


That's how my lungs felt as my legs exhaustedly carried me through the black hole known as the forest. Something was chasing me, something strong and fast. I could tell it was big, by the stomping of its heavy feet, or was it feet, I couldn't tell, but all I knew is that if I stopped, I would die. So I kept going, I kept running even though my body was on the verge of collapsing, I just kept going.

"You can't escape from your destiny, Rosalie," said the monstrous voice as they laughed with nothing but pure evilness laced with their tone. I was scared to death, the last thing I remembered was going to sleep and now, here I am running for my life.

My destiny?

What the hell does that mean? I wondered but at this point, it didn't matter because I'd been running in circles for hours, and I could feel this creature getting closer and closer. My body felt sore from all the painful running and falling as the clothes on my body were torn and covered in dirt. My body was covered in a thin layer of cold sweat, bruises, and dirt. My hair lay wild and frizzy on my head housing many broken branches and snatched leaves.

Losing hope began to perspire off me as tears gathered and tumbled down my pale cheeks. Sobs of mercy rumbled against my throat as my pace began to slow down. Hammering against my chest as its laugh shook my core, my blood went cold at its merciless response.

"You can't run away from your fate, Rosalie," it said as it got closer and closer until I tripped.

The sounds of my body colliding with anything within its path filled the silence of the forest along with my moans and cries. As I continued to stumble around, I was suddenly smacked against a jagged rock that cut into my side, "Ah!" I cried, collapsing to the ground. It was hard to breathe, it hurt to talk, and it sting when I cried.

My body was in an excruciating amount of pain as it shook. Black and Blue bruises stained my skin as blood trickled down my face, flowed out my nose, and frothed up in my mouth.

I wanted nothing more than to die, I couldn't take the suffering as the creature approached me, "Poor little Rosalie, this sight is rather pleasing and familiar," it said as its sudden red eyes appeared within thin air causing hers to widen in horror, "What- What are you?" She stuttered as the beast hummed, "You look just like your pathetic father when I had him laid beneath me in nothing but defeat as he begged for my mercy," he said in a mocking tone as I clenched my jaw.

"What are you?!" She demanded as the beast roared, "I'M YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE, YOU WEAK PATHETIC PIECE OF FILTH!"

"What do you want from me?" I pleaded as the beast laughed darkly, "I want you dead just like the people that have ever loved and cared for you," it said while looking over its shoulder as I followed its gaze. It was a horrid sight, truly gruesome. Bodies upon bodies were everywhere as blood scattered and pooled all around it. I felt sick to my stomach as I watched in horror. My heart shattered into a thousand pieces as those lifeless bodies that were torn apart and piled consisted of her family, her grandfather, Melody, Giovanni, Genesis, and a few other people I couldn't recognize.

Tears trickled down my face as the beast sighed, "Such a pity, isn't it?" it asked as I grew numb, "Why the sad face, little one?" The beast asked as I shook my head and cried, "Please- Please make it stop," I begged as the beast grew in size while looking down at me, "Your wish is my command," it said before launching at me as it roared...


Buckets of sweat covered Rosalie's body as she shot up from her terrifying slumber. It was morning, way too early in the morning. The day dawned crisp and clear as the sun poured through her window. Breathing heavily, Rosalie looked around her bedroom before looking down at herself to see the sheets and bed messy from all the tossing around.

Remembering bits and pieces of the dream, Rosalie reached up and touched her neck as she closed her eyes.

It was just a dream...

Her mind was all over the place and her heart pounded against her chest. Passing her hands all over her face, she sighed. It was an odd and terrifying dream and she couldn't make sense of it, but seeing the dead bodies of the people that just recently entered her life, sent shivers down her spine.

Sighing deeply, she rubbed her tired eyes as she drowned in the moment of the morning. It was filled with silence as the ray of light shined through the closed transparent curtain creating a dusty bright effect. The room was still filled with her dad's old things as she smiled before looking at her things that were still packed in her suitcases.

It was her first day in Queensland and she had no idea what to do to fill her day. She still wasn't familiar with anyone besides her grandfather and in his position, she didn't want to bother her, and although she was polite, Rosalie still felt a bit hesitant around Melody to comfortably ask her to show her around. The twins were out of the question, she didn't know them and didn't want to get attached, so she decided to go with the flow and just see what the day has in store for her. But there was something about those twins, something that she couldn't put her finger on especially when she glances into their eyes.

Mystery? Secrets? Desire? Pain? Love? Lust? She couldn't tell, but there was something about them that lit her curiosity on fire.

Shaking out of her thoughts, Rosalie toss the covers off her legs to find the bottom of her pajama pants ripped and covered in dirt causing her to frown. The sheets beneath her lower body were brown, smudged with dried mud, "What the hell?" She whispered while touching the dirty sheets before swinging her legs off the bed with a frown still plastered on her face.

Standing up was probably the worst thing that Rosalie has ever done in her life as her back loudly popped followed by her hip causing an agonizing gasp to escape from her chapped lips. Falling on her side, tears welled up in Rosalie's eyes as she gripped the sheets beneath, "God, what's happening to me?" She whimpered slowly turning on her stomach as a sharp pain shot up her ankle and into her kneecaps. Silent sobs erupted out of Rosalie as her body shook.

She was never good with pain, so when this unexpected pain evaded her body, she grew afraid, freezing in her current position until she see fit to attempt to move. The pain eventually subside and Rosalie's cries halted. She was still terrified of the expected jolt of pain, so as she took a deep breath, she swiftly slid off the bed landing on her knees. Her eyes were screwed shut waiting for the pain to shake her body, but nothing came.

There was no pain, no pops, nothing. It was as if she had imagined everything, which caused her to whimper in confusion, "What's happening to me?" She silently cried as she stood up and walked towards the bathroom.

Entering the bathroom, Rosalie stumbled to the sink and leaned against it face down. Breathing heavily, she twisted the handle of the sink watching as the water gushed out before sticking her hands under it as it pooled in her palm. Her breath hitched as the water turned the color of her hands, brown. Panicky, she dropped the water in her hands stepping away from the sink as tears streamed down her face.

Looking up at the mirror, Rosalie grew extremely pale as her heart dropped to her stomach.

No, this isn't real...

She internally said to herself, but the person looking back at her was very real. There she stood with dirt covering her skin as red marks like scratches covered her arms and parts of her face. Her bottom lip was bruised and underneath her left eye was dark purple as well as the right side of her jaw. Her hair was frizzy as it housed many broken branches and leaves. Cupping her mouth in horror as she stepped back colliding with the toilet as she immediately sat down, Rosalie cried.

Her mind couldn't comprehend what was happening.

Am I going crazy?

She thought as she continued to cry. It was hard to breathe, she needed to get out of there, it was beginning to become too much, so as she stood up and glanced into the mirror, her sniffles halted and her arms dropped to her side.

"Maybe I am going crazy," she muttered while staring at her reflection which appeared normal. There were no bruises or branches and leaves in her hair, no dirt on her skin, and her clothes were just how it was when she went to bed.

At this point, Rosalie was tired of these traumatic illusions and just wanted to get out before she loses her sanity. So, she continued with her routine. She got rid of her clothes and stepped into the shower before turning on the showerhead. This is what she needed, the peaceful and cold sensation of the water pouring onto her head, soaking her hair, and caressing her body.

Her eyes were closed as she took deep breaths trying to calm her heart and slip into that peaceful state. All of a sudden, a foul stench filled Rosalie's nose as she began to cough. Opening her eyes in confusion, a stunning scream escaped from her lips as she stumbled back holding onto the tiled wall to steady herself. Feeling sick to her stomach, Rosalie watched as discolored water filled up the shower.

Leaves and branches floated in the water as it turned black, and as if things couldn't get any worst, heads and body parts all of a sudden started floating up causing Rosalie to gag and grow lightheaded, which made things even worse as the heads of the body turned over revealing the members of her family.

No! This is not real! I'm dreaming! Wake up, Rosalie!

She tried telling herself as they all stared at her, "This is your destiny, Rosalie," her grandfather said as she shook her head, "No, sh-shut up," she said as they all began to speak at once, becoming louder and louder.

Save us, Rosalie!

We need you, Rosalie!

Don't let us die, Rosalie!





Jerking forward, Rosalie's eyes snapped open as she looked around her room, "Rosalie!" Her grandfather called from outside her door, causing Rosalie to leave her bed as she walked towards and opened her door, "Yes, Grandpapa?" She asked as the old man raised an eyebrow at her, "Someone had a good sleep," he said as Rosalie dramatically rolled her eyes.

"I wish I could say that's me, but I feel terrible," she said as Benjamin frowned, "Nightmare?" He asked as Rosalie nodded before wiping her face, "How about you join Mel and me for breakfast, maybe that'll lift your spirit," he said as Rosalie sighed, "I was hoping to get a run in, to kind of start my day," she said feeling a bit shaken up after that traumatic dream that was still fresh in her mind.

"Sure, that's no problem, maybe I can ask the twins to accompany you," he suggested causing Rosalie's eyes to slightly furrow, "The twins?" She asked as her grandfather nodded, "Yes. they should be here any moment now," he said as Rosalie huffed, "And why are they coming over here?" She asked with her arms crossed earning a sigh from Benjamin.

"I know you don't like the twins very much, Rosemary, but I trust those boys with my life and there's no one in the world that I would trust to ensure that you're safe and comfortable other than them," he said as Rosalie sighed, "You guys may have gotten off on the foot, but give them a chance," he said as Rosalie nodded in defeat, "You're right, I'll try to get along with them, but Giovanni has some issues, grandpa," she said as Benjamin chuckled before grabbing her hand.

"Thank you, Rosemary, and if gives you any problems just let me know and I'll personally kick his ass," he said causing Rosalie to raise an eyebrow while Benjamin began laughing at his joke causing Rosalie to giggle, "You're so silly, papa," she said as Benjamin smiled softly, "And you're beautiful, just like your mother, just like your father, you've brought back his spirit in this house, I haven't felt him in a long time, and it feels good to have a part of his presence," he said with glistering eyes as Rosalie flashed a weary smile.

"I don't feel him at all, even when I have their ashes here with me," she said as Benjamin smiled, "Maybe it's not your time to feel him, but you're his daughter, he'll always be there with you whether you feel his presence or not," he said as Rosalie gaze at him before looking down at her feet.

"Thank you, grandpa," she said as he smiled, "Your welcome, Rosemary, now hurry up, I think I just heard the twins pull up," he said as Rosalie furrowed her eyebrows, "Wh-

But before she could question him, he wheeled away leaving her very confused, "Weird," she muttered before going back into her room.

Rosalie's routine was quite fast as she was terrified to be left alone in her bedroom. Exiting her room in a skin-tight legging, a sports bra, and a jacket that reached under her ass along with her black and white running shoes. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail and her face was makeup free.

Jogging downstairs, Rosalie stopped in the passageway that led to the kitchen as she peeked in to see the loving sight of Melody serving Benjamin. Clearing her throat caught their attention as they smiled at her, "Oh, good morning, Rosalie, are you joining us for breakfast?" Melody asked as Rosalie smiled, "I usually start my morning with a ran, so, unfortunately, I can't," Rosalie said as Melody nodded in understanding, "It's alright, sweetheart, I understand, and I assume you'll be running with the twins?" She asked glancing over Rosalie's shoulder, causing her to turn around to find the twins, that smirked at her in amusement.

"There's a chance I might regret this, but it's grandpa's fault," she said as Rosalie snickered while Benjamin scoffed and the twins rolled their eyes, "Do you always complain, Rosie?" Genesis asked as Rosalie glared at him, "It's a special trait of mine, it's what makes me sexy, you don't like it?" She pouted as Giovanni smirked, "Wouldn't you like to know," he said as Rosalie glanced at him before scoffing as walked through them and right out the door.

Both brothers chuckled as they glanced at one another before looking towards Melody and Benjamin, who shook their heads, "Try not to get on her nerves boys, and also be careful, you know those mutts would be on patrol," Benjamin said as the twins nodded with harden look on their face, "Don't worry, Ben, we'll be back before you know it," Giovanni said as Benjamin nodded before they left.

As they exited the house, both brothers stopped in their tracks in the interest of watching Rosalie stretch. Unaware of the two mouthwatering males, Rosalie unaffectedly bent over and touched her toes as she deeply breathes in and out, "At least she's comfortable in her body, I like my sex unpredictable," Giovanni said as Genesis smirked, "I don't remember an arch being that straight, Rosie, need some help, ponytails are my favorite," he said as Giovanni snickered earning a scoff as Rosalie stood up.

"Are you done being pigs?" She asked as they both raised an eyebrow, "We're just teasing, Rosalie, lighten up," Genesis said as Rosalie shook her head. "Well, I'm not in the mood for your teasing, I just wanted to get out and clear my head," she desperately pleaded, which caused the twins' eyes to soften, and their cocky and teasing behavior filtered away.

"We're sorry, but if it makes you feel better then we know a place that can put your mind at ease," Giovanni said as Rosalie crossed her arms with a raised eyebrow, "And why should I trust you?" She asked as Genesis stepped forward, "Because Ben does, and besides, this was our parents' favorite place," he said as Rosalie perked up.

"Parents?" She asked as the twins grinned, "Come on, we'll show you," Giovanni said as they jogged off leaving Rosalie to follow behind them.

Everything seemed to appear in slow motion as they jogged through the forest. It was still early in the morning as the sunrise peeked through the green leaves as the bird awaken. This is what she needed, what she loved, and cared for most of all. Nature, she was pure, natural, and didn't expect anything of and from her.

The sound of Rosalie's calming heartbeat caused the twins to feel a sense of relief as they jogged ahead of her, "Do you enjoy it, nature?" Genesis asked as Rosalie hummed, "I adore her, I'm inspired by her, indeed I love her, and she doesn't expect anything from me," she replied as Giovanni looked over her shoulder.

"What do you mean by that?" He asked as Rosalie shrugged, "Mother nature isn't as needy and demanding as humans, all she wants is love and care, but we're cruel and advantageous, we cut down her trees, kill her animals, and burn her land," she said as the twins listened attentively to what she was saying as her words struck them.

"This is why I appreciate places like this, and the people surrounding it, the people that love and appreciate her," she said as the twins smiled, "Didn't take you for a poet, Rose," Giovanni said as Rosalie chuckled dryly, "There's a lot of things you don't know about me," she said as Giovanny turned to face her as he jogged backward, "And is that an invitation to getting to know you?" He asked as Rosalie scoffed, "In your dreams, and are we there yet?" She asked as Giovanni playfully glared at her before turning back around as Genesis snickered earning a glare from his brother, "Yeah, just straight ahead," he said as they continued to jog ahead.

"Didn't you say something about our parents?" She asked as they nodded, "Our fathers were best friends and their group used to hang out there, it was their spot," Genesis said as Rosalie smiled, "And where's your father, I'd love to meet him," she said as Giovanni scoffed, "He's dead, he was murdered," he said as Rosalie's smile falls, "I-I'm so sor-

"We're here," Giovanni said cutting her off as they stopped in front of a bunch of bushes and veins, "Where?" She asked as Genesis stretched his head, "It's been a couple of years since we last came here, the paths been blocked off," he said as Giovanni pushed through the bushes disappearing before Genesis soon followed.

Rosalie hesitated a bit before a hand stuck out and a voice followed, "Take my hand, we're safe over here, Rose," Giovanni said as Rosalie sighed before grabbing his hand as he pulled her through.

As she got through, there was a sort of track that the twins were already walking down as she quickly followed behind, and as she reached the end of the trail, she gasp in admiration and amazement. Never in her life had she seen anything like this. It was beautiful, a rocky forest field with a streaming river and waterfall. Rosalie was lost for words with a huge smile on her face.

Giovanni stood beside Rosalie as he chuckled before pinching her chin, "Stop smiling like that, idiot, you're scaring me," he said before walking away as Rosalie scoffed, following behind them down closer to the water that had a rock bridge leading them across the water, where the waterfall was.

"This is incredible," she said as they crossed the river, "Yeah, it's pretty amazing," Genesis said as they took a seat on the big rocks near the river bank, "I'm jealous, you get to see and be here every day," she said as they shrugged, "This place is special and all, but there isn't much meaning to it when the people that gave it meaning in the first place and memories isn't here to do so," Giovanni said as Rosalie hummed, "What was it like, what were they like?" She asked as Genesis stared down at his leg that lay on the rock while the other folded in with his arm resting on top of it.

"Our fathers were the ones that found this place," he said as Rosalie pulled her knees up to her chest, "Your father actually had gotten into an argument with Ben and took off into the forest to cool off, and since him and my dad were inseparable, he was right there by his side," he said as Rosalie smiled at her father's past with his friends.

"Around that time, our father was already in a relationship with our mother who had a friend that was later introduced to your father," he said as Rosalie smiled, "My mother?" She asked as Genesis nodded, "They were instantly in love, and it completed the group, a lot of people were envious of our parents, but they didn't care," Genesis said as Giovanni snickered lightly, "Mom and dad got married and then she got pregnant with us," he said before sighing heavily.

"Everything was going so good until our mother died giving birth to us, and after her death, everything began falling apart, our father slipped into a depressing state and because of that, we were often neglected," Giovanni said as Rosalie furrowed her eyebrows, "Your father tried to be there for him, but he had a grieving girlfriend, who happened to be pregnant as well, too much was going on at this point for them, it was very overwhelming," Giovanni said as Rosalie's eyes glossed over.

"Queensland was a depressing place for your mother, until one day, they left, the day they left broke our father's heart, but he had to move on for sake of taking care of us, but that didn't last long because then he was murdered, and we were left in the care of your grandparents, who loved our father as if he was theirs," Genesis said as Rosalie sniffled, "I'm sorry, but did my parents ever knew?" She asked as they shrugged, "We're not sure, but what makes Arizona different?" Giovanni asked as Rosalie shrugged before fiddling with her bracelet.

"Well for starters, Arizona is hot, but other than that, I don't really know," she said as Giovanni scoffed, "What do you mean, you don't know, didn't you born there?" He asked in disbelief causing Rosalie to giggle, "I am from Arizona, but for as long as I could remember, I never really felt a sense of belonging in Arizona, and the only reason why I tolerated it, is because I had my parents, anywhere they were with me, it felt like home," she said before drifting off with a sigh before shaking her head with a sad smile on her face.

"But now that they're gone, I feel like I don't belong anywhere," she said as Giovanni tilted his head, "And what about here, the place where your parents were born and grew up, how does it feel being here?" He asked as Rosalie thought back on her dream before letting out a shaky breath.

"Like an outsider, I feel as if something doesn't want me here."
