

Rosalie lay in bed staring at the painted wolf with a blank expression on her face while holding the covers close to her body. Today was a humid day, but Rosalie felt cold as her skin grew pale. After the events of yesterday, Rosalie was left in a state of haze. She had woken up at the crack of dawn and since then, she hadn't been able to look away from the wolf that she painted on her wall. She felt like she was going crazy, none of this made sense to her, and it was obvious to her that this doesn't happen to a normal person.

She wanted to talk about it, but she was scared. Scared of being called crazy knowing the cruel people there were in Queensland, they already thought her parents were crazy and horrible, so imagine how they would look at her situation. She didn't want to tell her grandparents, in her mind, she thought that they were probably tired of all the drama that came with her.

Rosalie continuously felt drained of her physical and mental energy. She felt trapped and miserable like something was holding her back. But all those feelings seemed to have faded away once she hears that voice in her head.

What took place yesterday had to be the scariest thing that had ever happened to me, I almost died if it wasn't for-

I didn't even want to think about it, it was all just in my head. I was going crazy, a girl from Arizona, whose parents died is hallucinating about talking voices and glowing eyes. I was all in my head and it was destroying my mental state. A tear rolled down my eye as I thought about my parents.

"I wish you were here to tell me that everything is going to be okay because I need you," I mumbled, closing my eyes as more tears flowed out of my eyes. A creak on the floor suddenly interrupted my breakdown session. Looking up, I made eye contact with Giovanni, who froze after being caught. One of his legs still hung outside while the other touched the ground.

I couldn't help but take in his appearance, he was dressed in black and grey shorts with a skin-tight black t-shirt, black shoes a backpack on for shoulders, a freshly cut beard, and his resting on top of his head. He looked scrumptious and smelt amazing. His clearing throat snapped me out of my trance as I smirked at him, "Is this your first time being caught breaking into someone's house?" I asked earning a chuckle as he fully entered my room, "I promise that it is," he replied causing my eyebrows to raise, "Should I be concerned or should I call the police?" I asked as he smirked before taking off his backpack, "How are you going to get your tattoo when I'm in jail," he said my face instantly lit up.

"Are you serious?" I asked, sitting up in excitement, "Yes, but after you eat something, Mel told me that you didn't eat, and you have to Rose," he said as I sighed in annoyance, "But I don't have an appetite," I said as he sighed before moving to sit beside me, "I understand, but maybe just a little, it'll do you good," he said looking in my eyes as I gave in and nodded, "Fine, but you're eating with me," I said earning a dirty smirk, "Or-

"You're such a pig," I said before getting off the bed and walking to my door as Giovanni's low whistle followed behind me, "You look beautiful," he commented as I looked over my shoulder, shyly biting my lip, "Shut up," I mumbled, opening my door and leaving.

Sighing shakingly as I closed the door behind me. The feeling of my cold body immediately left as I began to sweat in the presence of Giovanni. He made me feel hot and bothered as I walked down the stairs with a hand on my forehead, giggling to myself. As I walked down the stairs, I looked down at my body, to realize that I'd been in his presence in baby blue yoga tights and a fitted pink crop top. My face burned in embarrassment as I cursed under my breath.

I entered the kitchen expecting to see Melody and my grandfather, but there was no one, no one was home. I checked the kitchen to see if Melody had left anything she prepared for me to eat, and just like she always did, there was a container filled with food and a note on top of the lid.

Rosalie, I'm guessing Giovanni made you eat, so I prepared this before I left. Your grandfather and I went on a walk, we'll be back soon. Love Mel.

I smiled at Melody's efforts, ever since I came to stay here, she's been nothing but loving and caring. My dad was right, she was the best mother and now grandmother.

I took my food and jogged back up to my room, and as I entered, my face began to burn in embarrassment, "This is beautiful," Giovanni said as he looked at the painting I forgot was in my room, "Thanks," I said walking awkwardly towards my bed, "What was the inspiration behind it?" He asked as I sat Indian style on my bed opening the container filled with delicious mac n cheese.

"Well, you already know that wolves are my favorite animals, and I was loving my new haircut, so I put the two together and it turned out to be a masterpiece," I explained looking at my food as I ate avoiding his stares that burned into me, "It's erotic, I didn't know you were so dirty, I like it," he said as I stopped chewing, looking up to meet his eyes, I swallowed, "Art is not dirty, it comes in all shapes and forms, nude and clothed," I said in-matter of fact-way, holding another spoon up to my mouth.

"So if I asked you to paint me naked, you would, right?" He asked, reaching down to take the spoon in between his lips, leaving me speechless before I chuckled, "I paint things that inspire me," I said as he clenched his jaw, "Take off my clothes and let the inspiration start," he said in a teasing tone causing my cheeks to turn crimson red while I played with my food.

"I've lost my appetite, aren't you suppose to give me a tattoo," I asked, looking up at him as he smiled teasingly, "I'm just playing, Rose," he said, winking as I giggled before handing over the bowl, "Here, take it, I lost my appetite," I said as he took the bowl before wolfing it down.

"Woah there tiger," I giggled as he set the bowl aside, "Where do you want this tattoo?" He asked as I bite my lip, "On my back," I replied as he raised his eyebrows, "Okay, and what have you decided on getting?" He asked, causing a smile to appear on my lips, "I was thinking of getting a blossom branch with the word rebirth in Chinese on my side," I explained causing his eyebrows to raise once again.

"That's a lot for your first tattoo," he said as I smiled, "It might be my last," I said as he shrugged, "Alright, you wanna get ready while I go print your design downstairs?" He asked as I nodded before turning my back towards him and removing my top. I was bare underneath as I felt his body heat get closer and closer until his cold hands touched my waist, "That tattoo is going to look sexy on you," he whispered against my hair before leaning down to plant a kiss on my shoulder, close to my neck.

The feeling that I felt at our hidden spot came back and was slowly growing and growing becoming irresistible at the scent of Giovanni. I felt like a ticking bomb ready to explode causing me to take a step forward, "Maybe you should get the prints done," I said breathlessly causing Giovanni to step away, "You're right, I'll be right back," he said before walking away.

I sighed in relief before passing my hands through my hair, "Snap out of it, Rosalie," I mumbled before laying down on the bed as my nipples rubbed against the sheet causing me to whimper at how sensitive they were.

"What's happening to me," I mumbled, slamming my face into the pillows before my door was pushed open, "Alright, I got the prints, these are good, right?" He asked, showing me the prints I nodded before laying my head on the pillow, inhaling deeply before exhaling, "Hey, try to relax okay, I promise it doesn't hurt, just a bit of discomfort," he said as I nodded, watching as he prepared.

"When did you get your first tattoo?" I asked, tensing up as he pressed the prints against my back and side, "I was eighteen," he replied, "Did you do it yourself?" I asked, staring ahead of me, "No, I didn't wanna fuck it up," he responded as I hummed, "What was it, your first tattoo?" I asked as my breath hitched at the sound of the tattoo gun turning on.

"Try not to move too much, okay?" He said as I nodded before hissing as the needle touched my skin, "My first tattoo was a mist of my mother, the mist was from the hot air of a wolf howling, I got it on my right arm," he said as I bit my lip at the imaginable sight, "That a lot for your first tattoo?" I repeated his saying as he chuckle, "I was going through a lot at that time and I wanted to honor my mother," he said as I hissed, "I'm sorry," he apologized as I sighed, "It's alright," I said before closing my eyes, feeling as he caressed my butt.

"You're doing so good," he praised earning a shiver and causing him to stop before continuing, "Do you tattoo anybody but yourself?" I asked as he hummed, "I've tattooed tattoos for Genesis, but no one else," he replied as I smiled, "Then I'm pretty lucky, huh?" I asked in a teasing tone as he squeezed my butt in response.

My mind began going in and out of an arousing haze as my body uncontrollably shivered at the feeling of his hands on my body, "Rose," Giovanni warned as he stopped, "I-I'm sorry," I stuttered as I clenched the pillow beneath my head, "Is this suppose to feel like this?" I asked, looking over my shoulder as he frowned, "Like what?" He asked, concentrating as his voice dropped by a few octaves, causing a gasp to escape from my lips.

"Eroctic, pleasurable, so good," I whispered as I felt his eyes on me, "Maybe we should stop," he said as I quickly shook my head, "What if what happened yesterday happens now, I'm scared," I said as he moved away from me, causing me to whimper in distress, "What do you mean?" He asked as tears welled up in my eyes, "This feeling, it will just get worse and worse and I'm scared, you have to do something, Gio," I pleaded as he sighed before grabbing my arm, "Sit up," he ordered as I quickly sat up.

Giovanni draws in a sharp breath as Rosalie sat half-naked in front of him. Tears ran down her face as her swollen rosy pink lips trembled. He could smell the heat radiating off of her body in waves causing him to feel dizzy as he stood up causing her to look up at him, and as he stared into her eyes, he wrapped his veiny hand around her neck, firm enough to gain a moan before he caressed her bottom lip with his other thumb, "I want to try something, but you have to trust me, do you?" He asked as Rosalie bit her lip.

"I do."
