
Third World: The Punishment For Gossiping

In a spacious office three people where seated waiting for the culprit. The receptionist was accusing Qie Xieling of stealing hotel cards and flushing them down the toilet causing the system to clog with water flooding the entire bathroom. The water went as far as seeping from under the door soaking the carpet in the corridor right outside the toilet. They had hosted plenty of children before but this was the first time the manager had such a situation.

He couldn't help but stare at Feng Zi with scornful eyes his expression literally calling him a horrible parent. Thinking back, he recalled that Feng Zi was the man who came dressed as a woman and couldn't help by scoff loudly. It only made sense that the child was disrespectful and unruly as he was being raised by such a immoral person. Like he said before men like this shouldn't raise children.
