

It all felt like a dream…

"No, my brother, save him, save Genesis." Giovanni breathlessly demanded as he was on the verge of passing out. Kamari looked towards Genesis, who remained motionless before she looked back at Giovanni, whimpering. She didn't know what to do, both her mates were injured and she didn't know how to save them both.

She nuzzled her head against Giovanni, begging him to tell her what to do, but he grew weaker and weaker, hardly having the strength to push her big head away.

"Please… save him, I'll be fine, I promise Mari," he said as tears welled up in Kamari's eyes before she rushed to Genesis's side. Reaching his side, Kamari immediately began whimpering at the injuries that her mate was currently suffering from.

Oh my god, I-I- Dammit!

Kamari cursed while staring at the deep claw marks across Genesis's chest, right above his heart. He was bleeding severely and she quickly searched his body for more injuries. On the side of his right thigh had a huge purple and black bruise and his skin looked slightly sunk in. His head rested on its side revealing his neck which also had a purplish bruise.

Kamari's heart scattered as she nuzzled against him before licking his wound in hopes of waking him, but all those attempts went in vain as he remained temporarily lifeless.

I need to do something, I-I-ROSALIE!

Kamari did everything to try and wake Rosalie up and when she was about to give up hope, a soft groan echoed in her head, "God, what happened?" Rosalie mumbled as the sound of her hoarse voice made Kamari happy.

"Rosalie! You're finally awake! You need to help the twins!" Kamari quickly exclaimed in hopes of Rosalie understanding what she said, but Rosalie thought that this was all a dream.

"Kamari? OH MY GOD! THIS IS REAL!" Rosalie screamed as she began panicking, unable to hear what Kamari was desperately trying to tell her, so she knew that she needed to shift for Rosalie to listen to her.

Kamari whimpers, feeling as her body begins changing, "Wait! What are you doing?" Rosalie asked, feeling the sudden change, "The twins are injured, Rosalie, you have to help them," Kamari said and before they knew it, Rosalie sat naked on the forest floor looking around in confusion.

"Rosalie, quickly, gets to Genesis, he's wounded badly," Kamari said as Rosalie frowns, "Where is-OH MY GOD!" Upon seeing Genesis, Rosalie immediately rushed to his side, touching his face and shaking his body, "Kamari, what happened, is he dead?" Rosalie desperately asked as she cried while holding onto Genesis, "Listen to me, Rosalie, he's not dead, but he was attacked by an Alpha, his wounds will take much longer to help, but you must get help," Kamari said as Rosalie began to cry more, "I can't, there's no one here, and I don't know where I am," she cried in panic before looking around, "Kamari, where's Gio, I can't-

"Oh my god," she muttered, spotting a figure only a few distances away from her and without a minute to spare, she gently placed Genesis's head on the ground before running to the figure that turned out to be Giovani.

More tears streamed down Rosalie's face as she held his head before scanning his body. He wasn't as bad as Genesis, only his leg was bitten and he had a few bruises on his abdomen. "Please tell me what to do, Kamari, I'm scared," Rosalie cried while looking back and forth between the two brothers.

"Bring them together, Rosalie, it'll be easier to keep an eye on the both of them," Kamari said as Rosalie quickly stood up before walking around Giovanni to stand in front of his head. Gently she hooked her arms under his underarms before pulling him up as his weight caused her to groan in strain, "A little help please, Mari," Rosalie struggled before Kamari gave her some extra strength, which she then used to drag Giovanni to his brother's side.

Once they were together, Rosalie sat at their legs looking at them with tears in her eyes, "What now?" She asked as Kamari sighed, "I don't know," she replied, causing Rosalie's blood to boil in anger.


I desperately wanted it to be a dream. One of those dreams that I paint to forget because god knows how much I wanted to forget this nightmare.

My eyes slowly opened when I realized that I was in my room, I sighed in relief knowing, believing that it had to be a dream. That all this was just an illusion created in my mind. I lay there for a second, thinking about it, thinking about the emotions that I felt, the pain. It felt too real to be an illusion in my mind, but I was too stubborn to believe it, too scared.

A sigh left my lips as I prepared to move to get up from my bed, I was starving. But as I moved to lift my upper body, I gasped at the sudden heavy pain in my chest, along with the ache in my back, legs, arms, and head. My entire body shivered in pain causing my eyes to well up with tears.

"Try to relax, Rosalie, your body is slowly recovering after shifting for the first time," Kamari said as a sob suddenly ripped from my throat, "No, no, no, that was supposed to be a dream, the twins, they're supposed to be alright," I cried as my door suddenly opened, revealing Melody, who looked beyond worried, "Rosalie, what's wrong?" She asked, rushing to my side.

"Please, please tell me that it's all a dream, the twins, please Mel, this can't be real," I cried as she pulled me into her arms, cradling my head against her chest, "Shh, the twins, they're fine, you're fine," she said, rocking us back and forth before exhaustion took over my body.

Melody sighed as she placed Rosalie back to lie down. Seeing Rosalie in this state shattered Melody's heart. This wasn't how she imagined Rosalie to know or find out about her bloodline. She imagined Rosalie to be excited and happy to know and be aware that she could transform into a magnificent creature. But Rosalie looked and sounded terrified and this is not what they had wanted for her.

Wiping away the tears that streamed down her face, Melody leaned down to kiss Rosalie on the forehead before leaving her room.

Downstairs, Benjamin was attending to the twins with the assistance of Paul and his sister Cleo.

Trapped in the forest with no guidance to help them get home, Rosalie eventually passed out from screaming and using up her energy, and just as she collapsed on the floor, two wolves emerged from behind the trees. One was slightly smaller than the other as they walked toward the bodies. Leaning down as they sniffed them, the smaller wolf immediately began whimpering as she recognized Rosalie and the twins.

Looking towards her brother, who nodded, the younger wolf gently but strugglingly placed Rosalie on her back, while her brother did the same with the twins. Once they were secured, the two wolves looked up to the moon before howling as they then ran off.

Benjamin and Melody were both worried and couldn't contain their fear as they began thinking of the worst scenarios possible. Both couples remained outside in hopes of seeing Rosalie and the twins coming home in one piece.

Time continued passing and there was still no sign of Rosalie and the twins, which fueled the concern that burned within Benjamin and Melody, and what made things even worse was the fact that now and then, a howl would ripple through the forest taunting Benjamin as he sat facing the forest with his eyes closed.

Melody stood behind Benjamin with her arms wrapped around her body. She was on the verge of tears, she was terrified at the thought of the twins and Rosalie somewhere in that forest dead. She had lost many loved ones that she couldn't bear to lose anymore, so she prayed and hoped.

The rustling of bushes caught the couple's attention as they quickly looked in the direction that it was coming from. And as they waited and waited, soon the two wolves emerged from inside the woods with Rosalie and the twins on their backs.

Melody gasped as she watched the two wolves carry the other half of her family on their backs. Tears streamed down her face as she watched how limply they lay and the injuries they sustained.

Benjamin watched his grandchildren with a cold expression on his face. He was furious, furious at himself because he felt like he failed. The wolves stopped in front of the couple, laying down as Rosalie and the twins' bodies rolled gently on the floor. Benjamin immediately recognized the wolves and he was grateful that they had brought his kids home.

The moment that their bodies touched the ground, Melody immediately rushed to them while the two wolves phased, quickly putting on their clothes that were tied to their legs.

"Thank you, Paul, Cleo" Benjamin said as the young girl, recognized to be Cleo and her brother nodded with a smile on their face, "My grandfather may hate you, Ben, but we don't, and we don't stand with Marcus's acts of injustice," he said as Benjamin nodded before Melody's voice caught their attention.

"Ben, we need to get Genesis inside, he's been injured the most," she said as Paul immediately went to her side before taking Genesis inside, "Go tend to Genesis, Mel, he needs you the most right now," Benjamin said as Melody nodded before kissing Rosalie on the forehead before rushing into the house.

Benjamin watched as Cleo sat beside Giovanni, whose breathing was slow and weak, "Did you see what happened, Cleo?" He asked as she nodded, "She fought him, Ben, Rosalie fought Marcus and injured him severely," she replied as Benjamin sighed, "This is what I was afraid of, war," he said as Cleo quickly looked at him, "I don't think there will be one," she said as Benjamin furrowed his eyebrows, "What do you mean?" He asked as Cleo turned to look at Rosalie.

"Marcus's pack tried to attack her, but Mateo wouldn't allow it, he almost looked happy that she did attack his father."

Benjamin didn't understand what Cleo meant by her words but he felt suspicious of Mateo's intention especially when they involved his granddaughter.

Genesis was injured the most, his injuries all proved that he was ambushed and attacked not only by Marcus but the rest of the pack. Paul and Cleo saved his life, if they had arrived any later than the time they had reached, he would've died.

Melody had entered the living room just as Benjamin finished bandaging Genesis's wound and as he turned to face her, he frowned, "How is she?" He asked, causing a cry to rip from Melody's lips, "It's awful, Benjamin, this has traumatized her," she said before walking into his arms, sitting in his lap with her face hidden in his neck.

"Everything will be alright, sweetheart, she'll come around soon," he reassured, causing her to pull away, fully to face him, "Will she? Because her cries were filled with hatred and terror," she said as her words caused Paul to step forward, "Mel, I don't think Rosalie hates the fact that she's a wolf, I think the situation that led to her shifting just scared her, not to mention seeing the twins in the horrifying made her think about her parents, Benjamin's right, she'll come around," he said as Benjamin smiled in appreciation, while Melody cuddled against Benjamin.

"Thank you, for saving them, the both of you," Melody said as both Cleo and Paul smiled, "You're welcome, Mel-oh look he's waking up," Cleo said before spotting as Giovanni began to move while mumbling something.

Everyone moved to Giovanni's side, "Gio, honey?" Melody gently whispered, while caressing his hair.

"Ros-, Rose- ROSALIE!!!!"
