
Fourth World: Angry Papa Bear

The sun shone with pride in the clear blue sky with its rays reflecting on the surface of the lush green leaves and fragrant flowers. Such a lovely day was bound to be great with a lot of things to explore. At least Wen Qinxi seemed to think so as he stared at the sleeping Qie Xieling with his half-lidded eyes.

The cuteness overload was too much for him that he couldn't resist extending his fingers tucking away the stray strands of hair brushing against Qie Xieling's forehead behind the kid's ears. A sweet smile appeared on his handsome face when Qie Xieling's eyelids slowly opened. The kid dazedly stared at Su Xin as he turned to lay on his back before stretching like a kitten that had been relaxing in the sun for too long. "What?... Is there something on my face?" asked Qie Xieling wiping his mouth in case there was drool but there was none.
