sleeping peacefully so I took off my cloth again and gently slip into her bed and fold myself into her soft body, she subconsciously wrap her leg round me and my junior responded immediately.

"No man we have had our fun now you need to man up" I said aloud, she began to move in my hand and opened her eyes then close and open several times.

"Do you still remember me?" I said rolling out of her embrace. She was speechless good just how I pictured it; I got up and started to getting dressed.

"I don't date popper like you, who do not have anything going for them. You are poor and you surround yourself with poor people family and friends all the same. I don't think you can ever be rich so you can't have me or my virginal ever" I said mimicking her voice as I finished zipping up my pant trousers and slipping into my shoes.

"It's you" she said looking at me like she has seen a ghost

"Yes it is, who else did you think it will be, some stupid men who will fall into your gold digging hand? Sorry to fall your hands it is me, with that said I think my work here is done" as I talked tears ran down her eyes and my heart breaks, as much as I want to punish her; I do not like the way this makes me feel so I quickly pick up my phone from her bed and walked to the door.

"Phillip" she called I turn back to answer

"Yes the name is Nathaniel Phillip in what way can I help you" she looked straight into my eyes and I know if I do not leave her now I will do something stupid.

"Pleas..."I did not let her finish as I walked out her door, slamming it behind me; I heard her cry but kelp moving to my car and drove off like the devil himself is after me.

Thanks so much for reading This

At this point I really will need your comment

Do you think Nat is too hard on her

Do you think he is justified to be anger with her

If you are in Caro shoes how will you react will you just quit dating or go on dating

Remember the arranged date on Saturday with her friend Lovett do you think she should go please let me have you comments
