
Fifth World: Sect Leader's Harem

The novelty of the Qie sect eventually wore off replaced by something more irritating and that is a horde of Qie Ranzhe's harem members. Tall, short, pretty, beautiful, you name it, they were all there. They were all doting on the sect leader eager to serve him making Wen Qinxi's heart twist excruciatingly.

It was "Sect leader, here are some seedless grapes please try them. I peeled the skin off myself" or "Sect leader why try grapes when you can have some wine. I especially brewed it for you", "Sect leader this sect leader that."

Wen Qinxi's head almost exploded with rage watching such a scene. He wanted to walk over there and drag each of those women by their hair and kick them out of the sect followed by their luggage. He was jealous, not inhumane so he wouldn't throw them out penniless.
